
From Conservapedia
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"Systemic racism?" Look at the Democrat Party! And it continues to this day. [2]

Jordan Peterson is alive and well. [3] God bless Jordan Peterson. The world needs you back.

Compilation of 50 studies of hydroxychloroquine shows its immense benefits as a prophylaxis and in early treatment for COVID-19, but NeverTrumpers continue to block access to it. [4]

Why the police are important to any community, especially today. [5]

Commie libs want to destroy Mount Rushmore. [6]

Communists suspend Trump campaign account; wave of leftist totalitarian bigotry sweeps social media. [7] Stefan Molyneux nuked from Youtube. Stefan Molyneux statement: "It's an attempt to silence the center and push America to the extremes." [8]

Gen. Flynn's defense lawyer Sidney Powell silenced on Twitter. [9] More Deep State/Big Tech collusion and coverup of their crimes against America.

Bill Gates is using COVID-19 to push his program for depopulation, that he has had in the works for decades. [10]

Liberal hypocrisy: stare decisis is not used to prevent judicial activism by the Supreme Court decisions, but it is used as the swing vote to perpetuate abortion.

Andy Ngo testifies to Congress about Democrat terrorism. [11]
Democrats and communists caused $400 million in damages in the first weekend of rioting. [12]
Black Lives Matter organizer charged in extortion plot. [13]

Mainland Chinese Progressive communist police rape Hong Kong girls. [14]
Chinese Communists working with Democrat insurrectionists to interfere in the 2020 Presidential election. [15]
Minneapolis Politburo officially abolishes police, [16] councilmembers hire private goons @ $4500 per day. [17]
Defund the Police will create a Marxist totalitarian style law enforcement system.

Leftwing Marxist Baluch Liberation Army attack Pakistani Stock Exchange, several dead. [18]

Facebook value drops $56 Billion as advertisers flee. [19]
Starbucks pauses its inflammatory and racist advertising programs. [20]

Convicted terrorist sits on Board of charity handling Black Lives Matter fundraising. [21] BLM terrorists arrested in D.C. monument caper.

Setback for neocons: their icon, Woodrow Wilson, is officially declared to have been a racist and is dropped down the memory hole. [22] Is purging Wilson's progressive legislation, the Income tax and Federal Reserve Board next? [23]

BLM protester kills journalist in Louisville. [24] The suspect had been arrested twice already on rioting charges. [25] BLM rioters threaten St. Louis couple. [26]

Christians: We're smart enough. Beautiful enough, and doggone it, God loves us![27]

President Trump offers assistance to Illinois governor and Chicago mayor to stop mass killing of Blacks in Democrat Chicago. [28]

Read the full text of President Trump's Executive Order to combat the Marxist Revolution. [29]
After endorsing Biden, [30] Seattle Democrats leave CHAZ to attack West Police Precinct. [31]

The NeverTrumpers' denial of hydroxychloroquine to Americans is disastrous: Coronavirus and HCQ by country.png

Face masks do not prevent the spread of coronavirus, and Anthony Fauci knows it. That mask is as much a symbol of submission as the Muslim total face covering for women. [32]

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors appears to violate IRS laws on CNN.

“Our goal is to get Trump out.” IRS laws prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations from engaging in campaign activity. [33] BLM rioter loses testicle. [34]

Antifa nazis attack Jack Posobiec. [35] White racists want to tear down Lincoln statue to commemorate Juneteenth.

Kentucky: the Mayor of Bowling Green orders United States flags taken down and put away for "safekeeping." He now is facing a popular uprising. [36]

Strzok’s newly discovered FBI notes deliver jolt to ‘Obamagate’ evidence. [37]

Joe Biden is the descendent of slave owners. [38] And he used his white privilege to parlay it into a career of corruption.

Black man shot by Progressives in CHAZ claims shooting was racially motivated. [39]

Portland Progressives attack police precinct station. [40]

Racist Democrats in Oregon exempt Blacks from mask law; Democrats don't care about the health of Black people if they get coronavirus. Only white people are required to wear a mask before robbing a convenience store. [41]

It's official: Democrats name riots in "George Kirby's" honor. [42]

Michigan man charged in Macy's assault. [43]

Breaking: Facebook fires head of HR when Project Veritas exposed its racist personnel policies. [44] No indication yet Facebook will institute reforms.

Nike reports $790 million loss. [45] Is Krapernick really worth the money they're paying him?

Minnesota: Antifa & Muslim Groups plan to ‘Police Minneapolis under Muslim rule’. [46]

More Leftist revisionism: Rhode Island drops the second half of its official name, “State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.” [47]

CHOP killers and thugs endorse Biden, Democrats. [48]

Racist Democrats block Senate Justice Act police reform bill.

Democrats use racist attacks on Sen. Tim Scott to block bill. [49][50]

Setback for NeverTrumpers: Michael Flynn wins in D.C. Circuit, which orders the district court to dismiss his prosecution. [51] Will the Dem-majority court go en banc to reverse?

This is the beginning of the full unravelling of the Obama legacy. Prosecution of Gen. Flynn was the "insurance policy" to hide Obama administration wrongdoing and political spying going back to 2012.

Oh-oh: Biden himself suggested using the bogus Logan Act to try to frame Flynn, according to Strzok's handwritten notes. [52]

Mob burns down suspected sex trafficing house. [53] "Due process? That's white man talk. Ever since #BLM came to town we have #RealJustice." [54]

Black Seattle shooting victim of racist white lawlessness in CHAZ and business owners sue City of Seattle for failing to protect them. [55] Black man tears down CHAZ racist border wall. [56] When will the hostages of CHAZ be freed?

Democrats beat up progressive gay Democrat state senator for trying to video record their destruction of an abolitionist's statue. He tried to tell them, "I'm on your side." [57]

Black Lives Matter is a Soros funded Color Revolution. [58]

Democrat race war across America continues. [59]

Fourth shooting in three days in Democrats' Summer of Love. [60]

Jimmy Kimmel: It's Trump's fault I'm a bigot. [61][62]

Conservative Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) wins in a spectacular landslide, 88-12%, despite how the liberal media and even Trump excoriated him for opposing the voice-vote, trillion-dollar bailouts by the House. [63]

Ocasio-Cortez primary win ratifies violent Marxist takeover of Democrat Establishment. [64]

The Democrats, not Republicans and not whites as a race, have the real record of racism in America. All one need do is look at the results of their policies, from welfare to education (such as it is) to abortion. [65]

D.C. Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton and MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell attacked by LGBT protestor in Black House Autonomus Zone. [66] Norton's first response was, "Where's the police?" [67]

A surprising 9-point lead for political newcomer Laura Loomer in Florida's 21st district. She is trying to unseat radical Dem Rep. Lois Frankel without any support from the National Republican Congressional Committee. [68]

Zogby Poll: 60% of likely voters think Biden is in the early stages of dementia. [69]

Project Veritas: Facebook targeting of Conservatives exposed. [70]

Gen. Michael Flynn finally receives Peter Strzok's hand written notes. [71] You guessed it, nothing but exculpatory.

