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===116th Congress===
===116th Congress===
[[File:Ed Buck Adam Schiff.jpg|left|300px|thumb|'''[[White Privilege]]:''' House Intelligence Committee chair [[Adam Schiff]] {left} with longtime Schiff megadonor Ed Buck (right). Buck was finally arrested and charged after a third gay [[African American]] man overdosed on [[methamphetamine]] in his home. The first two died and Democrat prosecutors never filed any charges.<ref>https://www.thedailybeast.com/democratic-donor-ed-buck-accused-of-human-trafficking-and-revenge-porn-court-docs?ref=home</ref>]]
[[File:Ed Buck Adam Schiff.jpg|left|300px|thumb|'''[[White Privilege]]:''' House Intelligence Committee chair [[Adam Schiff]] {left} with longtime Schiff megadonor Ed Buck (right). Buck was finally arrested and charged after a third gay [[African American]] man overdosed on [[methamphetamine]] in his home. The first two died and Democrat prosecutors never filed any charges.<ref>https://www.thedailybeast.com/democratic-donor-ed-buck-accused-of-human-trafficking-and-revenge-porn-court-docs?ref=home</ref>]]
::{{Main article|116th United States Congress}}
The Democrat-controlled House was unproductive, focusing on opposing President Trump over passing legislation.<ref>Dinan, Stephen; Muñoz, Gabriella (October 22, 2019). [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/22/nancy-pelosi-democrats-produce-more-subpoenas-laws/ 'Do-nothing Congress': Pelosi, Dems produce more subpoenas than laws]. ''The Washington Times''. Retrieved October 23, 2019.</ref>
The Democrat-controlled House was unproductive, focusing on opposing President Trump over passing legislation.<ref>Dinan, Stephen; Muñoz, Gabriella (October 22, 2019). [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/22/nancy-pelosi-democrats-produce-more-subpoenas-laws/ 'Do-nothing Congress': Pelosi, Dems produce more subpoenas than laws]. ''The Washington Times''. Retrieved October 23, 2019.</ref>

Revision as of 21:44, February 12, 2020

Democratic Party
Party Chairman Thomas Perez
Senate Leader Chuck Schumer
House Speaker
House Leader Nancy Pelosi
Founded 1828
Headquarters 430 South Capitol Street SE
(next to the Seth Rich bike rack)[1]
Washington, D.C.
Political ideology Liberalism
Democratic Socialism
Hollywood values
White supremacy
Political position Fiscal: Left-wing
Social: Left-wing to Far-left
International affiliation
Color(s) Blue (unofficial) formerly Red prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union
A contemporary watercolor of Democratic presidents. Clockwise from far left: Presidents Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman, Andrew Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt. Jackson is considered the founder of the party. Jackson, who implemented the Indian Removal Act, is slated to have his picture removed from the $20 bill in 2026.
This article is about the Democratic Party of the United States. For parties named "Democratic Party" in other countries, see Democratic party (disambiguation)


For the grammatically-correct name of the party, see Democrat Party

The Democratic Party[2] (D) is one of the two major political parties in the United States of America. Slavery, segregation, and controlling minorities is and remains a founding principle of the Democratic party, and which the GOP was founded to oppose.[3] The Democratic party's failed Trump-Russia collusion hoax has brought a cloud over the perception of the American system of government and democracy throughout much of the world.

The party is pro-infanticide, pro-illegal immigrant rights over American citizens,[4] pro-abortion, anti-capitalist and anti-free enterprise, supports confiscatory taxation, resource redistribution, wealth transfer from American citizens to illegal immigrants,[5] abuse of asylum laws,[6][7] single party socialism, election cheating, rigged nomination and election process, dictatorial regulation by unelected partisan civil servants, anti-First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments opposing due process rights of the accused, and a dictatorial central controlling government. Democrats are anti-free speech, religion, the Constitutional electoral process, separation of powers and advocate court packing.

Democrats have become radicalized, elitist, have abandoned the interests of working people, and their leaders have endorsed violence to promote "change." By contrast, the Republican Party is generally pro-life and pro-free enterprise, supporting lower taxes, gun rights, individual liberty, small responsible government,[8] tolerance, the two party system, and the free, open exchange of ideas.

The party has been taken over by Marxists. It has won the praise of the Communist Party USA[9] and is dominated by progressive Millennials indoctrinated with Cultural Marxism from public schools and state universities.[10] Violence, Anti-Semitism, intolerance, gender psychosis, infanticide, promoting racial divisiveness, pandering, patronage, censorship, eliminating beef from the American diet, and tearing down America's automobile and airline infrastructure have replaced justice, fairness, tolerance and economic wellbeing as priority issues. The party rejects God and claims science is the ultimate determiner of truth yet rejects the scientific fact that medical treatment cannot turn a man into a woman. The party has adopted the pseudoscientific position that slave reparations, a universal basic income, and single payer healthcare will reduce carbon emissions.[11] Labor unions, which once formed the backbone of the New Deal and Great Society coalitions, have been decimated by globalism. Working peoples' jobs have been shipped overseas to promote "equality" with the "Third World."[12] Formerly industrious working families have been pacified by big government and taxpayer-supported narcotic addiction with opioids, which Democrats claim to be a fundamental "human right."

In 2016 the party colluded with Russia and the Ukraine to interfere in the United States presidential election.[13][14] The DNC has been sued for civil rights violations of Carter Page for the DNC-funded fraud against the FISA court.[15]

Russian collusion

See also: Ukrainian collusion

USA Today reported a 37-page indictment from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation shows that Russians worked to boost the campaign of Bernie Sanders to damage Hillary Clinton. Mueller's indictment reads the Russians “engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and to support Bernie Sanders."[16]

Sanders hired Paul Manafort partner Tad Devine of Devine Mulvey Longabaug as his chief strategist.[17] Devine and Manafort worked for the election of Putin crony Victor Yanukovich as President of the Ukraine in 2010.[18] In February 2019 Sanders entered the 2020 presidential election and re-hired Devine's company, of which Devine is president.[19]

Sanders reminisced about his drunken honeymoon to Time magazine in his beloved Soviet Russia:
"on our honeymoon, I took Jane to Russia, back when it was still known as the Soviet Union. Russia was an incredible place back then, before the billionaires ruined everything. Who needs 30 different types of deodorant anyway? In the glory days of the Soviet Union, there was one brand, it was called “Deodorant,” and you had to wait four hours in line for it. By the time you got your hands on one, you were sweating so badly, not even the greediest billionaire’s fanciest deodorant could mask the stench. Or as I call it: The sweet smell of equality!"[20][21]
Vladimir Putin commented on the glory days of the Soviet Union:
"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain."

Opposition party during the Trump Administration

I'd rather be morally right than factually correct.

Socialist leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

We choose truth over facts.

Segregationist and former V.P. Joseph Biden.

The Democrats won the popular vote for President in 2016 by 2.7 million votes.[22] Dr. Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology testified before Congress in 2019 that Google bias and meddling had shifted "between 2.6 million and up to 10.4 million votes" to Hillary Clinton.[23] While Clinton won the three most economically affluent states of New York, California, and Massachusetts by 7 million votes, she lost the other 47 states by a combined 4 million votes.[24] Republicans carried the Electoral College with 306 electors and maintained control of the House and Senate in the 115th Congress.

Typically the party's top fundraiser is elected party chairman. In 2017, Rep. Keith Ellison held the distinction. Symone Sanders, Bernie Sanders former press secretary said, "We don't need white people leading the Democratic party."[25] Ellison was endorsed by Senators Bernie Sanders,[26] Chuck Schumer,[27] Harry Reid[28] Elizabeth Warren, Martin Heinrich, Representatives John Lewis, Luis Gutierrez, Tulsi Gabbard, the AFL-CIO, among many others.[29] However, the prospect of an African-American Muslim leading the party frightened off the party's intolerant establishment, and Tom Perez was considered a suitable replacement.[30] A special position which had never existed before, Deputy Chair, was created for Ellison.

A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) official leading a new multimillion-dollar outreach to connect with “people of color and younger Americans” had thousands of homophobic and racially insensitive postings on Twitter.[31] The first person to lose their job after anti-homosexual social media posts sent was its executive director, a white female lesbian combat veteran,[32] however the staffer, an African American, who sent the anti-homosexual tweets remained employed. Two members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Vicente Gonzalez (D., Texas) and Filemon Vela (D., Texas) demanded a "person of color" be made executive director. The two made the demand after learning that Rep. Cheri Bustos (D., Ill.) had lied to them about removing the staffer who sent the anti-homosexual tweets from a top Minority Outreach post. The DCCC did however, out of racist motivation, force six of their top staff to resign because they were white.[33] Gonzalez and Vela complained of a "lack of diversity," and the six senior executives were fired because of their skin color in what was dubbed the "Monday Night Massacre." Justice Democrats, The political action committee that facilitated the rise of "the Squad" launched a set of Facebook ads fundraising off the diversity fiasco.[34] Cenk Uygur of the The Young Turks also condemned the racism of the DCCC.[35]

The new executive director of the DCCC who replaced the white lesbian female combat veteran, a former executive at pro-abortion fundraising giant EMILY's List, tweeted in agreement that "we shouldn't let boys run for office anymore. The idea was initially raised by liberal think tank Third Way's senior vice president, Lanae Erickson, who asked, "Anyone else having the feeling that maybe we shouldn't let boys run for office anymore?" Reps. Tony Cardenas (D., Calif.) and Scott Peters (D., Calif.) who supported the new executive directors hiring remained silent on the proposed ban of male candidates.[36] The DCCC is charged with candidate recruitment and funding.

Healing in America. Judge Tammy Kemp presents Amber Guyger with a Bible after the off-duty policewoman was convicted of killing a Black man.[37] The Obama era War on Cops is over and America turned to racial healing under President Trump despite the hatred, strife, and division promoted by Democrat leadership.[38]

California's Democrat governor Gavin Newsom and its state legislature illegally enacted voter suppression legislation aimed at denying citizens the right to vote for the candidate of their choice. The legislation unconstitutionally demanded President Trump release private information, defined by law, to the State of California. The authoritarian legislation violates the basic civil, constitutional, and human rights of 4.5 million opposition party voters who wish to vote for the nominee of their party and denies them participation in the political process.

In February 2019, Virginia governor Ralph Northam admitted to being one of two people in a photo, one wearing blackface and another dressed in the traditional Democrat garb of the Ku Klux Klan.[39] Racist Democrats then tried to prevent Northam's resignation by exploiting multiple sexual assault allegations against the African American Lt. Governor.[40] Then, the Attorney General who would be third in line of succession revealed that he, too, had also appeared in blackface at a college party in the 1980s.[41] Northam ultimately bought off some of his Democrat critics who called for his resignation with donations to their campaigns from his Political Action Committee.[42] A Democrat member of the Maryland state house refused to resign after complaining about having to knock on doors in a "n*gg*r district" during a campaign.[43]

Democrats have suggested deporting First Lady Melania Trump and Trump aide Sebastian Gorka and sending them back to where they came from.

While attending the international G20 conference, President Trump was questioned about the epidemic of human feces on the streets of Democrat-controlled cities.[44]

115th Congress

See also: Kavanaugh smear

Although the Democrats had earlier derided conservative Republicans as being the "party of No", the aftermath of the 2016 elections showed that the Democrats would rightfully assume that label.[45] They defined themselves in total opposition to all of President Trump's actions, even if his actions once aligned with their claimed beliefs.[46]

Despite the criticisms by DNC chair Tom Perez and other Democrats of President Donald Trump for allegedly having a poor personality and using poor language, Perez has himself proudly used filthy language in political speeches, such as falsely claiming that Republicans "don't give a s***" about voters.[47] As a further sign regarding his party's hypocritical decline into using filthy language occurred when it, around the same time as Perez's comments, started selling shirts saying that "Democrats give a s*** about people."[48][49] This showed a blatant departure from Michelle Obama's "when they go low, we go high" phrase she and Democrats enjoyed using.[50] In addition to this, California Senator Kamala Harris[51] and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand[52] used the F-word at public events. These incidents were seen throughout the Democrat Party.[53] Some Democrats even used profane language, such as the f-word, against President Trump himself.[54] Even "conservative" Democrats such as West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin displayed liberal values through his vulgar language along with his beliefs.[55][56]

In May 2017, the DNC raised $4.29 million, the lowest raised in the month since 2003.[57][58] The RNC, on the other hand, raised a record $10.8 million the same month.[59]

The Democrat Party shifted its policies further to the Left than ever before during the Trump Administration.[60][61] They became increasingly radical,[62][63][64] with the mainstream of the party including elected officials calling for abolishing ICE[65] and embracing full-fledged socialism.[66][67] In addition to their opposition to religious freedom and Second Amendment rights, Democrats and other leftists now began openly calling for reducing free speech.[68] Some publicly included illegal migrants as part of their voting base.[69] In August 2018, the DNC reversed a recent ban it had made on donations from big corporate fossil fuel companies since they were a large source of revenue for the party.[70] With good reason, the Republican Party began describing the Democrats as "an unhinged mob."[71]

Even though Democrats were extremely nasty and ruthless when promoting the Kavanaugh smear, they came to the conclusion that they were not "ruthless" enough when they lost.[72] In the midst of the chaos, lawlessness, and mob violence encouraged by party leaders, a staffer for Sen. Maggie Hassan was ultimately sentenced to four years in prison for posting the home addresses of Republican Senators online. Republican Senator Rand Paul was physically assaulted, and Republican Whip Rep. Steve Scalise had been shot and seriously injured earlier by a crazed social justice warrior on a suicide mission who was a backer of Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders.

116th Congress

White Privilege: House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff {left} with longtime Schiff megadonor Ed Buck (right). Buck was finally arrested and charged after a third gay African American man overdosed on methamphetamine in his home. The first two died and Democrat prosecutors never filed any charges.[73]
Main article: 116th United States Congress

The Democrat-controlled House was unproductive, focusing on opposing President Trump over passing legislation.[74]

In August 2018, Gallup reported that 57% of Democrats had a positive view of socialism, the first time more Democrats thought highly of it compared to capitalism, which was at 47%.[75][76][77] Although the Democrat establishment was already very left-wing, the base began electing anti-establishment Democrats who were even further to the Left,[78] and Democrat presidential candidates tried to move as far to the left as possible.[79] Nancy Pelosi, an Assad apologist, was elected Speaker.