First statues, then people. [72]

WalkAway ~ Dear Black People [73]

White Black Lives Matter attorney shoots innocent driver in the head. [74]

Too bad Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima weren’t “unarmed blacks killed by police”. If they were, they might have been able to keep their jobs. [75]

Kevin Jackson: Democrats will never admit their Obama mistake. [76]

Breaking: Riots in Lafayette Park across from White House spark up again. [77]
White Democrats attempt to create Black House Autonomous Zone (BHAZ). [78]
D.C. police charge 16 year old with 4 murders. [79]
Mob actions confirm unrest has little to do with racial justice and more of an all out assault on America, its heritage, and all that it represents. [80]

New Jersey Republicans receive mail-in ballots with only Democrat names. [81]

NPR busted pushing fake news, again.

The "attacker" was actaully a Black victim of Democrat mob violence. [82]

Defund the Police: See it Live in Atlanta Now. [83]

Bolton: I'm not voting for Biden. [84] More Biden-Ukraine tapes released; destroying witnesses, organized crime planning, detained witness alleges he was poisoned, etc. [85]

Venezuelan woman begs Americans to wake up: This is how it starts. [86]

Remember the "Century of the Common Man," as Henry Wallace described it? It was an impossible dream, and very likely hypocritical, too. [87]

The Jonestowning of America. [88]

An African-American Federal Protective Service officer was killed at the Ronald V. Dellums Building during the Antifa riots. A building named after Ron Dellums is burdened with its own weight of historical complicity in leftist atrocities. Dellums wrote “Let me commend your pastor, Jim Jones, for the dedication he is showing to his community and surrounding areas."

Classical music is racist. [89]

Communist China launches cyber attack on government of Australia. [90]
Indian soldiers authorized to use firearms on Chinese border, abrogating a 1996 agreement. [91]

Black Lives Don't Matter in CHAZ: Black man shot. White mob prevents EMTs from rendering aid. [92] Democratic Socialists enforce segregation. [93]

Dems agree to tear down a statute of ... Teddy Roosevelt, on the theory that he was imperialistic. [94] Is Mount Rushmore permissible now?

Denied access to hydroxychloroquine to protect against COVID-19, attendance is disappointing at the Trump rally in contrast with what his staff predicted. [95] A necessary wake-up call to stop letting NeverTrumpers withhold the prophylactic HCQ from Americans?

More lawlessness and mass shooting in Democrat-controlled Minneapolis. [96]

Black Lives Matter? 60 people shot and 9 dead including a 3 year old in mostly black-on-black violence in Democrat-run Chicago over Father's Day weekend; liberals, Democrats, MSM mostly silent. [97] Silence is consent.

8,000 hostages and taxpaying citizens remained trapped in the communist utopia of CHAZ; Democrat governor and mayor unwilling to protect the lives and property of the people who elected them. [98]

Defund elite universities. [99] Ayers, Dorhn, Angela Davis, and Kathy Boudin, all admitted or convicted terrorists, serve on faculty staffs today. They are progenitors of the Maoist Black Liberation Movement which gave birth to Black Lives Matter.

Political predators threaten America with extinction. [100]

Bolton book reveals Trump refused to go war against Iran; Deep State, Democrats, and MSM still angered by putting the American people first and lack of senseless bloodshed.

US Attorney for the Southern District of New York sacked. As a #Resistance member in the Lawfare group orbit, speculation arises that John Durham is closing in on SDNY's role in the Deep State coup.

Ocasio-Cortez faces primary challenger on Tuesday; sane Democrats who still believe in two-party democracy need to get out and vote! Ocasio-Cortez thanks supporters for electoral dirty tricks. [101] Besides riots and phony voter registration, this is the true meaning of community organizing. [102] Ocasio-Cortez's stunt backfires and proves there are not a million white supremacists supporting Trump other than provocative Democrat disinformation trolls.

Black Youtubers sue Google for discrimination; could end liberal censorship. [103]

Murder in socialist utopia. 2 people shot, one killed. Police prevented by violent mob from investigating.

Atlanta: 1 cop showed up to work in one precinct last night. Paul Howard, the 28 year incumbent Democrat prosecutor, finished second in a primary nine days before the police involved shooting, was forced into a runoff election, and charged the cop with felony murder. Howard is still under investigation for taking bribes.

Senseless Democrat rioters tear down statue of Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy and freed the slaves.

Greatest Conservative Sports Star Herschel Walker offers to send protesters to countries that have no police. [104] The liberal NFL never inducted Walker into its Hall of Fame despite how he is the greatest athlete to play in its league, and its 12th most yardage gainer.

The real background behind the Antifa civil disorder: political predators have had this plan in the works since Jimmy Carter, or earlier. [105]

Antifa terrorists topple George Washington statue in Portland, Oregon overnight. [106]

Should Washington D.C. and Washington state also change its name?

Communists want Emancipation Memorial in D.C. taken down. [107]

Democrats whitewash more of their own history: Pelosi orders portraits of four Democrat House Speakers removed. [108]

Liberal censorship: "Facebook bans Trump campaign ads that denounce Antifa violence." [109] Congress targets Palo Alto mafia aiding CCP propaganda war. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube permitting 2020 CCP election interference. [110] Youtube censors oppressed victim's regrets over a transgendered life. [111]

Tulsa mayor alerted to Antifa terrorists crossing state lines to incite riot at Trump rally. [112] Racist Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar withdraws from VPstakes. [113]

New Poll shows Americans deeply unhappy, which is what happens when you lock them up and call them racist. [114]

Tracy Beanz Exclusive: Chapter from “Spygate-Exposed” by Svetlana Lokhova. [115]

A sharp reminder from this week's Torah passage: democracy was never the Divine ideal. [116]

Black Lives Matter protesters defaced the statue of Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation. [117] Do aborted Black Lives Matter? [118]

June 1: While Leftists were murdering police, this heroic cop risked his own life to save a complete stranger. [119]

Nancy Pelosi wants to whitewash the Democratic Party's history of segregation and slavery. [120]

Bill Gates hasn't laid off his mass vaccine campaign. Now his wife is getting into the act. [121]

DDOS attack on White House press briefing livestream. [122]

20 Indian soldiers killed by Antifa-Chinese Branch. [123] India reports 43 dead in retaliation. [124] China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey all move toward war. [125]

Armed Chechens at war with North African drug gangs in French city of Dijon. [126]

Builders or destroyers: which are you? The 2020 Presidential Election will tell the tale. [127]

Black preacher scorches white female communist in CHAZ. "There never was a big party switch." [128] CHAZ occupier suggests rounding up white people into work brigades. [129] CHAZ agitators deny MSNBC "street festival" narrative. [130]

Leftwing racists attempts to murder Hispanic in Albuquerque. [131][132]

CNN insiders: CNN wants only "good negroes" as "the right kind of guest." [133]

Democrat brainwashed punk assaults 92 year old woman in Manhattan. [134]

Floyd family disavows Communist/DNC Defund Police movement. [135]

Race baiting and Jew baiting seem to go together. An analysis of current Black Lives Matter rhetoric and the earliest rhetoric of the Nation of Islam from the 1960s reveals some striking similarities, to say the least. [136]
Black Lives Matter rally devolves into anti-Semitism. [137]

Democratic Socialist Republic of Korea blows up Korean Joint Liaison Office. [138]

3 Indian soldiers killed in border clash with Communist China. [139][140]

Xi Jinping told the Chinese people two weeks ago to prepare for war. [141]

Nationwide DDOS attack may have originated in China. [142]

NBC News lobbied Google to ban The Federalist and Zerohedge. [143] Other names for this are wrongthink, crony capitalism, corporatism or collusion. [144]

Alleged "right wing militia" guarding statue of Mexican colonizer [145] [146] shoot Antifa terrorist.

Conservapedia proven right, again: as predicted here on Dec. 9, 2016 (more than three years ago, and prior to his nomination), Neil Gorsuch invents a new right to sue employers by transgenders and homosexuals. [147]

On one hand, the United States should return to the ideal of a police officer as a peace officer. But that does not excuse calls to disband the police! [148]

Gay rights activists hijack Marxist hijacking of Black Lives Matter. [149]

Black Lives Matter fuhrers blast Biden for considering Val Demings as VP. [150]

Communist protesters tear down statue of Thomas Jefferson, author of "all men are created equal." [151] In Philadelphia, armed patriots protect statues from godless communist rioters. [152]

Hell freezes over: Twitter blocks Chinese Communist bots trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential election pushing communist anti-Trump narratives and disinformation about the CCP global pandemic. [153]

Communists determined to destroy America after Atlanta shooting. [154]

Seattle Maoists attack street preacher. [155]

Democratic Socialists of America active participants in Leftwing insurrection and hostage taking in Seattle. [156]

CHAZ warlord homophobic tweets surface. [157]

Tulsi Gabbard drops lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, is awarded the Soviet/Communist US Peace Prize and welcomed back into the commie fold.

DNC shysters engaged FusionGPS for Deep State coup. [158]

77 Communist Chinese operatives and microbiologists removed from NIH. [159]

Taiwan offers refugee assistance to Hong Kong victims of socialist oppression. [160]

Hollywood establishes racial quotas for Oscars. [161]

Citizens held hostage in the Antifa No Go Zone.

Antifa fascists demand segregation. [162] Oppressed hostages speak out. [163] CNN: Not wanting to be raped and robbed is white privilege. [164] 1619 Project author says destroying property is not violence. [165] Social justice warriors deface statues of real social justice warriors. [166] 77% of truck drivers will not deliver to far left cities with defunded police departments. [167] Antifa bigots deport Mexican. [168] Looters loot each other in Zone. SWAT Team that covered Parkland Shooting quits. Anti-Zionist occupation of Seattle continues.

Minneapolis' Marxist city council passes illegal resolution to defund the cops. [169]

Biden-Ukraine Update: Arrest made in obstruction of justice case of individual trying to make $6 million quid pro quo to end Hunter Biden Burisma investigation. [170]

Antifa terrorist organization planned nationwide insurrection since last November;

“Their Marxist ideology seeks not only to influence elections in the short term, but to destroy the use of elections as the determining factor in political legitimacy.” [171]

Rapes, robberies, assaults, vandalism, and extortion up 300% since peaceful protest takeover. [172]

Washington Post paid $4.6 million to publish Chinese Communist propaganda. [173] Now things are beginning to make sense.

Oops, Starbucks flips, gives in to anarchists and terrorism.

Belated news: Tim Tebow fires back at people misrepresenting 'Tebowing' photo as national anthem protest.[174] Update: Tim Tebow does not riot or engage in looting either. He is a quintessential American who should have been hired as a NFL quarterback!

Project Veritas: ANTIFA Hand-to-Hand Combat: Part II - Inside "The Base" NYC. [175]

Covington Kids case: Does Elizabeth Warren have a license to libel? [176]

BLM donations do not go to Blacks; they go to the Biden campaign. [177] Another DNC money laundering scheme. [178]

So-called police "reform" bill would strengthen the Deep State.

On May 1, 2020, Brazil began implementing Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol, and he explains their results: “One week ago the Brazilians published a study revealing a 95% reduction in deaths after this drug cocktail was introduced for use in their government hospitals.”[179] See also: Vladimir Zelenko's coronavirus treatment
Conservapedia proven right - again and again and again! See: Conservapedia proven right

A call to America not to take the knee to anyone, regardless of message. [180]
White privilege: Tim Tebow was the first to take a knee in the NFL and was kicked out.

RefuseFa rioters use ANTIFA-like tactics, organizer claims they get money from Soros and met with Tom Steyer. [181]

De Blowhard says China Plague spike not related to his riots.

Biden threatens military coup if Democrats stuff ballot box, [182] wants more First Amendment censorship. [183] Did Biden Center take foreign cash? [184]

Jay-3 (2).jpg

Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee claimed to know nothing about citizens and taxpayers extorted for protection money inside Seattle's Marxist Occupation Zone.