In Marxist–Leninist and Maoist theory, a United front is a coalition of leftist organizations that collude for the purpose of taking over a government. In the 116th Congress, the Committees of Correspondence for Democratic Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and Communist Party of the United States formally created a united front of the nation's four largest Communist organizations to take over the Democrat Party.[80] The umbrella group is known as the Left Inside/Outside Project and consists of 57,000 community organizers.[81]

The DSA, with the slogan, "No borders, no walls, no USA at all,"[82] elected The Squad to the House under the Democrat Party name brand, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tliab, Ilhan Elmi Omar and Ayanna Pressley. The DSA is an affiliate of the Socialist International, a worldwide organization with 170 political parties and organization from all continents. Democrats became so far-Left that George McGovern's official 1972 campaign agenda was moderate-to-conservative in comparison.[83]

Flushed with their midterm victory in 2018, House Democrats refused to take up the serious business of the country, such as immigration reform, trade, repair of decaying infrastructure, the opioid epidemic, or reforms that might actually reduce gun violence.[84] Chairman Eliot Engel of the Foreign Affairs Committee announced he would dissolve the terrorism subcommittee and replace it with a Trump investigation subcommittee.[85] Notorious anti-Semite Ilhan Omar was appointed to the committee. In keeping with the spirit of "change" Democrats promised if they took over the House, several members came under investigation for sleeping with paid staff members and exploiting the power inequities involved.[86] Freshman Progressive Rep. Katie Hill, a member of the LGBT+ community, was found to have a white supremacist tattoo when a paid staffer and spurned female lover leaked revenge porn.[87] During a House congressional hearing Democrats implied Housing Secretary Ben Carson was an "OREO."[88] Rep. Ted Lieu delivered a despicable racist attack on journalist Candace Owens in the midst of Judiciary Committee hearing chaired be Jerrold Nadler who, without apology, rebuked Owens for complaining about it.[89]

In January 2019, Antifa leader José Alcoff, who had previously advocated for murder, was arrested in connection with an attack on two U.S. Marines a few months earlier.[90] Alcoff was working with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB is a corrupt bureaucracy created out of the 2008 Financial Crisis and Stimulus bill under the doctrine of 'not letting a crisis go to waste', whose purpose is to funnel government contracts and federal money to far leftist media consulting firms to aid Democrat electoral aims. It is the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren who served as its first head.

Former Kentucky Democrat Party chair and congressman Jerry Lundergan faced allegations that he made illegal donations totaling $45,000 to his daughter, Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes' 2014 U.S. Senate race.[91] Lundergen hired Marc Elias of the Perkins Coie law firm, the firm that handled payments to FusionGPS on behalf of the 2016 Clinton campaign and DNC to frame candidate Donald Trump on bogus accusations of Russian collusion.[92]

When Democrat megadonor and two-time convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on child sex trafficking charges of dozens of young girls between 2002-2005, Speaker Pelosi's daughter braced the party faithful for more bad news to come in a tweet: "It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated."[93] This came just days before Robert Mueller was to testify about why he allowed a pedophile to walk free who gave supposed "evidence" in his Mueller Report on Russia collusion.[94] Mueller had allowed Epstein to roam free as well ten years earlier because Epstein was supposedly a reliable FBI informant, as well.[95]

A top United Auto Workers (UAW) official retained his position as a Democrat Superdelegate despite his conviction on bribery and corruption charges.[96] The home of UAW president was raided by the FBI and IRS as part of a nationwide corruption probe. Top union officials reportedly used millions of dollars intended for worker training to perks for officials. Nine people were charged in the alleged scheme. The UAW gave more than $4 million to Democracts in the 2018 election cycle alone.[97]

The Democrats' 2020 presidential candidates increasingly advocated for "some of the most radical socialist ideas in U.S. history."[98][99] Joe Biden's treatment of the founding fathers, particularly Thomas Jefferson, illustrated the leftward shift in the party.[100] Several 2020 Democrat presidential candidates called for "free" healthcare for illegals,[101] and they sought to abolish the meaningfulness of the concept of citizenship.[102] The Democrat Party became so far-Left on immigration that even Obama's DHS secretary, Jeh Johnson, denounced them for open borders advocacy.[103] The Democratic Party continued lurching leftward on immigration.[104]

As a sign of the times of a society in breakdown,[105] a Democrat office holder was sworn in using a Dr. Seuss book.[106] Fake news engineer and Intelligence Committee leaker, chairman Adam Schiff faces a primary challenge from an oxymoronic "drag queen transgender."[107] Despite all the Democrats' bluster of looking out for the little guy, their priority in the 116th Congress was a payraise for themselves.[108]

In August 2019, the DNC unanimously passed a resolution effectively endorsing non-religious voters while demeaning religious people.[109]

The Democratic majority refused to applaud a 100 year old African American Tuskegee Airman during the 20202 State of the Union address.

Mueller report

Robert Mueller colluding with Putin stooge Victor Yanukovich, president of the Ukraine.

The Mueller report found no wrongdoing by President Trump and left unanswered questions about the DNC, Obama administration, the Clinton campaign and the conduct of the Mueller investigation itself. Of the eight cases or incidents of alleged Trump Campaign interaction with the Russians investigated by the Mueller team, the proposals to interact with the Russian Government or with Vladimir Putin originated with Obama FBI informants, MI-6 assets or people paid by the Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and not Trump or his people.[110]

Democrats dusted off the threat of inherent contempt - arrest of Executive Branch officials - to try to force the release of the classified sections of the Mueller report and President Trump's business and personal tax returns. The Supreme Court has ruled congress's arrest powers are only legal if they serve a legitimate legislative function. Democrats insisted on using the 116th Congress to continue harassment and witchhunts into President Trump rather than accept the verdict of the American people in the 2016 election and clearing President Trump of any wrongdoing by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Disgraced FBI director James Comey was fired for publicly discussing the details of an investigation into Hillary Clinton; Attorney General William Barr notified congress of the findings of Mueller - that no basis was found for prosecution of President Trump, as required by law. Although making the Mueller report public could be done at the Attorney General's discretion, Barr stated in confirmation hearings that he would be inclined to make most portions available. Certain portions were redacted, as required by law. Congressional Democrats then demanded Attorney General Barr violate statute law and make the full unredacted record of the Mueller investigation public, and threatened contempt citations if Barr failed to do so, at which point the Justice Department withdrew the redacted version of the Mueller report from Congress.

The Democrats feared the ongoing investigation into high-level Obama administration spying, corruption, and interference in the 2016 president election and American democracy, and with their discredited liberal fake news media allies, channeled their hatred of President Trump into demonizing Attorney General Barr for Mueller's failure to produce the desired outcome of ridding Trump.

In January 2020 the FISA Court and Department of Justice ruled that the basis of the Mueller investigation - the Steele dossier, the Carter Page FISA warrant, and the Obama FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation - were invalid.[111]

Impeachment sham

See also: Fascism, Totalitarianism, and Single party control
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Joseph Goebbels.[112]

Democrat operative Alexandra Chalupa (left) Deep State informant Eric Ciaramella (right).[113]

Ukrainian prosecutors were attempting to get evidence into the hands of U.S. officials, but were being thwarted by the DOJ officials in the Southern District of New York. The State Department requested Rudy Giuliani to act as an emissary,[114] and U.S. Special Representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker thanked Giuliani for his assistance.[115]

Democrats were willing to use their presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, who supposedly was beating the President by 10 points in national polls, as a sacrificial lamb in order to impeach President Trump. For the first time in history, a trial of a sitting president would be in the Senate controlled by the president's own party. The trial would be transformed into a trial not of President Trump, but of former Vice President Joe Biden and the malignant corruption of Democrats in Washington.[116]

82% of voters said they were closely following news reports about Trump's and Biden's dealings with Ukrainian officials, with 55% who have been following Very Closely.[117] The Trump Campaign and RNC was flooded with $13 Million in the days immediately following Speaker Pelosi's announcement of the 2019 impeachment inquiry.[118] Sen. Doug Jones criticized his party for pursuing impeachment based on hearsay.[119] Sens. Joe Manchin and Jon Tester specifically expressed concerns that the impeachment inquiry witchhunt would have devastating blowback in the Democrats hope to re-take the Senate. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, noted for his comment, "America was never that great to begin with," blasted the impeachment push.[120] CNN contributor Van Jones called impeachment "a lose-lose situation" for Democrats.[121] Prof. Jonathan Turley blasted the fake news media demonization of Attorney General William Barr.[122] Bill Mahar was critical of the way Democrats and the news media handled the Ukrainian collusion scandal.[123]

The first open display by the party as a whole of utter contempt for constitutional and due process rights came on October 21, 2019 when it defeated a censure resolution of Rep. Adam Schiff, who was conducting a closed door witchhunt, dubbed an "impeachment inquiry" by Speaker Pelosi to draft Articles of Impeachment, that barred Republicans, the media, the public, the president's attorney's, the right of cross examination, or the right to confront one's accusers. The entire process was begun by anonymous accusers who admittedly based their accusations on hearsay evidence.

The failure of the impeachment sham was the worst defeat for Democrats since Appomattox.

No due process in impeachment

NYPost impeach.jpg
See also: Deep State coup 2.0

The Democrats 2019 impeachment probe was an attack on the fundamental due process rights of the constitution guaranteed to all Americans. House Democrats rewrote House Rules to illegally exclude Republicans from the process.[124] A poll of registered voters on the eve of Nancy Pelosi's unilateral declared "impeachment inquiry" without a vote from Congress found 46% think it's more likely that Trump will be reelected in 2020 than defeated by the Democratic nominee or impeached. 28% see a win by the Democrats’ candidate as more likely, down from 33% two months earlier. 17% believe Trump is likely to be impeached before serving his full term in office, down from a high of 29% when Rasmussen Reports first asked this question in late December 2017. Despite Democrats and fake news media's best efforts at another manufactured scandal Trump poll ratings remained strong.

Democrats changed the House Rules to exclude Republicans from the process, including forbidding Republicans to question witnesses while the Articles of Impeachment were drawn up.[125]

One day after the House voted along party lines to pass a supposed 'impeachment inquiry resolution', President Trump held a rally in Tupelo, Mississippi. At the rally, of the 16,432 voters who provided data, 27% were Democrats. 20% of those reporting were black in a state where the black population is approximately 37%. At an earlier Dallas rally where 53,985 voters had attended, 21.4% were Democrats. 11% were Hispanic. In the United States, Hispanics are 18% the population.[126] Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy claimed stated,

"I had a Democrat come to me today to tell me — he even questioned if he should stay a Democrat or re-register. He said, 'This is not the party I know.'"[127]
Democrat hero Mitt Romney depicted as Adolf Romney.[128]

The partisan impeachment articles were based on a temporary delay in foreign aid to Ukraine due to corruption. The Biden family had received a $3 million quid pro quo kickback of the $1 billion that Vice President Joe Biden was entrusted with doling out to Ukraine. The impeachment managers who drafted the articles, Jerrold Nadler, Hakeem Jeffries, and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) all previously voted against aid to Ukraine yet argued withholding aid was a threat to U.S. national security.[129] In fulfilling his oath of office President Trump delayed allotted aid while officials vetted the new Ukrainian administration. Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler alleged that Joe Biden was a "political rival" of President Trump for the 2020 presidential election. Biden was defeated soundly by Democrat voters in primary caucuses while the impeachment scam was tried in the U.S. Senate.

The partisan Articles of Impeachment alleged that rooting out corruption and what is good for America is an abuse of power, and secondly, that Congress has a right to deny due process rights, the right to counsel, the right of cross examination, and the right to confront one's accuser - an alleged hearsay whistleblower named Eric Ciaramella who worked for a political rival of the President and colluded with impeachment managers' staff before filing a whistleblower complaint beginning the House's abuse of the Constitutional process of impeachment. No crime was alleged by Democrats, yet the President defending himself against baseless smears was considered a high crime or misdemeanor. In an open trial, testimony from 17 witnesses were presented. The U.S. Senate resoundingly rejected the House Democrats tainted evidence.

In the course of the trial, presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren impugned the integrity of the presiding officer, Chief Justice John Roberts, House Manager Jerry Nadler insulted the Senators sitting as jurors accusing them of treachery and a cover up, among several other improprieties committed by the House presenters.

Upon President Trump's acquittal in the partisan witchhunt, Democrat leaders and their MSM allies become sarcastic and insulting toward the U.S. Senate. the Constitution and its processes, and the American people.

2020 Presidential primaries

See also: United States presidential election, 2020‎, Race baiting, Black problem, 2020 Democrats' attacks on Barack Hussein Obama, Black Voices for Trump, and Biden-Ukraine scandal
FBI crime data since Mayor Pete Buttigieg took office.[130] 2,200 baby corpses were found in the home of an abortionist and donor who Buttigieg made zoning changes for.[131]

A CBS Battleground Tracker Poll found that the moderate to conservative wing of the Democrat party consists mostly of blacks, Hispanics and other minorities, whereas the far left progressive wing is disproportionately white. Thomas Edsall wrining tin the New York Times noted, “What the data demonstrates is that the group containing the largest proportion of minority voters is the most skeptical of some of the most progressive policies embraced by Democratic candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris.”[132]

Segregationist and racist former VP Joe Biden became the party's Great White Hope upon making his announcement for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination.[133] Biden's age and being out of touch apparently were discounted by voters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "the original Rachel Dolezal" who masqueraded as a Native American to exploit affirmative action for her own benefit that she was not entitled to causing truly needy minorities to loose opportunities, moved into second place. Warren has struggled to name three black Americans who have influential to her.[134] Sen. Bernie Sanders who ran on a platform of reviving the Soviet slave system in the United States was an early contender. The gay married Mayor Pete Buttigieg who enjoyed much admiration from fake news media faltered on racial problems in his hometown. Beto O'Rourke, a cross dressing darling of the mainstream media whose only claim to fame was loosing an election, despite $70 million from Hollywood donors found a muted response from the American people. The wreckage of at least two dozen other also rans littered the landscape.

President Obama's former Vice President, Joseph Biden initiated a debate over his role in repealing sections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which required the Department of Health and Human Services (formerly the Department of Health, Education and Welfare) to cut off funds for schools that refused to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education to end segregation in schools. Biden authored an Amendment in 1975, supported by Democrat segregationists and supporters of Alabama Governor George Wallace to restore funding for white schools that refused to integrate with Blacks.[135] Sen. Kamala Harris confronted Biden in the First Debate, saying "that little girl was me" who received an opportunity to attend a better a school,[136] which Biden had denied to millions of other Blacks.[137][138]

Democrats falsely claimed Trump was sending out coded messages of "racism" and "white supremacy" and demanded a boycott of businesses owned by Trump donor Stephen Ross, whose assets include the Miami Dolphins, luxury spa Equinox, SoulCycle, and Hudson Yards whose tenants include CNN and HBO. Ross has donated to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) $15,700, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) $4,000, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Da-Nang DicK, D., Conn.) $2,500, Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) $2,500, Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) $4,600, Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) $2,700, Judiciary chairman Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.) $14,400, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $112,500, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) $10,000, and the New Jersey Democratic State Committee $20,000.[139]

Pelosi sat on Impeachment Articles for 30 days. The DNC establishment rigged the primary process again against Bernie Sanders, keeping Sanders tied up in DC during the impeachment trial hoax and Iowa Caucuses while Biden campaigned.