Seattle Antifa No-Go Zone Warlord accused of violence, beatings. [185] 3 of 9 city councilmembers ready to bow to terrorist demands.

Democrat bigots wear the garb of slave traders.

Racist Democrat protesters deface monument to African American Union soldiers. [186] Like the Taliban and ISIS, leftwing communists are destroying heritage sites. [187]

Racist scum: Starbucks bans employees from wearing Black Lives Matter clothing or insignia. [188]

Poll finds 72% voters, including most Black voters, have favorable view of local police department. [189]

Richard Grenell: Deep State will never 'willingly' accept a People's President. [190]

State Canvassing Board approves language to remove fascist governor.
New Jim Crow crime bill author who spent 4 decades in Congress and 8 years as VP ‘ready to get to work on day 1’ to tackle America’s racial issues. [191]

EU accuses China of running massive coronavirus disinformation campaigns, demands Big Tech take down commie agitprop. [192]

Insurrection update: Seattle police surrender East Precinct to armed far leftists, 7 block radius declared "Autonomous Zone"; [193] Inside the Marxist Occupation Zone: Suddenly Democrats like borders and walls. Marxist rioters getting hungry [194] extort residents for protection.
LAPD reports murder up 250% since Democrats Defund the Police. [195]

White boy charged in Antifa terrorism and arson case. [196]

Chicago: Most murders in a 24 hour period on record, perfect time to abolish the police. Walmart leaving Chicago? [197] Great job, communist leftists for improving your communities.
Project Veritas: Part 3 of #ExposeAntifa: “We believe in a complete abolition of the system itself, including police” [198] Fort Worth: All rioting charges dropped. [199] San Francisco: Wealthy people fleeing the city in droves as Democrats move to abolish police.

Obama complicit in obstruction of justice in Hillary Clinton email case. [200]

Kente cloth of Ashante slave traders.jpeg

After Democrats exposed for systemic racism in Democrat-run cities, Democrats grovel for Black votes. [201] Democrats kneeling in African garb is 'political blackface.' [202]

Millennial Millie: Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned. [203]

Veto-proof Democrat City Council bans cops. [204]

Kamala Harris and ABC News: 'Not easy' to get a conviction in George Floyd killing, [205] setting the stage for more riots when the cops are found not guilty.

Why were the cops charged in a way that is difficult to get convictions?

Democrat plantation Massas sign on to lawlessness and Defund the Police.

Brits respond with Defund the BBC after Antifa deface the statue of the man who defeated fascism - Winston Churchill.

Candace Owens: George Floyd was a violent criminal felon; racially-motivated police brutality against blacks is a fabricated myth. [206]

Cornel West: Neoliberal wing of Democratic Party must be fought. [207]

Van Jones: It's not the racist white person we have to worry about, it's the white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter. [208]

30 million Black lives have been exterminated since Roe v. Wade; if Black Lives Matter, why aren't Democrats burning down the abortion clinics?

Coronavirus reveals we depend too heavily on China, and more particularly on the Chinese Communist Party. How this dependency began, and why it is high time to reverse it. [209] "I can't tweet": How dissenter's respond to the CCP's manipulation of "I can't breathe" in the CCP propaganda war.

We can't make this stuff up: Alleged human rights lawyer and immigrant graduate of Ivy League college [210] accused of tossing Molotov cocktail at police back in jail after bail posted by Obama intelligence community official revoked by Appeals Court. [211]
Peaceful protesters peacefully attack a privileged media member and then peacefully pummel him. [212]
Peacefully stopping, peacefully beating and peacefully stomping a privileged truck driver while peaceful protesters yell to end his privileged life. [213]
List of Peaceful Protests. [214]

North Carolina auto race draws thousands after dubbing itself a ‘protest’. [215]

The Havana Times: Machismo Increases Risks during COVID-19 Pandemic.
Of course, this is godless, commie propaganda. It is the liberal/leftist, cowardly men who are too afraid to take hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc sulfate if they start having difficulty breathing when infected with the coronavirus that are more likely to die. Donald Trump has machismo and takes hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Donald Trump is very much alive!

Comey, McCabe knew Steele dossier was garbage but fed it to the liberal media to stage a coup against American democracy anyway. [216] Spiropoulos: FISA Spying On Team Trump. [217] Devin Nunes: Ratface Rosenstein's story doesn't "jibe with reality." [218]

Another example of propaganda directed at children, promoting the false narrative that "the children of illegal immigrants are Americans." But the author defeats her own narrative. [219]

Rasmussen Poll: Nearly 1 in 3 likely voters support Antifa violence. [220] 2 of 5 Blacks support Trump. [221] Gun sales skyrocket amid Democrat riots. [222] Refugee flight from Democrat warzones continues. [223] Liberal media and Democrats encourage destruction of small business employers and jobs. [224]

FBI pledge allegiance to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Nation of Islam and New Black Panthers protesters. [225]

New York & California freed thousands of criminals & the riots began. [226] Buffalo officials duped by professional Antifa provocateur – arrest and charge two police officers. [227]

Minneapolis mayor begging for federal handout after letting Democrats burn down his city and blaming white supremacists for it. [228]

Parallels between the present Coronavirus affair and two motion picture and Television projects suggest someone drew inspiration from them to create a crisis. Did someone watching Stephen King's Dead Zone 1983 film or 2003 TV show get ideas from them? [229]

Communique from Deep State POW Gen. Michael Flynn: "We will only keep America if we dedicate ourselves to freedom's victory over the socialist monster by our good citizen's accepting greater responsibility. I am not done." [230]

Communist insurrection could spread covid virus. [231] Michigan Supreme Court slaps down Leftist totalitarian fascist Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.[232]

D.C. Democrat mayor kick National Guard out of hotels, exposes public to more violence. [233]

Leftist Insurrection Day 8: A review of all the Democrat plans to topple President Trump, leading to the present Leftist Insurrection and its roots. Has a direct embed of a purported Antifa manual. An important read. [234] Antifa training tactics. [235] White Progressive mob assaults Black man. [236] Leftist rioters destroy Black father of 5's home, truck, and kill family dog. [237] Islamic State supports fellow anti-Zionist leftist rioters. [238]

Tara Reade's story corroborated, again. [239]

Senate Committee approves subpoenas for Obama coup plotters. MSNBC hires disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

New definition of white privilege: being allowed by Democrat leaders to riot and disrupt peaceful protests during a pandemic.