A YouGov poll exposed the rampant racism and bigotry of the Democrat Party: 30% of Democrats believe a white candidate is more electable than 8% who think not; 34% of Democrats believe a male candidate is more electable than 5% who think not; only 12% of Democrats prefer a nonwhite candidate while 29% thought voters would be less supportive; and only 17% prefer a female candidate over 30% who answered that a woman would be less electable.[140] Shortly before the Iowa caucuses' polls showed improvement in race relations at its highest level since the Obama-era War on Cops.[141]

Former Clinton Secretary of Health and Human Services, Rep. Donna Shalala said, "I have not been for Medicare for all and I think all the candidates have had trouble defending their position."[142]

At the 2019 DNC Summer Meeting in San Francisco where all candidates spoke (except Tulsi Gabbard, who was on active National Guard duty), Kamala Harris supporters began chanting and disrupted Bernie Sanders as he started to speak.[143] Mainstream fake news media tried to deny it happened.

Several 2020 Democrat presidential candidates campaigned in Mexico.[144][145] Democrats also adopted far-Left positions in an attempt to avoid having to acknowledge President Trump's strong economic success.[146] When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard delivered a knockout punch to Kamala Harris in the Democrat debates citing Harris' record as California Attorney General, Harris' campaign responded by alleging that stating facts about her record was a "Russian plot." McCarthyism and anti-Russian xenophobia is now the character of Democrat identity. Harris blamed racist and sexist Democrats for her failing campaign.[147]

The Democrat presidential candidates frequently used profane language as a campaign strategy.[148] Democratic voters freaked out on primary election day after they were informed they cast a vote for a gay man, Pete Buttigieg, who is gay married and asked for their ballots back.[149]

After Cory Booker and Julian Castro were driven out of the contest, racist insiders changed the debate rules to accommodate a rich white man, Michael Bloomberg in an effort to defeat Bernie Sanders.[150]

Although Democrats argued that former VP Joe Biden was above the law because he announced a campaign for the Democrat presidential nomination, Democrat voters decided Biden was not a "political rival" of President Trump, making the House Articles of Impeachment moot when the Senate voted to acquit the President.

Due to Democrat corruption and election rigging, the Associated Press refused to declare an Iowa Caucus winner.[151] Democrats called upon party chairman Tom Perez to resign after rigged results.[152][153]

Racism, anti-Semitism, intolerance and bigotry

See also: Blexit
Democrats push anti-Semitism into the mainstream. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton appear on stage with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, September 2018. Within a month, America suffered the worst mass killing of Jews in its history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.[154]

The Democrat Party has normalized[155] and become the home of modern anti-Semitism in America.[156][157] After making statements critical of the Obama and Trump administration's handling of migrants,[158] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was condemned by the United States Holocaust Museum for mocking the deaths of Nazi holocaust victims.[158][159]

Ettie Kryksman writing in the Times of Israel noted:
"there is scant protest coming from within the Democratic Party of Democratic Officials and activists, who see no shame in hobnobbing with avowed antisemites. The Democratic Party that condones this behavior either vocally or tacitly in their silence, is no longer a welcoming place for Jews.
Where are the voices of the Leftist Jews condemning the antisemitism that has hijacked the Democratic Party? Are Jewish Democrats willing to tolerate and excuse the rise of antisemitism in their party? Has Judaism for them become so politicized that it has been replaced by Liberalism?
The distinction between the two is lost when Jews ignore the antisemitism that has invaded the Democratic Party's leadership. The widespread antisemitism in the Democratic Party, has manifested itself... [Linda] Sarsour was later championed by Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand who thought Sarsour was a wonderful role model for all women.
Democratic rallies shout anti Israel slogans against the "apartheid state of Israel." Pro Israel speakers are shouted down at college campuses by progressive leftists, who refuse to allow them to speak. Events are canceled as event organizers yield to bullying.[160]
The U.S. State Department has on its website as part of its definition of anti-Semitism:
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.[161]
A blatantly anti-Semitic cartoon depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a guide dog with a Star of David collar leading a blind President Trump wearing a skullcap. The cartoon accompanied an op-ed published 4/25/19 in the International Edition of the New York Times.[162] Two days later, a Trump-hater shot up a California synagogue, killing one and injuring several. The shooter left a manifesto calling President Trump a “Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous, C*********.”[163]

DNC Vice Chair Keith Ellison met with the antisemitic UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn.[164] The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, refused to pass a resolution rebuking Rep. Ilhan Omar for a persistent pattern of anti-Semitic statements.[165][166] Omar received support from Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and former Democrat presidential candidate David Duke.[167] The Southern Poverty Law Center ignored the anti-Semitic hate speech by Democrat members of Congress. Imam Omar Suleiman, who has called for the destruction of the State of Israel, was invited to deliver the noon prayer in the House of Representatives. The imam had been invited by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas. (D–TX).[168] Valerie Plame announced her candidacy for the House. Plame promoted anti-Semitic materials on Twitter, a scandal that forced her resignation from the Ploughshares Fund.[169]

Georgia Democrat house minority leader Erica Thomas claimed a white man told her to "Go back where you came from" while standing in a supermarket express lane. The man, a Cuban American, loyal Democrat straight party line voter who hates Trump, supports the Squad, and once Tweeted that Trump should go back to Germany, denied the accusation. Thomas later recanted her claim.[170][171][172][173][174] A store clerk employee then came forward alleging Thomas herself told the Cuban to go back to where he came from.[175]

Some Democrat politicians elected to Congress in 2018 were vocal in ridiculing Christians.[176][177] A man was arrested for burning several historically Black churches in Louisiana. The suspect was heavily involved in anti-Christian music, satanism and paganism. In a Colorado high school shooting, a gender-confused registered Democrat and Barack Obama fan killed one person and injured nine others in deranged rampage.[178] A Democrat charged with pedophilia won a primary vote against an incumbent who supported Virginia's racist Democrat Governor Ralph Northam.[179] The national Democratic Governors Association (DGA) contributed over $6 million to Northam's campaign and praised him after near universal calls for his resignation.[180] Travis County Texas Municipal Judge Sarah Eckhard mocked a disabled person in a wheelchair at a leftist gathering in the capital city of Austin; Texas Gov.Greg Abbott was paralyzed when a tree fell on him, and pretending to be an environmentalist, Judge Eckard joked "Abbott hates trees cause one fell on him."[181] In Pennsylvania, a Democrat state representative streamed on social media his harassment of a woman senior citizen praying outside an abortion clinic.[182]

In Kentucky, voters overwhelmingly rejected the Democrats' racist agenda, electing the state's first black Attorney General and first Republican in 70 years, Daniel Cameron. Four years earlier, Kentucky voters elected conservative Republican Jenean Hampton as the state's first black statewide elected official, and the Republican governor they elected, Matt Bevin, had adopted four children from Ethiopia.

Elizabeth Warren (far right) with leading anti-Semite Linda Sarsour (far left).

Women's March

See also: Leftwing war on women

The Democrat Party has been accused of enabling anti-Semitism. Women's March co-founders Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour have been criticized for their outspoken support of anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.[183] Mallory attended a Nation of Islam event hosted by Farrakhan, during which he referred to the "Satanic Jew" and declared that "the powerful Jews are my enemy".[184]

Noted speakers and participants at various Women's March events included[185] Presidential hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand,[186] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,[187] Rep. Ayanna Pressley,[188] Rep. Barbara Lee[189] and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.[190]

Two directors of the U.S.-based Jewish NGO the Anti-Defamation League, along with the president of the Zionist Organization of America, have criticized Sarsour's stance on Israel. Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL's director, has said that Sarsour's support of BDS "encourages and spreads anti-Semitism".[191] Sarsour has refused to condemn Farrakhan's extremely anti-Semitic rhetoric.[192] Sarsour has called for Muslims to carry out jihad against President Trump and has praised Imam Siraj Wahhaj,[193] named in court documents as an alleged “co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Awad is co-founder and Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) which has direct ties to the Hamas terror organization.


AOC flashing a white supremacist hand sign.[194]
See also: Left-wing Anti-Semitism

Rep. Rashida Tlaib supports the BDS movement.[195] Tlaib made a bigoted tweet accusing Jewish-Americans of having divided loyalties, an attack frequently made by anti-Semites.[196] She wrote at least one op-ed on Louis Farrakhan's website.[197] Tlaib did a selfie with a Hezbollah-praising activist to also denied Israel's right to exist.[198] New York Magazine named her one of 10 activists who may become the future of the Democratic Party as the "new Obama."[199] Tlaib was sworn in surrounded by a group that included Sarsour and Nihad Awad as her special guests.[200]

Rep. Ilhan Omar is known for her anti-Semitism,[201] insensitivity and mocking remarks about Christians,[177] and homophobic comments directed against colleagues.[202][203] Omar tweeted "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." Omar supports BDS.[204][205][206] Omar claims congressional support for Israel is "All about the Benjamins baby," a reference to the Ben Franklin $100 bill, implying members of Congress are paid off by AIPAC. Despite this, Democrats gave her a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.[207]

The fourth-ranking Democrat in the House, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, defended Tlaib and Omar as "thoughtful colleagues." Tlaib is a member of a Facebook group that posts anti-Semitic videos and memes. The Daily Caller reported that a key fundraiser for Tlaib posted a Holocaust denial video.[208]

Blexit, WalkAway and Jexodus

USA Today reported that President Trump's popularity among African Americans is higher than any Republican president in decades.[209] This is not surprising given that Blacks have suffered most from illegal immigration. Since Democrats established the entitlement dole, Blacks' income and employment have been stepped over by Korean and Vietnamese war refugees and virtually all immigrant groups. Conservative News and Views reported,
Just as Candace Owens has spearheaded the “Blexit” movement, Bawer writes, inspiring “black Americans to recognize the damage done to them by the Great Society and its aftermath [and to] leave the Democratic plantation, so has Brandon Straka led other gays to see that they’ve been “served a bill of goods by the mainstream media and Democratic Party and is now heading his WalkAway campaign.” But what about the Jews?

Well, whaddaya know? Here comes Elizabeth Pipko, a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model who, in an effort to aid a “mass Jewish exodus from the Democratic party,” has popularized the “JEXODUS” movement” initiated by Republican activist Jeff Ballabon.

"Right now," Ms. Pipko said, "as a Jewish person, you cannot support the Democratic Party and support the Jewish people at the same time."[210]

The New McCarthyism

In 2016, Russian hackers attempted, and failed, to hack into state election board computers. No federal facilities, as far as is known, were attempted. However, no federal law enforcement agency, not the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security or any other federal, state, or municipal law enforcement agency ever investigated an alleged hack of the Democratic National Committee. The confluence of these two events - attempted hacking of state election boards and the publication of leaked emails from the DNC by WikiLeaks - coupled with the Obama administration's FISA abuse were melded by CIA Director John Brennan into the Russia collusion hoax.

The debunked Trump-Russia fake news morphed itself into a xenophobic reaction against Russian bots and anything Russian to explain all the Democratic party's self-inflicted misfortunes. These Russianbot conspiracy theories inspired some of the most absurd conjecture to explain social phenomenon and justify the most venomous hatred, in the spoken word of Democrat leaders, media elites, and violent actions of the extreme left.

Leftwing violence

Antifa fascist (right in black hood) moves to stab a U.S. Marine Corps veteran (left in blue with bicycle).[211]
See also: Left-wing violence in the Trump era

Connor Betts, dressed in all black, killed 9 people including several African Americans and injured 27 in a shooting at a Dayton, Ohio restaurant. He described himself on his Twitter account page as "leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.” The Greene County Board of Elections lists his party as “Dem.”[212]

Patrick Crausius, a 21 year old registered Democrat[213] killed 20 people and injured 26 at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. The shooter was a supporter of universal healthcare, universal basic income, racist, environmentalist and zero sum anti-corporate anti-economic growth policies. In a manifesto the shooter wrote,[214]

  • "The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND Republican, have been failing us for decades. They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations."
  • "America will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs.."
  • "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed."
  • "immigration will make one of the biggest issues of our time, automation, so much worse. Some sources say that in under two decades, half of American jobs will be lost to it."
  • "our lifestyle Is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources."
  • "Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste.... We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. ... The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. ... So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources."
  • "This will also make the elites that run corporations realize that it’s not in their interest to continue piss off Americans. Corporate America doesn’t need to be destroyed, but just shown that they are on the wrong side of history."
  • "the idea of deporting or murdering all non-white Americans is horrific. Many have been here at least as long as the whites, and have done as much to build our country. The best solution to this for now would be to divide America into a confederacy of territories with at least one territory for each race. "
  • "I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."

Socialism denial

See also: Socialism denial, Cambodian genocide, Three Years of Disasters, Holodomor, The Black Book of Communism, and Atheism and human rights violations

Every announced candidate for the Democrat nomination in the 2020 Presidential election is a Socialist holocaust denier. Several Democrat presidential candidates have sparked a positive and enthusiastic response among white supremacists.[215][216] None have renounced violence as a means to obtain or retain political power. This runs contrary to the Declaration of Independence which states that governments derive "their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Fascist national security state

Under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic party has been transformed into the party of war and the national security surveillance state. Anyone who does not toe the party line is smeared as a Russian agent.[217] The party establishment attacks critics of regime change wars as "Russian" bots and assets. Party operatives regularly ignore 4th Amendment and due process rights - including congressional committee chairmen conducting a supposed "impeachment inquiry" which was never voted on and authorized by the House of Representatives.

Author Max Blumenthal, senior editor of The Grayzone, observed:

This whole narrative would blow back on the left and would be used to enforce conformity on issues of war and peace, in support of the former against the latter. When we're seeing that play out in real time, with Hillary Clinton's attacks on Tulsi Gabbard. It was clear to me as soon as Tulsi Gabbard got into the race that even though she has absolutely no connection to Russia at all, she was going to be smeared this way because this is the McCarthyite venomous poison that Hillary Clinton has brought into the Democratic Party, along with the national security state figures like John Brennan and James Clapper. They have turned principled resistance against Trump and Trumpism into a collection of spooks, dupes, and Cold War cooks, and our worst warnings are being fulfilled. Tulsi Gabbard has been smeared as a Russian asset. She's been basically accused of committing a crime, that could hold the death penalty, by someone with a multi-million dollar sleaze operation. Hillary Clinton and her sleaze network, her corporate funded sleaze network which really grew out of her campaign where she just had so much Wall Street money, and defense industry money....this is their way of destroying an emergent trend in the party, which is somewhat non-partisan. But is also anti-war, which reflects the sentiments of Americans across the country including a lot of the working-class people who are following Trump into the Republican Party. It was coordinated....

The rhetorical basis for Hillary Clinton smear was established during the past two years when anyone who challenged the imperatives of the national security state in places like Syria or Venezuela, where the proxy war is playing out between the US and Russia although you know it's not purely a proxy war but it's seen that way in Washington, is accused of echoing Kremlin propaganda. And so we saw that narrative weaponized against Tulsi Gabbard after the last debate. I've never seen such a meltdown among you know Beltway and Democratic establishment hacks over a minor protest candidate who's polling at 2%, as the one I saw against Tulsi Gabbard. Susan Glasser from Politico, who's just the quintessential centrist hack, who's married to Peter Baker - the New York Times White House correspondent, said that Tulsi Gabbard was echoing Russian and Syrian talking points by condemning regime change wars. This is something that only the reel cranks of the Republican Party would have said about opponents of the Iraq war. Now it's coming out of the political center. Josh Marshall, and founder of Talking Points Memo which all of the Democratic wonks wake up every morning and read, said "the only thing that Tulsi Gabbard can do is shut the F up." That was his response to her. It's like this. She inspires this kind of visceral outrage by condemning regime change wars, and one after another they accuse her of echoing Russian talking points. So now championing the cause of peace, withdrawing US troops, withdrawing US bases from a hinterland in northern Syria, it's the Russian agenda. And this is something I've never heard in my lifetime since I was kind of like a sentient being following politics. But it's something that I read about in books about McCarthyism. And it really appears to have so infested the mainstream of the Democratic Party that we're going to be living with it for the rest of our lives.[218]

Critics have noted that the Democratic party has morphed into a branch of the CIA not unlike the origins of the East German Stasi government.[219] The all consuming Russiagate insanity began when the FBI launched its counterintelligence probe after learning that a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, was offered “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from an FBI plant named Joseph Mifsud, and after Papadopoulos told Australian diplomat Alexander Downer about it. Australian officials then tipped off their American counterparts to Papadopoulos’ remarks, after which the FBI flew agent Peter Strzok to London to interview Downer about his interactions with Papadopoulos, igniting what the FBI called operation “Crossfire Hurricane,” they claim began on July 31, 2016.

Aside from now fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and his also ousted FBI secret lover Lisa Page being exposed for their political bias in text messages to have created an “Insurance Policy” to damage Trump if he was elected, and Alexander Downer having funneled $25 million to Clinton Foundation, the central pivot person of the entire Russiagate conspiracy theory revolved around Mifsud, who works for the UK Cabinet Office Security Vetting Appeals Panel and trains NATO intelligence personnel and diplomats at Link Campus University in Rome that's described as a finishing school for British spies, along with FBI agents who have also both taught and have trained at the school.[220]

Political positions

Main article: 2020 Democratic party issues

Virtually all political positions, foreign and domestic, have been determined by how it redounds to the expansion of the civil service workforce, state and federal, and to the benefit of the existing civil service. This has been historically true since passage of the Civil Service Act in 1882, and was the basis of the Jacksonian spoils system and founding of the party. Democrat candidates campaign on, and Democrats voters vote for, government jobs and goodies and who will be called upon to hand out money from the public treasury. All policy discussion and decisions regarding national security, foreign policy, and domestic programs are based upon this basic tenet of controlling and expanding the power of the civil service workforce.

Half of all homeless persons in America live in the blue state of California, which has enacted voter suppression legislation against Republicans to keep President Trump off the ballot. Although unemployment is at record lows, blue states still lead the nation in crime and homelessness.

The Democratic party has persistently attempted to restrict gun ownership rights of blacks, Hispanics, and all other minorities at all levels, state and federal.[221][222] Democrats seek to disarm Blacks, where only cops and criminals have guns.


First Party System

Democrats claim that Thomas Jefferson founded their party in 1792 at the start of the First Party System. The Jeffersonian Republicans was a political party established under the leadership of Jefferson and James Madison. At the time, it was generally called the Republicans, but it had no relationship to today's Republican Party, founded in 1854. The 1816 election was the last occasion when the Federalist Party nominated a presidential candidate. In the 1820s, the Jeffersonian Republicans split into several fractions. Andrew Jackson emerged as the candidate of one of these groups and was elected president in 1828. Well into the 21st century, Jefferson and Jackson have been regularly honored by local Democrat parties with an annual Jefferson-Jackson fundraising dinner.[223][224][225]

Cons4 (2).jpg

Most historians regard Jackson's 1832 campaign organization as the beginning of today's Democratic Party. The Democratic Party itself traces its origin to Jefferson's Republicans and the Whisky Rebellion.[226] The leadership of the Jeffersonian Republicans, including John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, created the National Republican Party. Adams supporters called themselves National Republicans, antecedents of the merchant class Whig and later the Republican parties.[227]

The modern Democratic party was formed during 1828-34, under the national leadership of Jackson and Van Buren, with organizations in all the states comprised of local political leaders. This became the era of Jacksonian Democracy. The Jacksonians resembled the Jeffersonians especially in terms of anti-elite rhetoric of opposition to "aristocracy" (that is, wealthy old families), distrust of banks (and paper money), they were "yeoman farmers" or "hillbillies", with faith in "the people." By his extensive use of federal patronage, President Jackson removed old office-holders to make way for party loyalists. The U.S. Postal Service was the federal government's largest employer. With the emergence of the merchant or middle class Whig Party, the nation now had a new party system, the Second Party System, which lasted until 1854.

The party held its first national convention in 1832 to choose a new running mate for Jackson; it nominated Martin Van Buren for vice president and endorsed the reelection of Jackson. Jackson easily defeated Clay in 1832. In the political realignment of 1828-32, some of Jackson's supporters from the election of 1828, especially businessmen and bankers, switched to the opposition Whig Party as Jackson crusaded against the Second Bank of the United States. The name "Democratic Party" became common by the mid-1830s.

Jacksonian Democracy

1837 cartoon shows Democratic Party as donkey
The new party dominated the Second Party System (as political scientists call it; historians call it "Jacksonian Democracy", 1832–54). After 1832, the Democratic Party drew support from a cross-section of the country. The vast majority of rich merchants, bankers, and plantation owners were Whigs, as were most evangelical Protestants. The party was strongest among traditionalistic farmers, frontiersmen, unskilled workers, Irish Catholics, and local or state political leaders. It was weakest in New England, where industrialization turned most factory workers and white-collar workers into Whigs, but was dominant in all other regions. The key issues it promoted were opposition to elites and aristocrats, popular democracy (in terms of voting rights and access to government patronage jobs) and opposition to the Bank of the United States (Jackson vetoed its charter renewal in 1832). The policies were known as Jacksonian Democracy.

Banking and tariffs were the central domestic policy issues from 1828 to 1852. The Democrats favored the Mexican-American War; Whigs opposed it. Democrats attracted Catholic Irish and German immigrants and denounced anti-immigrant nativism. Both the Democrats and Whigs were divided on the issue of slavery.

In the 1830s the Loco-Focos in New York City were radically democratic, anti-monopoly, and proponents of laissez-faire. Their chief spokesman was writer William Leggett. At this time labor unions were few; some were loosely affiliated with the party.

The economy went sour in the late 1830s with Van Buren getting the blame; he lost reelection as president in 1840 to the Whig William Henry Harrison. The Democrats gained the White House back in 1844 with James K. Polk. He had a successful term, then retired. The Democratic National Committee was created in 1848 at the convention that nominated General Lewis Cass, who lost to General Zachary Taylor of the Whigs. In state after state, the Democrats gained small but permanent advantages over the Whigs, until by 1852 the Whig Party was fatally weakened by divisions regarding the issue of slavery and they soon vanished.

The Democratic party dominated the North from the 1840s to 1854. Northern Democrats opposed banks, criticized corporate practices, and preached the ideals of a free society. They called for rapid territorial expansion of the United States, saying that in territorial expansion lay a means for thwarting the pretensions of the Slave Power.

Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire was elected president in 1852, followed by James Buchanan of Pennsylvania in 1856. They proved poor presidents who lost control of the slavery issue, and the party, as the nation broke apart and fought the American Civil War.

Racist and segregationist traditions

Andrew Jackson not only founded the Democratic Party, but he also founded the infamous Trail of Tears.
See also Trail of Tears, Ethnic cleansing and Dred Scott decision

The 21st Congress was controlled by the Jacksonian Democrats. The first major bill they passed was the Indian Removal Act, authorizing the removal of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminoles from the South, primarily Georgia and Florida, to a territory west of the Mississippi River which became Oklahoma. The bill was controversial, opposed by many Christians and Northerners. During the first stage of the Choctaws’ forced migration begun in 1831, thousands died during the journey. Each successive stage was marred by a lack of food, shelter, and protection from the elements. Diphtheria and typhoid were rampant. Over the decade, more than 46,000 Native Americans experienced these conditions.

Historian John Toland maintains that the Nazi Party's segregation and deportation of Jews into ghettos and concentration camps were derived from the Democratic Party's segregation and deportation of Native Americans to reservation land.[228]

In the 31st Congress, the Democrats had a majority in the Senate and a large plurality in the House, while the Free Soil Republicans held only 9 seats. The Whigs held the second largest contingent as well as the White House. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which penalized local and state officials in free states who did not arrest an alleged runaway slave on demand of a slave owner. Any person aiding a runaway slave by providing food or shelter was subject to six months' imprisonment and a fine. Slave owners needed only to supply a sworn affidavit to a U.S. Marshal to capture an escaped slave. Since a suspected slave had no right to trial, the law resulted in the kidnapping of free blacks by bounty hunters and conscription into slavery in both free states and slave states, as suspected fugitive slaves were denied the right to a legal defense. The law's passage ultimately led to the demise of the Whigs and rise of Free Soil-Republicans.

Jackson had appointed his Attorney General, Roger B. Taney, to fill the seat of retiring Chief Justice John Marshall. In 1846, Dred Scott, an African-American slave living in Missouri, filed suit against his master for his own freedom. Scott argued that he had legally gained freedom in the 1830s, when he had resided with a previous master in the free state of Illinois and a portion of the Louisiana Territory where slavery was banned. After a series of legal battles lasting over a decade, the case made its way to the Supreme Court.

Democrat President James Buchanan said in his inaugural address that the issue of slavery would soon be "finally settled" by the Supreme Court.[229] Taney sought to permanently remove slavery as a subject of national debate. All the Democratic appointees on the Court were outraged over what they saw as "Northern aggression" towards slavery, an institution they believed was critical to "Southern life and values."[230] In the Dred Scott decision of 1857, the Taney Court ruled that persons of African descent could not be, nor were ever intended to be, citizens under the U.S. Constitution. Taney wrote that the framers of the Constitution believed that blacks “had no rights which the white man was bound to respect;" and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. The court also declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional (the Missouri Compromise of 1819 allowed for admission of new states to the Union on a one-for-one basis, one free state for every one slave state), thus permitting slavery in all territories of the westward expansion.

The Dred Scott decision received strong criticism and bolstered the growing popularity of the Republican Party. Republicans rejected Taney's legal reasoning and argued that the Declaration of Independence showed that the Founding Fathers favored the protection of individual rights for all free men, regardless of race.[231] Many Republicans accused Taney of being part of a conspiracy to legalize slavery throughout the United States.[232]

Civil War and aftermath

During the Third Party System (1854-1896) the Democrats became the minority in the face of the newly formed Republican Party (formed by former Whigs and Free Soil abolitionists), which controlled nearly all northern states by 1860, bringing a solid majority in the Electoral College. A powerful Republican issue was the allegation that northern Democrats, including "Doughfaces" like Pierce and Buchanan, and advocates of popular sovereignty like Stephen A. Douglas and Lewis Cass, were accomplices to the Slave Power. The Republicans meant by Slave Power the conspiracy of slaveholders to seize control of the federal government and block the "progress of liberty."

Another definition of Progressivism: Prior to the end of slavery and suppressing the vote for 100 years, then later keeping Blacks dependent on entitlements, Democrats used the whip to keep Blacks in line.

In 1860 the Democrats were unable to stop the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln, even as they feared his election would lead to civil war. The party was divided between North and South. The northern wing nominated Douglas, and the southern wing nominated Vice President John C. Breckinridge. Douglas campaigned across the country and came in second in the popular vote, but carried only Missouri. Breckinridge carried 11 slave states.

The heart of Democrat Resistance in the North resided in New York. The New York City draft riots (July 13–16, 1863) were the largest civil and racially-charged insurrection in American history, aside from the Civil War itself. Initially intended as a protest against the draft, it turned into a race riot. Workers feared free black people would compete for jobs. Black people throughout the city were attacked. 120 people were killed, public buildings, churches, homes of various abolitionists or sympathizers, and many black homes were ransacked or destroyed. The Colored Orphan Asylum was burnt to the ground.

Only a fraction of Union troops occupied the South after the war, and the balance mustered out according to length of service. Because blacks were not admitted into ranks until the middle of the war, they were retained at a higher rate, making the occupying force "blacker" than the one that won the war. The roughly 200,000 black Americans who served in the Union Army comprised an estimated 10 percent of the North's total fighting force. But by the last quarter of 1865, blacks made up about one-third of the occupation army. Many Southerners took this as a deliberate Republican insult.[233]

The Republican Party was beginning a 50-year era of dominance (1858-1910). During the war, Northern Democrats divided into two factions, War Democrats, who supported the military policies of President Lincoln, and Copperheads, who strongly opposed them. Historian Kenneth Stampp has captured the Copperhead spirit in his depiction of Democratic Congressman Daniel W. Voorhees of Indiana:

There was an earthy quality in Voorhees, "the tall sycamore of the Wabash." On the stump his hot temper, passionate partisanship, and stirring eloquence made an irresistible appeal to the western Democracy. His bitter cries against protective tariffs and national banks, his intense race prejudice, his suspicion of the eastern Yankee, his devotion to personal liberty, his defense of the Constitution and state rights faithfully reflected the views of his constituents. Like other Jacksonian agrarians he resented the political and economic revolution then in progress. Voorhees idealized a way of life which he thought was being destroyed by the current rulers of his country. His bold protests against these dangerous trends made him the idol of the Democracy of the Wabash Valley.[234]

The Democrats lost consecutive presidential elections from 1860 through 1880 (but 1876 was in dispute); 1884 was their next victory. The Democrats were weakened by "The Cause" in the Civil War but benefited from resentment toward Republicans for its effort to promote equality for blacks in Reconstruction. The Republicans received the eternal hatred and hostility of Democrats, and shied away from social issues for the next 150 years, focusing instead on its original purpose of preserving the Union through national security, and on economic issues. The Redeemers gave the Democrats control of every Southern state. Democratic terrorism at first was focused on Republicans; once the Republicans had been chased out, the lynching of Blacks peaked about 1892 with over 150 victims, or about one every two days.

Jim Crow and the disenfranchisement of black voters in most of the South took place 1890-1900. From 1880 to 1960 the "Solid South" voted Democratic in all presidential elections (except 1928). After 1900 the key election in southern states were white-only caucuses;[235] victory in that primary was "tantamount to election."