Leftist Insurrection Day 7: Casualty of a putsch against the American Republic: Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia. Vandals defaced nearly every statue, and now the Governor has ordered the first statue removed. But is it lawful to remove part of a National Historic Landmark? [240] Communists deface memorial to 100 million victims of Communism. [241] and 16 million soldiers who fought to defeat fascism. [242] D.C. commie mayor demands National Guard be removed from Washington and the White House left undefended from communist mobs. [243] Black woman exposes white liberal Progressives trying to get Blacks killed. [244] Democrats resurrect Obama-era War on Cops and move to defund police nationwide. [245] Hillary Clinton's spokesman lends support to lawlessness.[246] After Minneapolis Police find gasoline bombs and incendiary devices in residential neighborhoods, [247] City Council Democrats move to disbanded police department. [248] After using gestapo-like tactics to break up a Jewish funeral, New York's Democrat anti-semitic mayor de Blasio shows up at George Floyd memorial [249] and is booed. [250] Commissar Whitmer suspends draconian lockdown orders to accommodate riot protesters. Liberal media who denounced lockdown protests silent on Progressive riots. [251] Is Tom Steyer one of the financial backers of the Leftist Insurrection? [252] White Satanists will 'protect us from Trump.' [253]

Conservapedia proven right, again: as we predicted on April 11 and specifically debunked the Lancet anti-HCQ study on May 27, Lancet retracts its widely publicized article in a complete humiliation. [254]

Progressivism comes to Mexico. [255]

Leftist Insurrection Day 6: Peaceful protesters call for NY mayor Bill de Blasio to resign for failure to protect lives and property from Leftwing rioters. [256] Philadelphia: Black woman shuts down white Progressive racists and alleged "protesters". [257] Stupid white people. [258] Progressive terrorists shoot into journalist Cassandra Fairbanks home where she and her 9 year old daughter were. [259] Progressive looters destroy Black-owned small businesses. [260] It is now racist to clean up vandalism or graffiti. [261] Mattis sends words of comfort to Antifa rioters. [262] Project Veritas infiltrates Antifa. [263] Obama intelligence official secures bail for Molotov cocktail throwing lawyer. [264]

Sen. Cruz decimates Rod "Ratface" Rosenstein. [265] 'We had to destroy democracy to save bureaucracy.' [266]

German fascists censor climate change dissent. [267]

Setback for anti-Trump HCQ deniers: WHO reverses itself and restarts its HCQ trial after falsehoods in liberal medical journals denying its effectiveness are exposed. [268]

President Trump Leads Biden in Pennsylvania as Battleground States Tighten. [269]

A Jewish perspective on coronavirus and its sequential spread out of China, to Korea, Iran, Italy and Catholic Europe, Brazil, England, Russia, and finally America. What if the real cause was Divine Justice, and to summon national Israel to return home? [270]

Minnesota Attorney General
Keith Ellison. [1]

All the books in Uncle Hugo's science fiction and mystery bookstore in Minneapolis, which sold many leftist/liberal-leaning science fiction books, were burned to a crisp amidst the rioting in the liberal/leftist city of Minneapolis. White guy with a mask seen starting the fire.[271] Antifa? There is no shortage of white leftists in the Twin Cities. Rioting helps law and order right-wing nationalists get elected.

Riots Day 5: Pelosi, Schumer, Obama et al remain silent. No prominent Democrat has addressed the mob and condemned senseless violence. Silence is consent. Ilhan Omar refuses to condemn riots. [272] Democrat protester murders another protester. [273] CCP exploiting communist insurrection in America. [274]

So masking, contact tracing, and vaccination are the new normal? Not if friends of liberty have anything to say about it. [275] By the way: rioters don't wear masks. What will Democratic governors say when another great wave of infections fails to appear?

NBC: Violence in New York planned in advance. [276] Crates of bricks left at bus stop on Ventura Blvd. in Los Angeles. [277] Pallet of bricks found outside Dallas court house with no construction going on.[278]

Leftwing Insurgency Day 4: Leftists attack White House, more than 50 Secret Service agents injured. Car bombs feared. [279] Leftists deface Lincoln Memorial. [280] White mobs break into homes in Washington. [281] New York: Ivy League lawyer charged with attempted murder for tossing Molotov cocktail into police van. [282] Richmond: Democrat rioters torched a home with children inside and then blocked the fire department. [283]

Saul Alinsky: The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. [284]

Trevor Louden: "The U.S. left now has the power to start race riots in nearly every major U.S. city. Unless forcefully countered, these current riots and protests will go on all summer up until the elections. The twin goals are to stall the U.S. economic recovery and destroy President Donald Trump. In truth these riots have nothing to do with race and everything to do with regime change and revolution." [285]

Neck hold used by Minneapolis cop was approved by the city's Democrat administration. [286] According to the Minneapolis Police Policy Manual, the restraint used was a "Non-deadly force option" and training is given to officers on the maneuver. [287]

Four days ago, going to the beach without a mask was killing grandma; now burning cars in the name of communism without a mask is okay. [288] Genuine protesters detain Antifa provocateur and turn him over to police. [289] Democrat leaders remain mum. Hollywood terrorists bail celerity rioters out of jail. [290]

Conservapedia proven right, again: Antifa will be officially designated as a terrorist organization, as announced by President Trump this morning. [291]

Leftwing Insurgency Day 3: Minneapolis mayor to rioters: Please wear masks and practice social distancing. [292] White rioter sets himself on fire. [293] Black officer murdered in Oakland riot. [294] Like the KKK, Antifa thugs burn churches. [295] White punk smashing Bank of America windows with hammer in D.C. [296] Seattle: Armed civilian recovers AR-15 from white boy stolen from damaged police vehicle. [297]

If the Democrats had any dignity they'd rebuke the rioters. [298]

Leftwing Insurgency Day 2: Dem mayor of St. Paul confirms analysis by Conservapedia: vast majority of arrested rioters were from out-of-state. [299] Philadelphia: white Antifa rioters hijack protests again. [300] Gang of white liberals vandalize emergency vehicles outside White House. [301] White rioters destroy Grand Rapids, Michigan. [302] Portland: Man carrying American flag beaten by Antifa terrorists. [303] More white liberal racists destroying property in D.C. knowing Blacks will be blamed. [304]