GAR veteran 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel Grigsby of Company G, 10th Indiana Cavalry died at the age of 79 in 1890. Grigsby's brother was married to Abraham's Lincoln's sister. Grigsby had this written on his tombstone:
Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party. I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so called party. Therefore beware of this party of treason.[236]

Though Republicans continued to control the White House until 1912 (except 1884 and 1892), the Democrats remained competitive in the states, especially in the mid-Atlantic and lower Midwest, and controlled the House of Representatives for most of that period. In the election of 1884, Grover Cleveland, the conservative Democratic Governor of New York, won the presidency, a feat he repeated in 1892, having lost in the election of 1888.

Civil service replaces Reconstruction and the spoils system

The first victims (yellow line) were Republican carpetbaggers; once they were driven out the Democrats turned on Blacks (blue line).
Source: Historical Statistics of the U.S., and is based on the 1952 Negro year Book.
See also: Civil service system

While the Democratic party lost the Civil War, it won the battle to control the United States Civil Service bureaucracy.[237] Since the end of Reconstruction in 1876 and passage of the 1882 Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, the Democratic party is no longer dependent on the spoils system and winning elections to maintain its power.

With the defeat of the Democrats and the South, to the victors went the spoils. Republicans immediately stripped white males who engaged in rebellion against the United States of the vote, and gave it to Blacks. Newly freed Blacks held local, state and federal elected and non-elected positions as Republicans. The white males who were deprived of the vote were also barred from holding any civil service position and were universally Democrats. This disenfranchisement created enormous resentment among Democrats, so they formed the Ku Klux Klan to engage in voter intimidation and suppression.

By 1876, the situation had become ungovernable for Republicans.[238] The Republicans had been able to pass the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments which guaranteed Blacks basic equality and civil rights, but eventually had to declare an amnesty for whites who engaged in rebellion. Reconstruction ended, and Republicans withdrew from social engineering which had divided the country so deeply and stirred up such bitterness and hatred among Democrats toward both Blacks and Republicans. Reconstruction earned Republicans the undying hatred of Democrats.[239][240]

African Americans in the South were left to the mercy of increasingly hostile state governments dominated by white Democratic legislatures; neither the legislatures, law enforcement or the courts worked to protect freedmen.[241] As Democrats regained power in the late 1870s, they struggled to suppress black voting through intimidation and fraud at the polls. Paramilitary groups such as the Red Shirts acted on behalf of the Democrats to suppress black voting. From 1890 to 1908, 10 of the 11 former Confederate states passed disfranchising constitutions or amendments,[242] with provisions for poll taxes,[243] residency requirements, literacy tests,[243] and grandfather clauses that effectively disfranchised most black voters and many poor white people. The disfranchisement also meant that black people could not serve on juries or hold any political office, which were restricted to voters; those who could not vote were excluded from the political system.

Cleveland was the leader of the Bourbon Democrats, the bourgeois wing of the party. They represented business elites, supported banking and railroad goals, promoted capitalism, opposed the annexation of Hawaii, fought for the gold standard, and opposed Bimetallism. They strongly supported ending Republican spoils with the Civil Service Reform Act and opposed corruption of city bosses, leading the fight against the Tweed Ring. The leading Bourbons included Samuel J. Tilden, David Bennett Hill and William C. Whitney of New York, Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland, Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware, William L. Wilson of West Virginia, John Griffin Carlisle of Kentucky, William F. Vilas of Wisconsin, J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska, John M. Palmer of Illinois, Horace Boies of Iowa, L.Q.C. Lamar of Mississippi, and railroad builder James J. Hill of Minnesota. A prominent intellectual was pro-segregationist Woodrow Wilson. The Bourbons were in power when the Panic of 1893 hit; it was a deep depression and they took the blame. A fierce struggle inside the party ensued, with catastrophic losses for both the Bourbon and agrarian factions in 1894, leading to the showdown in 1896.

Bryan and anti-Semitism

In 1880 when General Hancock (right) became the presidential nominee of the Democrats, Republican cartoonists showed the Democratic party history as a horror chamber featuring atrocities in the Civil War era; the donkey" shows the party as a coalition of the rear end of the South joined to the rear end of the North

Grover Cleveland led the bourgeois Bourbon Democrats but as the depression of 1893 deepened his enemies multiplied. The Panic of 1893 started in February 1893, a full month before Cleveland became president. Convinced that the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, passed under the administration of Benjamin Harrison, was largely responsible for the alarming drain on federal gold, President Cleveland called Congress into special session to urge its repeal. Congress consented, but only after bitter debate that divided the Democratic party into two hostile camps-the eastern "goldbugs" and the silver wing of the West and South that was to propel young William Jennings Bryan to the fore in 1896.[227]

At the 1896 convention, the silverite-agrarian faction repudiated the president and nominated the crusading orator William Jennings Bryan on a platform of inflation through "free" silver. The idea was that minting huge numbers of silver dollars would flood the economy with cash and end the depression. Eastern Democrats, unable to accept the party's free-silver platform and unwilling to support McKinley for his tariff views, nominated their own candidate, John M. Palmer of Illinois and called themselves the National, or Gold, Democrats.[227] The Gold Democrats attracted prominent figure such as segregationist Woodrow Wilson and historian Frederick Jackson Turner , known for ignoring the contributions of minorities and who refused to vote Republican.

Bryan became an overnight sensation among Democrats with his "Cross of Gold" speech:

"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”[244]
Implicit was his assertion that the religious group responsible for the death of Christ was also the source of the United States’ economic woes.[245] Crisscrossing the Midwest and East by special train, he gave over 500 speeches to audiences in the millions. In St. Louis he gave 36 speeches to workingmen's audiences all over the city, all in one day. Most Democratic newspapers were hostile (except William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal) but Bryan seized control of the media by making the news every day, as he hurled thunderbolts against "Eastern monied interests," a codeword for "Jewish bankers."[246] Using fraud and violence, and rallying support by appealing to white supremacy, the Democrats held on to their power in Southern states. Many Democrats refused to endanger white supremacy by voting against the Democratic Party.[247] Ethnic Democrats, (especially Germans and Irish), however, were alarmed and frightened by Bryan.[248] The middle classes, businessmen, newspaper editors, factory workers, railroad workers, and prosperous farmers generally rejected Bryan's crusade.

Bryan was overwhelmed by William McKinley in the most exciting race in national history.[249] McKinley promised a return to prosperity based on the gold standard, support for industry, railroads and banks, and pluralism that would enable every group to move ahead. Bryan did, however, win the hearts and minds of a majority of Democrats. The election of 1896 was a political realignment. The victory of the Republican Party marked the start of the "Progressive Era," from 1896 to 1932, in which the GOP usually was dominant.

Wilson and the KKK

See also: Plessy v. Ferguson

Melville Fuller was appointed Chief Justice by President Grover Cleveland in 1888. Fuller managed Democrat Stephen A. Douglas's campaign in the 1860 presidential election against Abraham Lincoln. He was known as a Copperhead Democrat. In 1896, a Fuller Court decision declared that racial segregation does not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment so long as the "separate but equal" doctrine is followed. The decision allowed the continued existence of Jim Crow laws for another six decades.

The Fourth Party System began with the 1896 election, a realignment during which the GOP controlled the presidency for 28 of 36 years. The GOP dominated most of the Northeast and Midwest, and half the West. Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, or GAR, became the GOP. One of the consequences of the Democratic victories in the South was that many Southern Congressmen and Senators were almost automatically re-elected every election. Due to the importance of seniority in the U.S. Senate, Southerners were able to control most of the committees and kill any civil rights legislation.[250] William Jennings Bryan, with a base in the South and Plains states, was strong enough to get the nomination again in 1900 (losing to McKinley) and 1908 (losing to Taft). Theodore Roosevelt dominated the first decade of the century—and to the annoyance of Democrats "stole" the trust issue by crusading against trusts.

Birth of a Nation released in 1915 depicted the history of the Democratic Party after the Civil War. In 1992, the Library of Congress deemed the film "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.

Anti-Bryan conservatives controlled the convention in 1904, but they faced a Theodore Roosevelt landslide. Bryan dropped his free silver and anti-imperialism rhetoric and supported mainstream progressive issues, such as the income tax, anti-trust, and direct election of Senators. He backed Woodrow Wilson in 1912, was rewarded with the State Department, then resigned in protest against Wilson's non-pacifistic policies in 1916. Northern Democrats were progressive on most issues, but generally opposed prohibition, were lukewarm regarding women's rights, and were reluctant to undercut the "boss system" in the big cities.

Taking advantage of a deep split in the GOP, the Democrats took control of the House in 1910 and elected the Northern segregationist Woodrow Wilson as president in 1912 and 1916. Wilson successfully led Congress to a series of Progressive laws, including a reduced tariff, stronger antitrust laws, the Federal Reserve System, hours-and-pay benefits for railroad workers, and outlawing of child labor, raising wages for adults. Furthermore, constitutional amendments for prohibition and woman suffrage were passed in his second term. In effect, Wilson laid to rest the issues of tariffs, money and antitrust that had dominated politics for 40 years.

In 1915 the epic Hollywood film, Birth of a Nation was released with its portrayal of black men, many played by white actors in blackface, as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as an heroic force.[251][252] It was the first American motion picture to be screened inside the White House, viewed there by President Woodrow Wilson, members of his cabinet, and their families.[253] In a letter to the White House press secretary the author of The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan which the film is based,[254] wrote:

"The real purpose of my film was to revolutionize Northern sentiments by a presentation of history that would transform every man in the audience into a good Democrat...Every man who comes out of the theater is a Southern partisan for life!"[255]
In a letter to President Wilson, Thomas Dixon Jr., who authored the book and screenplay, boasted:
"This play is transforming the entire population of the North and the West into sympathetic Southern voters. There will never be an issue of your segregation policy".[255]
Dixon was alluding to the fact that Wilson upon becoming president in 1913 had imposed segregation on federal workplaces in Washington D.C. while reducing the number of black employees through demotion or dismissal.[256]

Wilson ordered Jim Crow segregation in all federal government facilities in Washington DC, wiping out 50 years of social progress that African-Americans made under Republicans. No longer could blacks and whites work together in government offices, eat in the same cafeterias, our use the same bathrooms. The Wilson administration went a step further. Through the Treasury Department's Office of the Architect, the bureau charged with construction and maintenance of federal buildings, federal buildings throughout the nation were ordered to furnish segregated bathrooms, even in Northern states were practices as such were virtually unknown.[257]

1924 Democratic Convention.

Wilson was re-elected in 1916 on the slogan, "He kept us out of war!", the caldron that was inflaming Europe since 1914. Upon inauguration, Wilson promptly took the United States to war to save British Imperialism. Great Britain had been the United States principal foreign enemy since its founding, in the Revolutionary War and War of 1812; the Confederacy could not have fought without the assistance of British arms. Many Americans could not understand how the United States could come to the aid of Great Britain, which had tried to destroy the Union three times since its inception.

World War I left the U.S. with a staggering national debt. Wilson turned his attention to building trade alliances and foreign affairs. He wrote parts of the Versailles Treaty, especially the new League of Nations. But in 1919 Wilson's political skills faltered, and suddenly everything turned sour. The Senate rejected Versailles and the League, a nationwide wave of strikes and violence caused unrest, and Wilson's health collapsed. With the rise of the leftist Soviet Union and Communist International conspiracy, the world had not been made safe for democracy. The GOP came roaring back in a landslide in 1920, as Warren G. Harding defeated a Democratic ticket memorable for having Franklin D. Roosevelt as the vice presidential nominee.

1924 Klanbake

At the 1924 Democratic National Convention, the big fight was over a resolution denouncing by name the Ku Klux Klan; it was pushed by New York governor Al Smith and Alabama Senator Oscar W. Underwood in order to embarrass the front-runner, William McAdoo of California. After furious debate, the resolution failed by a vote of 542.85 in favor to 546.15 opposed.[258] The soaring temperatures gave the Convention the name, the Klanbake. At its peak in the mid-1920s, the KKK claimed to include about 15% of the nation's eligible voters, approximately 4–5 million people.[259] The Klan split in the party over cultural issues, especially Prohibition, facilitated Republican landslides in 1920, 1924 and 1928. However Al Smith did build a strong Catholic base in the big cities in 1928, and Franklin D. Roosevelt's election as Governor of New York that year brought a new leader to center stage.

New Deal coalition of liberals and segregationists

See also: Economic planning

The stock market crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression set the stage for a more progressive government and Franklin D. Roosevelt won a landslide victory in the election of 1932, campaigning on a platform of "Relief, Recovery, and Reform." This came to be termed "The New Deal" after a phrase in his acceptance speech. The Democrats also swept to large majorities in both houses of Congress, and among state Governors. Roosevelt altered the nature of the Party, away from laissez-faire capitalism, and towards the administrative state and entitlements. Conservative Democrats were outraged; led by Al Smith they formed the American Liberty League in 1934 and counterattacked. They failed and either retired from politics or joined the GOP. A few of them, such as Dean Acheson found their way back to the Democratic Party.

Elementary school children giving the fascist salute while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance during the New Deal.

After making gains in Congress in 1934 Roosevelt moved left and embarked on a big spending program called "The Second New Deal." It was characterized by building a voting bloc of labor unions, nationalizing welfare by the WPA (with 2 million unemployed men), setting up Social Security and raising taxes on "economic royalists."

Roosevelt's New Deal created an Alphabet soup of government programs. They imposed strong regulations on the banking and financial system, transportation, communications, stock markets, labor-management relations and housing. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) imposed restrictive covenants on mortgage underwriters to discourage government-backed home loans in areas "infiltrated" by "inharmonious racial or nationality groups."[260] Restrictive covenants were legal documents to ensure that blacks could not buy homes in white neighborhoods. These covenants forbade the owners and their heirs from selling their property to blacks and other racial and ethnic minorities. Because of these covenants, if the owners sold to a minority, the neighborhood property association had the right to sue in court to ensure that property and homes did not change hands and became the property of minorities.

Roosevelt built up the "New Deal Coalition", a diverse coalition of voters and special interest groups often with conflicting interests. Key components included corrupt big city political machines and labor unions. Key voter groups included traditional white segregationists, Southerners, Catholics, Jews, and liberals, as well as some Northern blacks. Southern New Dealers did not allow Blacks to vote. The big-city machines, largely controlled by immigrant leaders and unions, as well as blacks, were all tied to the party whose existence was maintained by a venomously, anti-Catholic, anti-labor and racist power center - the Southern Bourbon Democrats. The other keystone of the alliance was the Communist Party and other leftists, who played a crucial role in allying with Roosevelt and the Democrats to ensure that workers did not transcend trade unionism into political action independent of the Democratic Party. This voter base allowed Democrats to be elected to Congress and the presidency for much of the next 30 years.

After a sweeping landslide reelection in 1936—losing only Maine and Vermont—Roosevelt stunned the nation, and his party, by calling for legislation to enlarge the Supreme Court by five new members after the court found illegal and unconstitutional many of Roosevelt's first term programs. A firestorm of opposition erupted, led by his own vice president John Nance Garner. Roosevelt was defeated by an alliance of Republicans and conservative Democrats, who formed a coalition that managed to block nearly all socialist planning. (Only a minimum wage law got through.) Angry with dissenters in his own party, Roosevelt tried to destroy them. In 1938, he actively campaigned against five incumbent conservative Democratic senators; all five senators won re-election. In 1940, after rejecting DNC chair James Farley as his successor because Farley was Catholic,[261] Roosevelt broke with tradition and sought a third term as President. The decision was controversial - Democrat Governor Strom Thurmond supported his third term while his own vice president John Nance Garner quit over the matter while.[262]

On the eve of World War II, Roosevelt appointed Joseph P. Kennedy, father of John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Ted Kennedy as Ambassador to Great Britain. Joe Kennedy was a notorious anti-Semite and Nazi sympathizer. At the time of the Kristallnacht, the New York Times reported Kennedy had a solution to the problems of German Jews: ship them all to Africa.[263]

FDR's Southern Strategy

To win election, FDR forged a coalition of Northern Democrats and Southern segregationists by placing John Nance Garner of Texas on the ticket as his running mate. The Democrats won an overwhelming majority in the House, picked up 97 seats, bringing the total to 313. On the Republican side the first African-American in the 20th century, and the first since Reconstruction, Rep. Oscar De Priest was re-elected. The Democratic chairman of the new Congress' Committee on Accounts, Rep. Lindsay Warren, ordered a De Priest staffer and his son to be thrown out of the House's whites-only cafeteria. There was a separate facility for blacks in the basement. De Priest introduced a resolution calling for an investigation. On the House floor, De Priest refuted Warren's claim that African-Americans had always been banned from the restaurant, recalling that he and other black patrons had frequented the House cafeteria. De Priest implored his colleagues to support the resolution, remarking,
“If we allow segregation and the denial of constitutional rights under the Dome of the Capitol, where in God’s name will we get them? If we allow this challenge to go without correcting it, it will set an example where people will say Congress itself approves of segregation.”[264]
FDR's Southern Strategy: FDR always opposed federal anti-lynching legislation, first introduced by Republicans.[265]
The effort to desegregate the Democrat-controlled House cafeteria was defeated. Civil rights were not on the party agenda. FDR always opposed the federal anti-lynching law as part of FDR's Southern Strategy. Anti-lynching bills were first introduced by Republicans. The Costigan-Wagner Anti-Lynching Bill was introduced in 1934, calling on the Roosevelt administration to take an active role in ending lynching in the United States. Senators Edward Costigan of Colorado and Robert Wagner of New York sponsored the bill. Under its provisions, any state officer who failed to exercise diligence in protecting a person under their care from a lynch mob or who neglected to arrest persons involved in a lynching, could themselves be subject to federal imprisonment for five years and a $5,000 fine. In 1935 attempts were made to persuade Roosevelt to speak out in support of the bill. However, Roosevelt refused. He argued that the white voters in the South would never forgive him if he supported the bill and he would, therefore, lose the next election.

Even the appearance in the newspapers of the lynching of Rubin Stacy failed to change Roosevelt's mind on the subject. Six deputies were escorting Stacy to Dade County jail in Miami on July 19, 1935, when he was taken by a white mob and hanged by the side of the home of Marion Jones, the woman who had made the original complaint against him. The New York Times later revealed that "subsequent investigation revealed that Stacy, a homeless tenant farmer, had gone to the house to ask for food; the woman became frightened and screamed when she saw Stacy's face."[266] The Costigan-Wagner Bill had wide support; however, the bill was defeated in 1934, 1935, 1937, 1938 and 1940.

Ever since the Draft Riots of 1863, New York was the bastion of Democratic Resistance in the North. It was a Republican mayor however who made the first efforts to coax traditional black Lincoln Republicans into the New Deal coalition. Fiorello La Guardia was a RINO, or Republican New Dealer. Roosevelt provided federal funds to La Guardia and withheld support from La Guardia's opponents. After the 1935 Harlem riot, La Guardia decreed that African-Americans were not to be arrested for anything, and that police patrolling Harlem could not carry nightsticks.[267]

In 1937 FDR appointed Alabama Senator Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Black was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and built his career campaigning at Klan meetings. In Korematsu v. the United States, Black voted to uphold President Roosevelt's mass arrests and incarceration of Japanese men, women, and children based on race.

Not until the presidential election of 1960 when John Kennedy intervened for the release of Martin Luther King, who was jailed by local Democrats two weeks before the election in Atlanta following a non-violent protest, did the majority of Blacks begin voting Democratic en bloc. The transition was solidified four years later when anti-Vietnam war candidate Barry Goldwater defied Republican Congressional leadership and voted with Southern Democrats to oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was the first time a GOP nominee carried the South in over 100 years. In fact, it was the only states Goldwater carried.

White privilege relief efforts

See also: New Deal and Fascism

New Deal relief efforts targeted FDR's white Democrat voter base. A Black Republican congressman attached a non-discrimination amendment, however Democrats put a ten percent quota system on Blacks who were suffering from higher incidence of poverty and unemployment than whites or the population in general. In more prosperous times 30 years later the War on Poverty was the New Deal in reverse, targeting Blacks with the assumption that all Blacks were poor and uneducated. Both the New Deal and Great Society were predicated on Marxist class warfare.

Journalist John Flynn reported on a Senate investigation into cronyism and corruption in New Deal programs in Kentucky. Similar abuses were found throughout the nation.
"The WPA foremen were given a sheet upon which they had to report on the standing of the reliefers in the political campaign. It became a part of Mr. [Harry] Hopkins' WPA organization in Kentucky to learn how many of the down-and-out had enough devotion to Franklin D. Roosevelt to be entitled to eat. It was not sufficient for an indigent Kentuckian to be just down and out and hungry. He had to believe that the President of the United States was his redeemer and had to be ready to register that belief at the polls. The reliefers were asked to sign papers pledging themselves to the election of the senior senator from Kentucky. They were given campaign buttons and told to wear them and there were instances where, if they refused, they were thrown off the WPA rolls.
All this, of course, was in a Democratic primary where only Democrats could vote. But there were a lot of poor Republicans in Kentucky who couldn't vote in the Democratic primary so long as they were Republicans. So they were told to change their registration and become Democrats, or no WPA jobs for them.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was born of pure progressive intentions and modeled after Hitler Youth programs ongoing in Germany: employment of young men for conservation work on public lands. Republican Rep. Oscar DePriest, the only black member of Congress, made sure that the 1933 legislation that established the CCC banned discrimination based on “race, color, or creed." Black enrollment in the CCC was capped at ten percent of total recruits–roughly equivalent to the proportion of blacks in the U.S. in 1930, but nowhere near proportional to the number of blacks eligible for relief during the Great Depression. Tens of thousands were turned away.

The U.S. Army controlled CCC camp administration and operations, and the Wilsonian policy of racial segregation transferred over to the new civilian workforce. Most of the CCC's quarter million African-American enrollees served in segregated companies and were unable to attain positions of authority.[268] Some Southern states categorically excluded blacks, arguing that they were needed for growing and harvesting cotton.[269]

Communist infiltration

CPUSA defector Louis Budenz testified he could name 400 individuals involved in the Communist conspiracy;[270] others testified there may have been over 1000.[271] The Silvermaster group infiltrated 27 high level Stalinist KGB operatives into government jobs in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, including the first General Secretary of the United Nations, the first head of the International Monetary Fund, the head of the Manhattan Project as well as speech writers and staff assistants for both the President and Vice President.[272]
See also: Students for a Democratic Society and Progressives for Obama

The New Deal was infiltrated with Russian controlled Communists from the beginning. The Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy reported in 1996 "The first fact is that a significant Communist conspiracy was in place in Washington, New York, and Hollywood."[273] Hayden Peake,[274] curator of Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Historical Intelligence Collection observes "Venona makes absolutely clear that they had active agents in the U.S. State Department, Treasury Department, Justice Department, Senate committee staffs, the military services, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the Manhattan Project, and the White House, as well as wartime agencies. No modern government was more thoroughly penetrated." [275] Of a handful of presidential assistants whose job was to read and summarize information coming in from all the departments and agencies of the U.S. government for the presidents' daily briefing in wartime, two - Lauchlin Currie and David K. Niles - were KGB agents.[276] So thorough was KGB penetration of the Roosevelt Administration, that when Army Signals Intelligence cryptographer Meredith Gardner extracted the names of Hans Bethe, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Harold Urey, Edward Teller and 11 other scientists working on the Manhattan Project from a December 2, 1944 KGB encipherment,[277] KGB agent William Weisband watched him do it.[278]

As early as Roosevelt's first 100 days, Harold Ware was a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) official in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and founded the Ware group. The group consisted of young lawyers and economists, had about 75 members in 1934 and was divided into about eight cells. The AAA was later found unconstitutional, but by that time the Communist operatives had established jobs in the civil service system and were simply reassigned elsewhere in government. Alger Hiss, Lee Pressman, John Abt, Charles Kramer, Nathan Witt, Henry Collins, George Silverman, Marion Bachrach, John Herrmann, Nathaniel Weyl, Donald Hiss and Victor Perlo were all members. Harry Dexter White, who was involved in the most auspicious policy subversion as Director of the Division of Monetary Research in the Treasury Department, was also affiliated with the group. The Ware group was the CPUSA's covert arm at this time. Each of these agents not only provided classified documents to Soviet intelligence, but was involved in political influence operations as well.

In 1934, a Congressional Investigation was held to examine statements by Dr. William A. Wirt, who headed the Office of Education which later became the Department of Education. Dr. Wirt had attended a dinner party with several Brain Trusters at the home of his secretary, Alice Barrows.[279] Barrows began working for the Office of Education in 1919 and was a member of the CPUSA, which advocated the violent overthrow of the United States Government. Several of the Brain Trusters present revealed to Wirt they were CPUSA members. Wirt testified,

I was told they believe that by thwarting our then evident economic recovery, they would be able to prolong the country’s destitution until they had demonstrated to the American people that the Government must operate business and commerce. By propaganda, they would destroy institutions making long term capital loans—and then push Uncle Sam into making these loans. Once Uncle Sam becomes our financier, he must also follow his money with control and management.[280][281][282]

Outside government, the far-left was exerting considerable influence in the labor movement. It dominated the new CIO, and was building a network of membership organizations. The American League Against War and Fascism was formed in 1933 and, in 1937, became the American League for Peace and Democracy. There followed the American Youth Congress, 1934; League of American Writers, 1935; National Negro Congress, 1936; and the American Congress for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, 1939. All had significant Stalinist connections, and fought furious battles with the anti-Communist left.[283] Joseph Berger, a speechwriter for the Democratc National Committee, also was a KGB agent.[284]

While the D-Day landings were happening, Vice President Henry Wallace undertook a mission to the Far East for the Office of War Information and was accompanied by Owen Lattimore and John Carter Vincent of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR).[285] Wallace and his delegation were given a tour of the Magadan concentration camp at Kolyma. Lattimore wrote a travelogue for the National Geographic describing this Siberian gulag as a combination of the Hudson's Bay Company and the TVA, gushing about how strong and well-fed the inmates were and ascribing to camp commandant Feliks Nikishov “a trained and sensitive interest in art and music and also a deep sense of civic responsibility.”[286] Upon his return from the Siberian journey Wallace was hailed by leftist mainstream media "as the conscience of the world" in "the century of the common man." Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote years later in The Gulag Archipelago that the entire city of Magadan was founded as a Soviet Gulag, and would never have come into existence for any other reason than as a Communist slave camp for dissidents and the politically incorrect undesirables of Soviet society.[287][288] Commentator Cal Thomas wrote in 2007,

While many Westerners recall Nazi-run death camps like Auschwitz and Buchenwald, few remember Soviet death camps named Kolyma and Magadan. True, Alexander Solzhenitsyn mentioned them in "The Gulag Archipelago" as did Varlam Sjalamov in "Tales from Kolyma," but as the late Swedish journalist Andres Kung wrote, "There are people who have still not heard of these communist extermination camps -- even though the communists preceded the Nazis in creating such camps and killed an even larger number of people in their camps.[289]

Several liberal New Deal economists in the McCarthy era fled to Maoist China to experiment with their real ambitions after being hindered by democracy, law, and the Constitution.[290] Their time in China is memorialized in history as the Three Years of Disasters.[291] The death toll of this socialist experiment is estimated at 55 million.[292]

After World War II, Moscow ordered all American communists to go underground and join the Democratic party. The story of Frank Marshall Davis, Barack Obama's mentor,[293] is intertwined with the Hawaii Democrats' rise to power.[294] Communists controlled the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), the ILWU controlled the Hawaii Democratic Party, and in 1954, union-based election campaigns launched the Hawaii Democrats into control of the state legislature. Hawaii's first Democratic Governor Jack Burns said,

Every guy in the ILWU was at one time or another a member of the Communist Party of America. This is where they got their organizational information and how to organize, and how to bring groups together and how to create cells and how to make movements that are undetected by the bosses.

In 1959 Hawaii became a state.[295] when Burns captured the governor's office in 1962 the Democrats created a single party controlled state unbroken for four decades until the election of Republican Governor Linda Lingle in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in 2002. During those decades in some sessions sat as few as one Republican legislator.

In 1976 the Democratic-controlled Hawaii State Legislature passed a resolution honoring Koji Ariyoshi, a lieutenant of Mao Zedong, the single biggest mass murderer of all time. Herbert Romerstein,[296][297] formerly head of the office to Counter Soviet Disinformation at the United States Information Agency (USIA) commented, "this was the atmosphere that young Barack Obama grew up in...We honor Soviet spies."[298][299]

Michael Whitney Straight became a Communist Party member in the Stalin era and worked as a speechwriter for President Roosevelt. After WWII Straight took over as publisher of his family-owned The New Republic magazine, the liberal movement's flagship publication, where he hired former U.S. Vice President and 1948 Progressive Party presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace as the magazine's editor. Straight later served as the deputy chairman of the Great Society National Endowment for the Arts program from 1969 to 1977 handing out taxpayer cash and federal grants to politically correct Cultural Marxist recipients.

Immigration and refugees

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After Kristallnacht in November 1938, many Jews within Germany decided that it was time to leave. The S.S St. Louis carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jewish, set sail from Hamburg to Cuba on May 13, 1939. In Cuba the passengers were denied entrance without posting a $500 bond. A few dozen passengers disembarked. The ship set sail for Florida.