Xi Jinping tells Chinese people "prepare for war." [305]

Klobuchar blames Bill of Rights for not indicting George Floyd's alleged killer in 2006. [306] Leftist rioters breach Treasury Department. [307] Leftist rioters beat up L.A. cop. [308] Leftist rioters assault Chicago police woman. [309] Oakland "protests" started at 8 pm; two federal officers shot, one killed. [310] Rapper KillerMike to CNN: "Stop feeding fear and anger every day." [311]
Joe Biden: If you don't think and act alike, "you ain't black." [312]

President Trump signs social media anti-censorship Executive Order. It's official. Link to it, description of what it actually does, and sampling of predictable (and not-so-predictable) reaction from several quarters. [313]

Twitter may be in violation of the Iranian Sanctions Act, providing services to Iranian leaders. [314]
FEC complaint to be filed against Twitter for election interference.[315]

MSNBC fake news: "not generally unruly"

Leftwing Insurgency Day 1: Leftist "protesters" burn down Minneapolis; [316] Videos of white Antifa rioters smashing windows [317][318] Videos corroborate most rioters and looters are white. Minneapolis' last Republican mayor was elected in 1957. No Republican has appointed a Minneapolis police chief responsible for police training, conduct, and community relations in six decades. Minneapolis law enforcement and criminal justice system is the product of what Democrat Farm Labor voters voted for. Minneapolis now is racked by riots after an incident involving police handling of a Black suspect resulting in the man's death. Biden VP hopeful Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute George Floyd's alleged killer. [319] White House on lockdown as leftist riots in Mpls continue. [320] White leftists block DC police. [321] Protesters takeover CNN headquarters. [322]
CNN's Van Jones: "a white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park is a bigger threat than the KKK." [323]

Coronavirus has superseded the Constitution, as we can see with the continued lockdowns. The case of Ex parte Milligan should have pre-empted this spectacle. [324]

U.S. withdraws from Chinese communist-dominated World Health Organization. Is this the beginning of the collapse of the post-WWII New World Order system? Chinese Cold War is here. Student exchange programs will be the first to suffer. Why should the U.S. train Chinese scientists to work in CCP bioweapons labs?

Twitter's disparaging tags of President Trump's tweets is deja vu of Wikipedia banning cites to conservative news sites. [325]

South Carolina election ballots found in Maryland. [326]

Another deceitful children's book on the Middle East, which might or might not be autobiographical. If it is, then it reflects generational deceit. [327]

Deep State swamp rat Rod Rosenstein to testify June 3rd; Rosenstein authorized the Mueller investigation despite knowing the FBI already cleared Trump and all associates of any Russian collusion. Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker confirms Mueller probe was cover for Deep State coup 1.0. [328]

Trump threatens to veto House FISA reauthorization bill if Democrats do not investigate Obama FISA abuse first. [329] Note to cerebrally challenged Democrats: If the FISA law expires, the FBI doesn't need to commit fraud against the FISA Court to illegally wiretap you.

University of Pennsylvania failed to report $70 million donation from Chinese Communists to its Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. [330] Penn Univ. paid Biden $900,000 and won’t say how much was from China. [331]

Liberal Ninth Circuit suspends Bill of Rights. [332]

BuzzFeed reports Biden passes gas during livestream. [333]

The Guardian reports about the coronavirus pandemic: "This pandemic threatens to undo what generations of feminists have fought for".
With public schools closed and daycare centers closed, more women have had to take care of children.
Feminism being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic is another silver lining in the coronavirus pandemic!

Another setback for the false liberal narrative of "toxic masculinity": a white, highly educated woman executive in NYC was aggressively racist against a black male birdwatcher in Central Park, as caught on a viral video.

Democrats seek to institutionalize election theft with mail-in ballots. [334] Jerry Nadler: "Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud." [335]

Liberal censorship: Twitter caves into Leftists, by placing disparaging labels on President Trump's tweets;[336] Tim Pool: Trump is right, Twitter is interfering in the election. [337] Twitter slammed for not disclosing they partnered with mail-in vote advocates before interfering in election. [338]

Wikipedia is dead and Wikipedia editors “live in a fantasy world of their own making” says Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger. The neutral point of view was replaced with rampant liberal bias. [339] See Examples of Bias in Wikipedia

Real Clear Politics: What the Obamagate scandals mean and why they matter. [340]

A review of the coronavirus drama – and who's been lying to us all this time. Hint: it's not just the Chinese. [341]

The coronavirus quarantine experience in Memphis, Tennessee illustrates the absurd over-reaction, and its consequences. [342]

Bill Barr: The actions of Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein were "a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.” [343] Will criminal referrals be made against the Mueller team? [344]

Spygate lawfirm Perkins Coie behind 2020 presidential election lawsuits. [345]

Rep. Val Demings, in Biden's binders of women for the VP spot, condemns Biden's racist attack on Blacks. [346]

Hillary Clinton calls for Communist Chinese interference in 2020 presidential election; [347] Communist Chinese openly declare they will interfere in 2020 election. [348]

New York Times: Coronavirus is deadliest where Democrats live; [349]
Tim Pool: Democrats are strangling small business on purpose, ignoring science. [350]

Flynn judge arranged $100,000 payoff to Comey. [351]

Biden humiliates Stacey Abrams on Live TV. [352] Abrams is a Black woman in Biden's binders of women.

Getting to the details of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's misnomer, 'HEROES Act.' It is a systematic get-out-of-deportation-free card for illegals. [353]

Request to declassify Seth Rich communication with Wikileaks filed. [354] Rich, an employee of the DNC, was murdered 3 weeks after someone downloaded DNC files and they appeared on Wikileaks. [355]

Joe Biden is a ‘very intricate’ part of ‘systemic racism’ in America, observes black radio host Charlamagne tha God after Biden's "you ain't black" if-you-don't-support-him slur. [356]

Judge rules Biden should be named as an alleged perpetrator in Ukrainian criminal probe.[357]

According to Alexa, Conservapedia attracts a lot of people with an "extremely high interest" in history and math.[358] Unlike a certain atheist/agnostic wiki, Conservapedia does not attract a lot of "weirdos" and "pearl clutching pansies". See: Atheists admit they are weird pansies Birds of a feather, flock together. Oh atheists and agnostics, feel the sting!

Michael Moore said former Vice President Joe Biden doesn’t have what it takes to beat President Donald Trump.[359]

Please read: Atheists admit they are weird pansies On May 23, 2020, an administrator of an atheist/agnostic wiki admitted that its editors are a "bunch of pearl clutching pansies". Conservapedia proven right? See: Atheism and cowardice and Atheism and anxiety. God does have a sense of humor!

NAACP denies it has ever supported Biden after Biden's false claim it has and his infamous racist and dehumanizing attack on Blacks.

Gross incompetence at the state level. Poor regulations, shoddy oversight, and outright stupidity over the protection of an invasive species led to the collapse of a dam which destroyed property and displaced thousands in Michigan. [360]

The FDA and anti-Trump regulatory trolls continue to block access to hydroxychloroquine, so most churches may decline to open even if allowed to.

Trump: 'Churches are essential.'

A 15-step plan for assimilating the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria as part of annexing all that territory, not merely parts of it. [361]

President Trump stands up against the mask police and the unhinged Dem Governor of Michigan, and declines to wear a mask for his visit to Ford. Instead, Trump takes the prophylactic hydroxychloroquine (along with zinc) which should be made available to all Americans.

Biden insults Blacks with vile racist statement. [362]

Did you know that Bill Gates, of Microsoft fame, believes in such a thing as "life unworthy of life"? And this man pushes vaccination on people. Indeed many of his prior projects along this line have been humanitarian disasters. This is what MP Sara Cunial of Italy was talking about. [363]

Did you know that ultra-Leftist George Soros funds Wikipedia? It even admits this. [364]

Leaked Biden phone calls detail $1 Billion quid pro quo to interfere in Burisma investigation. [365]

NIH begins clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat COVID-19 [366] Setback for Never Trumpers: hydroxychloroquine is proven successful in two new studies, and Trump announces that he's been taking the drug for more than a week.

Comparing the exposure of Barack Obama and his associates, who tried to take down Donald Trump, to a memorable motion picture scene. [367] Fully unredacted Susan Rice CYA email released; again, no evidence of Russia collusion. [368] Criminal referrals for Obama criminal cohorts. [369]

New Zealand Herald: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market; [370] Congress considering Global Magnitsky Act sanctions against Communist Chinese bosses for crimes against humanity.

ObamaGate is breaking wide-open. A review of the rogues' gallery of agency heads behind it. [371]

Democrats accuse Google of racism. [372]

More liberal hypocrisy: "Mask-Police CNN Reporter Kaitlan Collins Caught Removing Her Mask at Presser as Soon as She Thought Cameras Were Off." [373]

Democrats and media rekindle anti-Russian xenophobia to cover Obamagate crimes. [374]
Crowdstrike sworn testimony: No evidence Russians hacked the DNC. [375]

Ocasio-Cortez has an outstanding warrant for unpaid taxes. [376]

"Number of Joe Biden’s Sexual Misconduct Allegations Rises to 10," as the liberal media covers its eyes. [377]

Joe Biden: "The pandemic has cost more than 85,000 jobs." [378]

Italian parliamentarians call for arrest of Bill Gates for crimes against humanity. [379]

"Gates has already caused more deaths with his vaccines than coronavirus itself."

A profile on Minnesota's undistinguished Governor, Tim Walz, and his unconstitutional lockdown orders. A direct challenge to the authority of any governor to act beyond the written Constitution of the United States or of any State. [380]

Sidney Powell: Open Memorandum to Barack Obama. [381]

DNC Politburo: We are not nominating Joe Biden. [382]

Breaking: Biden unmasked Flynn. [383] Obamagate isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s the biggest political scandal of our time. [384] Biden lied only days ago on Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos denying he knew anything about the Flynn investigation. John Brennan suppressed intelligence that Vladimir Putin favored Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, [385] Senate committee to hold subpoena vote in Hunter Biden-Burisma probe. [386]
FBI seizes Senate Intelligence Committee chair Richard Burr's cell phone; [387] Burr quits. Burr was involved in the coverup of illegal felonious leaking of the Carter Page FISA warrant intended to subvert the duly elected president.

Interview with Linda Goudsmit of "Humanitarian Hoax" fame. She asks: who benefits from a regressed society? [388]

Hispanic Republican Mike Garcia takes Democrat white supremacist Katie Hill's seat.

Obama, Democrats hope to rekindle anti-Russian xenophobia in Flynn case.
Judge Sullivan's crony worked for corrupt Obama officials Andrew Weissmann and Sally Yates. [389]

Joe Biden's presidential candidacy has become like the badly dinged up can on a store shelf that keeps on getting new dents. It's a train wreck.[390] Almost 30 percent of US Democrats want to replace Joe Biden in run for White House.[391]

Hillary Clinton continues to resist the rule of law. [392]

AOC dumps MeToo to join Team Biden and apologists for sexual predators.

Mexico demands answers to Obama's racist Fast and Furious campaign that resulted in the murder of thousands of Mexicans. [393]

Tesla wins! Alameda County, California changes the meaning of "minimal basic operations." Result: Tesla may continue to operate at reduced capacity while putting its 38-page antiviral plan into place – the same plan it uses at Shanghai, China. And next week: full capacity. [394]

John Podesta implicates Hillary Clinton in Obamagate conspiracy. [395]
Rudy Giuliani predicts Comey will be prosecuted for ‘treason’. [396]
Justice Breyer trashes House Dems harassment of President Trump. [397]
Investigators focus on Susan Rice's "by the book" email. [398]
Grassley warns Obama he's part of the Russia hoax investigation. [399]
Paul Manafort, a victim of the Biden-Ukraine scandal who was framed by paid DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa's illegal collusion with a foreign government to interfere in American democracy, released from prison.

Conservapedia administrator and prolific contributor User: RobSmith points out that an atheist/agnostic wiki makes its rules more harsh, arbitrary and authoritarian. He compared the wiki to atheist controlled, communist China.

Two vital pieces of coronavirus information the establishment wants to keep from you. First: is the virus as deadly as the mainstream media and medical establishment say? Second: is Doctor Anthony Fauci seeking to profit from an exclusive treatment or vaccine? [400]

Obama complicit in illegal domestic spying operation to meddle in the 2016 election. Oval Office meeting on January 5, 2017 was key to entire anti-Trump operation. [401] Susan Rice's bizarre inauguration day email helps explain the campaign of leaks, lies, and obstruction that followed. Politico: The Obama era: Erased. [402]

Rod Rosenstein knew Trump-Russia was a hoax when he appointed Robert Mueller; the whole Mueller probe was a fraud and illegitimate. [403] The Mueller probe was intended to coverup Obama administration lawbreaking going back to June of 2012.