Once in Florida waters, Sec. of State Cordell Hull advised President Roosevelt to deny the Jews asylum. The U.S. Coast Guard and planes followed the St. Louis to prevent it from landing.[300]

Many Jews had fled to Central and South America to escape Nazi persecution. When war broke out, these Latin American countries did not want German Jews. They were deported to the United States where the Roosevelt administration was willing to hold them as German citizens in America concentration camps. The Roosevelt administration traded them back to Germany in exchange for American civilians held in detention in Germany. The fate of these Jews is unknown.[301]

In 1943, Roosevelt told French military leaders at the Casablanca Conference that "the number of Jews engaged in the practice of the professions" in liberated North Africa "should be definitely limited", lest there be a recurrence of "the understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany."[302]

Mass incarceration of minorities

Wikipedia states that Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt set up "concentration camps" during World War II while the United States was at war with Nazi Germany:
"Executive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. This order authorized the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans in U.S. concentration camps."[303]

Truman to Kennedy: 1945–1963

FDR Truman and KKK.jpeg

Harry Truman took over unexpectedly in 1945, and the rifts inside the party that Roosevelt had papered over began to emerge. Former Vice President Henry A. Wallace, a progressive, denounced Truman as a war-monger for his anti-Soviet programs, the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and NATO. By cooperating with internationalist Republicans, Truman succeeded in defeating isolationists on the right and pro-Soviets on the left to establish a Cold War program that lasted until the fall of Communism in 1991. Wallace supporters and fellow travelers of the far left were pushed out of the party and the CIO in 1946-48 by young anti-Communists like Hubert Humphrey, Walter Reuther, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.. Hollywood emerged in the 1940s as an important new base in the party, led by movie-star politicians such as Ronald Reagan, who at this point in time strongly supported Roosevelt and Truman. Reagan was elected president of the Screen Actors Guild and left the party over communist infiltration of his union.[304]

On the right, the Republicans blasted Truman's domestic policies. "Had Enough?" was the winning slogan as Republicans recaptured Congress in 1946. Many party leaders were ready to dump Truman, but they lacked an alternative. The party was split three ways. Henry Wallace, who Roosevelt threw off the ticket in 1944 ran as a Progressive while J. Strom Thurmond, who remained a staunch supporter of FDR split off and ran as a Dixiecrat. Republican overconfidence led to many failing to show up at the polls and Truman was reelected in a stunning surprise. However, all of Truman's Fair Deal proposals, such as universal health care were defeated by the Conservative Coalition in Congress. His nationalization of the steel industry was reversed by the Supreme Court.

In foreign policy, Europe was occupied but divided between the Western alliance and the Communist bloc as troubles mounted in Asia. American troops were now facing down the New Deal's Stalinist allies in the streets of Berlin. Kuomintang China, a major ally in the war against Japan, fell to the Stalinist communist bloc in 1949. Truman, under the UN banner, entered the Korean War without formal Congressional approval—the last time a president would ever do so. When the war stalemated in 1951 because of Truman's reluctance to use nuclear weapons, he fired General Douglas MacArthur, a hero to conservatives. Republicans blasted Truman's failure to stop Communist gains in Asia. A series of petty scandals among friends and buddies of Truman further tarnished his image, allowing Dwight Eisenhower and the Republicans in 1952 to crusade against "Korea, Communism and Corruption." Truman dropped out of the presidential race early in 1952, leaving no obvious successor. The convention nominated Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and 1956, only to see him overwhelmed by two Eisenhower landslides. Stevenson, a New Deal liberal, adopted the traditional Democratic Southern Strategy of choosing a Southern white male for Vice President in both elections to appeal to Southern voters, who regularly would not allow African Americans to register to vote.

Brown vs. Board of Education

See also: Brown vs. Board of Education
The election of a Republican for the first time in 20 years was momentous. Eisenhower appointed Republican California Governor Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All the other members had been appointed by Roosevelt and Truman who believed courts should defer to the policymaking prerogatives of the White House and Congress. Warren convened a meeting of the justices and presented to them the simple argument that the only reason to sustain segregation was a deep-rooted belief in the inferiority of African-Americans. In Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, Warren produced a unanimous decision that said:
"Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law, for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group…Any language in contrary to this finding is rejected. We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”

In Congress, the powerful duo of House Speaker Sam Rayburn and Senate Majority leader Lyndon B. Johnson held the party together, often by compromising with Eisenhower. After the Little Rock Crisis of 1957, the party made dramatic gains in the 1958 midterms and seemed to have a permanent lock on Congress. Indeed, Democrats had majorities in the House every election from 1930 to 1992 (except 1946 and 1952). Most southern Congressmen were conservative Democrats, however, and they usually worked with conservative Republicans. The result was a Conservative Coalition that blocked practically all socialist domestic legislation from 1937 to the 1970s, except for a brief spell 1964-65, when Johnson neutralized its power.

John Kennedy was elected using the same Southern Strategy FDR did by putting a Texan on the ticket.[305]

The nomination of John F. Kennedy in 1960 energized the Catholic population, which jammed motorcades and turned out in heavy numbers (over 80% voted for Kennedy), while also causing a backlash among white Protestants (over 70% of whom voted for Republican candidate Richard Nixon). Reaching beyond the traditional Irish, German, Italian and Polish Catholic ethnics, Viva Kennedy set out to mobilize the previously passive Latino vote, and it perhaps provided the margin of victory for Kennedy in Texas and New Mexico. His brother, Robert Kennedy, who managed the campaign, opposed the outreach to Black voters and sided with traditional Southern racists of the New Deal coalition.[306] Bobby Kennedy was furious with campaign aides for talking with King, and felt it would cost them the election.

Kennedy's victory reinvigorated the party. His youth, vigor and intelligence caught the popular imagination. In foreign policy he was strongly anti-Communist, and promptly launched an invasion of Castro's Cuba; it failed badly. A few new programs like the Peace Corps provided pacifists with an alternative to two years of military service in the peacetime draft. In terms of civil rights legislation, his proposals were all cautious and incremental. In three years he was unable to pass any significant civil rights legislation.

Kennedy's election did mark the coming of age of the Catholic component of the New Deal Coalition. After 1964 middle-class Catholics started voting Republicans in the same proportion as their Protestant neighbors. Except for the Chicago of Richard J. Daley, the last of the Democratic machines faded away. His involvement in Vietnam proved momentous, for his successor Lyndon Johnson decided to stay, and double the investment, and double the bet again and again until over 500,000 American soldiers were fighting in that small country.

Southern Manifesto

Main article: Southern Manifesto
The Southern Manifesto was a document issued in response to the Supreme Court's 1954 ruling Brown v. Board of Education, which integrated public schools. It was signed by 101 members of Congress from the former Confederate States - 99 Democrats and 2 Republicans. John Sparkman, 1952 Vice Presidential candidate as part of the Democrat's Southern Strategy, J. William Fulbright mentor of Bill Clinton, Richard Brevard Russell of the Warren Commission, Sam Ervin of the Watergate Committee, Hale Boggs (the father of NPR's Cokie Roberts) and Wilbur Mills were all signatories. It reads in part:
"This unwarranted exercise of power by the Court, contrary to the Constitution, is creating chaos and confusion in the States principally affected. It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races that have been created through 90 years of patient effort by the good people of both races. It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding....We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means."
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower called out the 101st Airborne to protect Black school children from Democrat protesters after a Democrat governor refused to implement a desegregation order written by the Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

One of the first challenges to Brown v. Board of Education occurred when Democrat Governor Orval E. Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent African-American students from enrolling at Little Rock Central High School. Central High was an all-white school. Faubus ordered the troops to "accomplish the mission of maintaining or restoring law and order and to preserve the peace, health, safety and security of the citizens." A force of 289 soldiers was assembled. The commander told nine black students, six girls and thee boys ages 15–17 years old who were attempting to enter the school, to return home. The standoff continued for three weeks. Little Rock Democrat mayor Woodrow Wilson Mann appealed to President Eisenhower to help end the deadlock. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne Division to federalized the entire 10,000-member Arkansas National Guard. The students were allowed to enroll.

Faubus was re-elected in 1958 with 82.5% of the vote over a Republican challenger. Faubus ordered the closure of four public high schools that year, preventing both black and white students from attending school while seeking a two and a half year delay on de-segregation until January 1961 in Federal Court when there would be a possibility of a Democratic president.

1957 Civil Rights Act

Republican Attorney General Herbert Brownell originally proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Democrat Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson had Judiciary chairman Sen. James Eastland drastically water-down the House version, removing stringent voting protection clauses.[307][308] The bill passed 285-126 in the House with Republicans providing the majority of votes 167–19 and Democrats 118–107.[309] It then passed 72-18 in the Senate, with Republicans again supplying the majority of votes, 43–0 and Democrats voting 29–18. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who later ran for president, voted against it.[310] Kennedy's 1957 book, Profiles in Courage, celebrated the vote of Sen. Edmund Ross to acquit Pres. Andrew Johnson, the first step in ending Republican Reconstruction reforms and paving the way for the Democrat era of Jim Crow laws and the segregation era.[311]

The 1957 Civil Rights Act was the first federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States Congress since the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875. Johnson told Sen. Richard Russell,
"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."[312]

Johnson, war and riots

See also: Johnson administration

The New Deal Coalition began to fracture as union and religious leaders demanded support for civil rights, upsetting the party's traditional base of Democrat segregationists who themselves became dependent on government largess. In 1948 the party platform for the first time in its history showed some support for civil rights. The Republicans passed civil rights legislation with the 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil Rights Act of 1875, and first passed anti-lynching legislation in 1922, which Democrats killed by filibusters.[313]

A new level crudeness: Johnson shows off scars from gallbladder surgery to photographers and the world. Johnson is said to have given instructions to staff and press interviews while sitting on the toilet.[314] Johnson regularly used the "N" word.
The party's reversal on civil rights culminated with Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson finally signing the bi-partisan Civil Rights Act of 1964, which he called "the N****r Bill."[315] In lobbying fellow Democrats for the bill, Johnson said,
"I'll have them n*gg*rs voting Democratic for two hundred years."[316]
Democrats tried to block passage by filibustering for 75 hours, including a 14-hour and 13-minute speech by the Exalted Cyclops, Sen. Robert Byrd,[317] who later became Senate Democrat Leader in the Reagan era. The filibuster failed when the Senate invoked cloture for only the second time since 1927.[318] The law was intended to block Republican gains in the South followed by buying off Blacks with Great Society welfare and affirmative action programs. According to LBJ biographer Robert Caro, Johnson told his chauffeur:
"Let me tell you one thing, n*gg*r. As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your g*dd*mn name. So no matter what you are called, n*gg*r, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a g*dd*mn piece of furniture."[319]
African-Americans formed an anomalous coalition with low-income white Democrat racists who were dependent on New Deal and Great Society welfare programs.[320] Both African Americans and racist Democrats opposed Republican to maintain fiscal and budgetary sanity. The coalition gave cover to bigoted Democrats to hide their racism, while accusing Republicans who wanted to balance the budget of prejudice. Malcolm X described it this way:
"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.[321]

Contrary to popular Democrat mythology, Democrat Governor George Wallace won the South in 1968 in a three-way contest against Nixon and Humphrey. There was no Nixon "Southern Strategy." The South continued to reject Yankee liberals (Humphrey in 1968, McGovern in 1972, Mondale in 1984, Dukakis in 1988, Kerry in 2004). At the state and local level, the Republicans made slow but steady gains. As racism in the South declined, Republicans in the South increased.[322]

The South became competitive in presidential politics as early as the 1920s and by 1980 gave strong support to Republican Ronald Reagan, rejecting northern liberal candidates.[323] Democrats responded with a new Southern Strategy - putting Southerners at the top of the ticket - Carter in 1976 and 1980, Clinton in 1992 and 1996, Gore in 2000, and calling Yankee Republicans "racist."

By the 1990s the GOP was competitive at the state and local level throughout the South. The Democrats made gains in the west through illegal immigration,[324] converting California to a Democratic stronghold and gaining in fast-growing Arizona and Nevada. The Northeast became more and more a Democratic enclave, especially after 2006 when numerous Republican moderates were defeated for reelection. The Midwest remained a battleground. The Democrats made strong gains in Illinois but slipped a little in Minnesota.

1964 Convention: Mississippi Freedom Party

See also: Black history

The Mississippi Freedom Party was organized by African Americans to challenge the establishment Democratic Party, which allowed participation only by whites. The party ran a slate of delegates with close to 80,000 people casting ballots.[325] The party hoped to replace the Regular Democrats as the official Mississippi delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention.

At the convention the party challenged the Regular Democrats' right to be seated, claiming that the Regular Democrats were illegally elected in a segregated process that violated both party regulations and federal law.[326] The Equal Protection Clause had been on the books for nearly 100 years already. The Democratic Party referred the challenge to the credentials committee,[327] which televised its proceedings and allowed the nation to see and hear the moving testimony of several delegates and the retaliation inflicted on them by Democrats for attempting to vote.[328]

After that, most observers and pundits thought the credentials committee were ready to unseat the Regular Democrats and seat the Freedom Party delegates in their place. But some Democrats from other states threatened to leave the convention and bolt the party if the Regular Democrats were unseated. President Johnson wanted a united convention and feared losing support. To ensure his victory in November, Johnson maneuvered to prevent the Mississippi Freedom Democrats from replacing the all-white Regular Democrats.

Two future Democrat Presidential nominees, Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, denied Blacks equal protection and made a mockery of the civil rights movement.[329] Johnson held a private meeting with Humphrey, Mondale, Roy Wilkins, Andrew Young, United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther and Martin Luther King Jr. A plan was hatched to offer the Freedom Democrats two non-voting At-Large seats with observer status, rather than replace the all-white delegation which had been undemocratically and illegally elected.[330] Johnson arrogated to himself the right to pick which two, and Johnson chose one white and one black. Johnson dispatched Humphrey and Mondale and ordered them to make sure that “that illiterate woman," Fannie Lou Hamer would never be a delegate. Dr. King protested and was told by Reuther to shut up.

The offer was rejected, but Humphrey and Mondale remained powerhouse liberals in the Democratic party for another 20 years.

Great Society

By the 1960s, the Preamble clause of the Constitution, "to promote the general welfare," was re-interpreted to justify massive wealth transfer programs under the rubric of "Welfare." This creeping Marxist dialectic and communism was accredited to Michael Harrington,[331] founder of the Democratic Socialists of America,[332][333] and adopted by Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic Congress as the focal point of law, government social spending, and affirmative action programs.[334][335]

The Democrat coalition of the 1960s. Racist whites who benefited from New Deal welfare programs now aligned with Blacks who were beneficiaries of the War on Poverty. Republicans who wanted to cut off vote buying out of the public treasury and balance the budget were unjustly accused by both of "racism."