Obama Deep State corruption re-opens Seth Rich case. [404][405] The Ghost of Seth Rich. [406]

Tesla finally snaps; sues Alameda County, California after they refused to hear of its plan to prevent coronavirus infection at their Fremont factory. It's about time! Elon Musk is learning the dirty secret of California politicians. [407]

Why Shut Down Via Lockdowns? COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet If 80% Of Americans Just Wore Masks According To Study. Adjusting for population size, Japan which has widespread mask wearing, has 2% of the COVID-19 deaths of America.[408]
Japan also has a far lesser problem with obesity than other developed nations and a disproportionate amount of obese coronavirus infected patients wind up in intensive care units.[409][410]

George Papadopoulos: "they tried to set me up with the $10,000 ...That money has tracks and they lead directly to the special counsel." [411] Progressive criminalization of politics suffers another blow: Supreme Court throws out convictions in New Jersey's Bridgegate scandal. [412]

Gen. Michael Flynn exonerated. Schiff folds, Deep State in panic. [413]

German Intelligence: Xi Jinping asked Tedros Adhanom of the WHO on Jan. 21 to “hold back information about a human-to-human transmission and to delay a pandemic warning.” [414] More evidence Covid-19 may not be natural. [415]

Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Virology Lab got $599,000 in taxpayer money from EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. [416] Wuhan Virology Lab scrubs website of photographic evidence of mishandling bats and other references to Covid 19 outbreak. [417]

Chinese Communist response to Australia's request for independent investigation: "Australia is the chewing gum stuck to the bottom of China's shoe." [418] CCP think tank: We must win over America’s left-wing. [419] Africans enraged at China’s racist attitude. [420]
Finally, the world is catching on to atheist controlled, communist China’s coronavirus lies.[421][422] Atheists have repeatedly engaged in historical revisionism. See also: Atheism and historical revisionism and Atheism and the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic

A disturbing comparison of current government coronavirus policy to that of an old World War II enemy. [423]

Joe Biden sexual assault claim divides Democrats as Republicans pounce.[424] “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." - Jesus.
The PRIMARY MODEL, with slight modifications, has predicted the winner of all but one presidential election since 1996. It gives President Trump a 91% chance of winning a match-up with Joe Biden in November. [425] Donald J. Trump is going to win against the deeply divided Democrats.[426]

Jimmy Kimmel HUMILIATED! Forced to APOLOGIZE for Fabricating FAKE NEWS about Mike Pence.[427]

Democrats’ Desperation about Tara Reade Is Growing. So Is Their Hypocrisy.[428]
Megyn Kelly's emotional and wide-ranging interview with Joe Biden's sexual assault accuser Tara Reade.[429] Bill Maher accused of sexual harassment after attacking credible rape allegations against Joe Biden. [430]

Joe Biden hosted a virtual campaign rally in Tampa. It was horrible.[431] If Biden can’t even run a livestream, how can Americans expect him to run the country?

Even as the coronavirus crisis keeps Christians from churches, faith appears to be growing, while atheists continue to lose influence in the world.[432][433]

1996 court document confirms Tara Reade told of harassment in Joe Biden’s office.[434] In an interview with Megyn Kelly, Reade says Biden should withdraw from race.[435]

As much as Conservapedia hates to do it, we are going to have to declare that Joe Biden has disqualified himself from running in the Democratic Party presidential primary. The Me Too Movement standard is believe all women.

More fake news against hydroxychloroquine, to try to disparage Trump: hospitalized, sicker patients were given the medication, and the study nonsensically concludes that those given the medication were sicker than healthier people who weren't. [436]

New York Times on atheist controlled, communist China and their attempts to create an effective coronavirus vaccine: "But China’s leaders have empowered a vaccine industry that has long been mired in quality problems and scandals." Once again, atheists are failures in science. See: Atheism and science and List of atheist and agnostic pseudosciences and Atheism and medicine

Dr. Fauci gone batty? Millions was spent in research funding for the Wuhan Virology Lab, to explore possibilities of a "spillover potential" of the coronavirus from bats to humans.[437]

Even if campuses reopen this fall, colleges worry many students won’t return.[438]
Stemming the flow of international students could cost US colleges $41 billion.[439] Atheist controlled, communist China will not have as many students attend American universities partly due to Trump administration restricting student visas from China.
The liberal states of New York, California, Illinois and Washington have secular universities that have among the highest percentages of international students and they will especially be hit hard.[440] As will the secular universities in the presidential election swing state of Michigan. Another silver lining in the dark cloud of the coronavirus pandemic!

Coronavirus crisis bursts the US college education bubble.[441][442][443]
In 2020, 10 public universities are expected to close in the state of Wisconsin alone.[444] Such large scale closings of secular universities in a crucial presidential race swing state is a gloriously positive development! There continues to be so many silver linings in the dark cloud of the coronavirus crisis!

Five Eyes: CCP deliberately suppressed or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak in an assault that cost tens of thousands of lives. [445]

Democrats Demanded Millions Of Brett Kavanaugh Records, But Stay Mum On Joe Biden’s Senate Records.[446] Why is Joe Biden so secretive concerning the historical records regarding his Senate career? Is Biden ashamed of his poor performance as a U.S. Senator?

Potential VP Picks Thirsty For Higher Office Overlook Joe Biden's Credible Sexual Assault Allegations which have corroboration.[447]

Tara Reade’s Ex-Neighbor on Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation: I Believed Her Then & I Believe Her Now.[448][449]

MSNBC finally confronts Joe Biden over Tara Reade sexual assault allegations, but intentionally does it in a poor manner - leaves out corroborating witnesses and does not confront Biden over his past history of lying.[450][451]

FBI notes confirm Flynn frame-up; [452] Flynn was the main target from the beginning. Comey, Brennan, and Clapper tried to discredit and destroy Flynn since 2014 because Flynn knew of Obama's secret order for aid to the Islamic State, which Flynn opposed and got him fired. Flynn stumbled across Trump in early 2016 and told him the story, so the Obama IC decided to destroy Trump, as well.

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