African Americans, who were excluded from many New Deal programs, now were the direct targets of the Great Society. Single Black women could receive cash payments to have children outside wedlock.[336] Johnson and the Democrat's intended to capture the nation's 20 million African-Americans as a dependent and loyal voting bloc within the Democratic party, now that a bi-partisan majority of Republicans and Democrats smashed the Democratic party's stranglehold on the South, which had denied Black voter participation for a century. Great Society programs had a devastating impact on Black families and communities in the following decades.[337]

The term, "poverty" became a dog whistle for "black," and the term "rich" became a codeword for "white." Class warfare and Cultural Marxism became the focus in public education.[338]

When the "war on poverty" programs began, the number of people who lived below the official poverty line had been declining continuously since 1960, and was only about half of what it had been in 1950. On the more fundamental issue of dependency, the situation was even more clearly improving. The proportion of people whose earnings put them below the poverty level without counting government benefits declined by about one-third from 1950 to 1965.

The percentage of people dependent upon the federal government to keep above the poverty line increased. Although the number of such dependent people had been declining for more than a decade before the "war on poverty" programs began, this downward trend now reversed itself and began rising within a few years after that program got underway. Official poverty continued its decline for some time, as massive federal outlays lifted many people above the official poverty line, but not out of dependency–the original goal.

Overall federal spending on programs for the poor escalated as eligibility rules for welfare and Social Security were loosened, the size of benefits was increased, and unemployment insurance was made more available to more people, and for longer periods of time. The number of people receiving public assistance more than doubled from 1960 to 1977. The dollar value of public housing rose nearly five-fold in a decade and the amount spent on food stamps rose more than ten-fold. All government-provided in-kind benefits increased about eight-fold from 1965 to 1969 and more than twenty-fold by 1974. Federal spending on such social welfare programs not only rose in dollar terms and in real terms, but also as a percentage of the nation's gross national product, going from 8 percent of GNP in 1960 to 16 percent by 1974.

As for urban ghetto riots, they raged across the country during this era. Newark Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio (D) called for a federal investigation of the city's anti-poverty agency which received Great Society funding to determine if it had, in any way, contributed to the city's riots in which 26 persons were killed.[339] More funding was approved anyway. Later, the strife declined sharply after the beginning of the Nixon administration, which opposed the whole ‘war on poverty’ approach and eventually abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity, which had been the spearhead of this program. Still later, during the eight years of the Reagan presidency–supposedly the nadir of neglect–major urban riots became virtually extinct.

Eventually, however, even official poverty began to rise, so that a larger number of people were in poverty in 1992 than were in poverty in 1964, when the "war on poverty" began.[340] By 1992, more than half of all black adults had never been married, quite aside from an additional 16 percent who had been either divorced or widowed. By contrast, only 21 percent of white adults had never been married. More than half of all black children–57 percent–were living with only one parent and another 7.5 percent were not living with either parent. Thus, only a little more than a third of black children were living in traditional two-parent households. Of 190,000 black children whose parents were currently still teenagers, only 5,000 were living with both parents.[341]

Civil disturbances

Democrats protested the war they started. North Vietnamese and Cuban communist flags can be seen in the image.

After the chaos of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, where Hubert Humphrey did not appear on any primary ballot but took the nomination amid protests and riots, the Democratic party attempted to reform its nomination process.

With the assassination of Robert Kennedy who was a leading critic of President Johnson's war policy, Humphrey was regarded as a war hawk who would continue President Johnson's Vietnam War policy. Johnson dropped out of the race due to growing unpopularity of himself and the war. Sen. George McGovern made himself heir of Bobby Kennedy's dovish stance. Most states at the time used closed caucuses and state conventions, controlled by New Deal segregationist “party regulars” and insiders to select national delegates. Machine caucuses in several states accumulated enough delegates for Humphrey to win nomination without appearing on any primary ballot. In the aftermath of the loss to Richard Nixon, Humphrey agreed to a reform commission and appointed one of his lieutenants, Donald Fraser, to co-chair the McGovern-Fraser Commission.

Chairman George McGovern wanted to "open up" the process of delegate selection and strip figures like Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley[342] of their ability to select delegates for the upcoming 1972 convention. Daley felt particularly betrayed, having stuffed the ballot box for the Democrats and the Kennedy's to rob Richard Nixon of the presidency in 1960,[343] to then be accused by liberal Democrats of "gestapo tactics" in the streets of Chicago.

McGovern was critical of the insider establishment's way of choosing a nominee and wanted to switch over to primaries. Donald Fraser was a lieutenant in the Humphrey & Mondale Democratic Farmer-Labor (DFL) machine which dominated Minnesota where caucuses are popular. So a compromise was sought. The general feeling was that party insiders such as Mayor Daley and Southern Democrat bosses controlled too much power and through state party caucuses and conventions were able to impose their candidates on a national convention.

Desegregation: the McGovern/Biden era

In Nixon's landslide 49 state re-election of 1972, Massachusetts was the only state that remained solidly in the Democratic camp. Black parents filed a desegregation lawsuit the same year, and the NAACP argued the case. According to Politico, nowhere did the sentiment of people opposed to desegregation play out more dramatically than in Boston. In mid 1974, a federal judge found that 20 years after Brown v. Board, Boston officials deliberately kept the schools segregated, and that the city must integrate at once. He drew up a busing plan. Black students from Roxbury would attend South Boston High School, while Irish Americans from Southie would board buses to Roxbury.

The first buses rolled through Boston in September 1974—and racial violence engulfed the city. White mobs hurled bricks at school buses with terrified black children inside. Then, on October 7, a Haitian immigrant was beaten savagely by a white mob in South Boston. In the coming months, the list of casualties would grow. The city became a cauldron of racial hatred.

Each year after passage of the 1965 Civil Rights Act up until 1977, the Democratic controlled House passed at least one new law designed to restrain school integration—often in the guise of anti-busing legislation. Until 1974, the Senate rejected those bills. But as white resistance to busing escalated in many cities across the country, the House Democrats anti-busing majority began to pull more Democratic senators to their side.

In 1975, Sen. Joseph Biden proposed an amendment that gutted Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which enabled the federal government to cut off funding to school districts that refused to integrate. Politico writes of the whole sordid affair,
Biden morphed into a leading anti-busing crusader—all the while continuing to insist that he supported the goal of school desegregation, he only opposed busing as the means to achieve that end. This stance, which many of Biden’s liberal and moderate colleagues also held, was clever but disingenuous. It enabled Biden to choose votes over principles, while acting as if he was not doing so....In a seminal moment, the Senate thus turned against desegregation. The Senate had supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act and 1968 Fair Housing Act....the Senate remained the last bastion for those who supported strong integration policies. Biden stormed that bastion...[133]
A Boston NAACP leader said, “An anti-busing amendment is an anti-desegregation amendment, and an anti-desegregation amendment is an anti-black amendment.” Republican Sen. Edward Brooke, the first black senator ever to be directly elected, called Biden's amendment “the greatest symbolic defeat for civil rights since 1964.” Brooke accused Biden of leading an assault on integration.

Voter suppression

Democratic voter suppression, 1963.

The McGovern-Fraser Commission required state parties to develop written rules and post uniform statewide notification of the date, time, and location of precinct caucus meetings or party primary elections. There was a common practice in some Southern states such as Mississippi were all-white local party bosses held meetings in obscure locations so that Black majorities in a county or district were unaware of the time and place of party elections. Although many provisions the commission brought about were undone in the early 1980s by Walter Mondale and Ted Kennedy, several provisions have remained. Prior to McGovern-Fraser, several states had no written guidelines governing party conventions, caucuses, and the delegate selection process at each level, and were based mostly on local tradition, which often meant cronyism, discrimination, voter suppression and the boss's rule. The system had been used effectively by Democrats in their voter suppression of Blacks for over 100 years.

The Commission rewrote the rules to rig McGovern's nomination. The 1972 Credentials Committee at the convention under the McGovern-Fraser reforms replaced Daley's contingent of the Illinois delegation with a group sent by Jesse Jackson[344] and also replaced a delegation from Mississippi with another group.

After the 1972 election, Congresswoman Barbara Mikulski was asked by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to chair the Mikulski Commission to review and make recommendations on how effective the pre-convention McGovern-Fraser reforms rules were. According to CNN, the commission

replaced the demographic quotas of 1972 with affirmative action requirements to increase participation by women, blacks and other minorities. (However, this specific plan had the OPPOSITE effect, decreasing the proportion of women from 38% in 1972 to 36% in 1976. The proportion of blacks declined from 15% in 1972 to 7% in 1976. After 1976, quotas for women delegates were reimposed.) PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION, the distribution of delegates among candidates to reflect their share of the primary or caucus vote, was mandated by party rules.[345]

The Mikulski Commission went further than McGovern-Fraser, proposing to bind rules on state parties which would restrict delegate selection in primaries or caucuses to "Democratic voters only who publicly declare their party preference and have that preference publicly recorded" (Rule 2A). This required a party registration process before being able to vote in a Democratic primary. The new rule put pressure on parties to close their primaries to outside participation and brought about "same-day registration"[346] in states with open primaries mandated by state law. The DNC incorporated these recommendations into the Delegate Selection Rules for the 1976 Convention. A temporary exemption where state legislatures had no party identification requirement to participate in a primary election was included. Opponents and dissenters felt this new rule violated the integrity of the secret ballot at public polling stations.

The Mikulski Commission did away with the secret ballot and required a public declaration in front of the election judges or on registration forms and a party-specific ballot given to the voter to cast.[347] Now in most states a non-partisan primary voter who wishes to vote for a Democrat for President and a Republican for Senate experiences voter suppression and denial.

Carter, stagflation and human rights

More than four decades of Keynesianism, deficit spending, and big government created an era of stagnant growth only kept afloat by the printing presses of the Federal Reserve Board. Each round of new spending by the Democratic Congress prompted the Federal Reserve to print more money, causing an increase in the cost of living, resulting in calls by Democrats for more government stimulus spending, more inflation, more price increases, higher costs, taxes on business and less new job creation. While wages and prices continued to spiral upward, no new jobs or increase in goods and services were created to meet the demands of a growing population.

The Democratic party split five ways in 1968 and became a minority party in presidential elections for decades; after 1964 they won a national majority of the popular presidential vote only in 2008. However, the Democrats won a plurality of the popular vote in 1976, 1992, 1996 and 2000. after the fiasco and riot that was the 1968 convention, the McGovern-Fraser Commission was appointed to reform the nominating process. Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota used the commission to rig his own nomination in 1972. McGovern's forces at the national convention ousted Mayor Richard J. Daley and the entire Chicago delegation, replacing them with insurgents led by Jesse Jackson. After it became known that McGovern's running mate, Thomas Eagleton, had received psychiatric and electro-shock treatment, McGovern said he supported Eagleton "1000%" but he was soon forced to drop him and find a new running mate. With his campaign stalled for several weeks, McGovern finally selected Sargent Shriver, a Kennedy-in-law who was close to Mayor Daley. On July 14, 1972, McGovern appointed his campaign manager, Jean Westwood as the first woman chair of the Democratic National Committee. McGovern emulated an earlier populist Plains preacher, William Jennings Bryan, with his antiwar sentiment and redistributive politics. He was defeated in a landslide by incumbent Richard Nixon, winning only Massachusetts and Washington, D.C.. A Gallup Poll at the time revealed a staggering 33% of Democrats and 57% of blue-collar workers voted for Nixon.[348]

The Watergate affair of 1973-74 made mistrust of government a central issue, especially after Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon in September 1974. Together with a bad economy, the Democrats made major gains in the 1974 off-year elections. Racism and segregation remained a common thread binding white Democrats together. In 1975, Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden led a coalition of liberals and former George Wallace supporters to oppose racial integration of schools, and went so far as to consider a Constitutional Amendment.[349]

Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 and defeated in 1980.

In 1976 Ford was narrowly defeated by Jimmy Carter, a former governor of Georgia. Carter represented the total outsider, who promised honesty in government. He had served as a naval officer, a farmer, a state senator, and a one-term governor. His only experience with federal politics was when he chaired the Democratic National Committee's congressional and gubernatorial elections in 1974. Carter's "consolidation" of governmental agencies resulted in the creation of two new cabinet-level bureaucracies, the United States Department of Energy and the United States Department of Education. Carter began deregulation of the trucking, airline, rail, finance, communications, and oil industries, raised social security taxes, and appointed record numbers of women and minorities to significant government and judicial posts, including Hillary Rodham Clinton as head of the Great Society boondoogle, the Legal Service Corporation. He also enacted more environmental legislation, through the expansion of the National Park Service in Alaska, adding 103 million acres of parkland. In foreign affairs, Carter negotiated the Camp David Accords, the Panama Canal Treaties, the creation of full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, and the SALT II Treaty.

Carter failed to implement national health care and raised Social Security taxes. The Congressional Black Caucus year after year submitted bills for the Martin Luther King holiday, but despite Democrat control of the House, Senate, and White House, their proposals were repeatedly rejected by racist Democrats. Not until Ronald Reagan and the Republican Senate of the 1980s was the holiday adopted. Stagflation with limited job opportunities were on the rise.

In 1980, Carter defeated liberal champion Edward Kennedy to gain renomination but lost to conservative Ronald Reagan by a landslide. The Democrats lost 12 Senate seats, and for the first time since 1954, the Republicans controlled the Senate. The House, however, remained in Democratic hands.

Jimmy Carter was elected by campaigning on the Misery Index - adding the inflation rate and unemployment rate together, which then stood at 13.4%. By 1980 when Carter sought a second term, the Misery index ratcheted up to 21%. After "twelve years of neglect" as Bill Clinton referred to Reaganomics it in 1992, the Misery Index stood at 9.2%. Clinton's racist dogwhistling brought enough racist Democrats home to win a 42% plurality in a three-way contest.

Progressive Kool-Aid drinkers

Jim Jones and the Democrat party.jpg
See also: Progressivism, San Francisco values, and Peoples Temple Agricultural Collective

Willie Brown, later mayor of San Francisco and Kamala Harris's mentor, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Brown endorsed Jones as “a close personal friend and a highly trusted brother in the struggle for liberation."[350] Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.” Gov. Jerry Brown spoke at the People's Temple. At its peak, the Temple boasted 20,000 members.

Following the San Francisco mayoral election of 1975, the San Francisco District Attorney asked Timothy Stoen, a Temple member,[351] to lead a special unit to investigate election fraud charges.[352] Shortly thereafter Stoen was hired as an assistant district attorney.[353][354] Stoen found no evidence of fraud, but Temple members later alleged that the Temple brought "busloads" of members from Redwood Valley who were not registered to vote in San Francisco, to vote in the San Francisco election.[355] It was Willie Brown who brought George Moscone and Jim Jones together.[356][357] Moscone, who owed his position as mayor to Jones in a tight race, appointed Jones chairman of the city's Housing Commission Authority, effectively making Jones the city's largest landlord. Moscone's press secretary stated that Jones "made his followers available to support progressive Democratic candidates."[358]

Moscone's press spokesman explained it was "common knowledge that if you were going to run for office in San Francisco, and your constituency included the black, the young or the poor, you'd better have Jones in your corner." Of particular interest to politicians was the Temple's ability to produce 2,000 people for campaign work or attendance at an event with only six hours notice. [351] Moscone's aide stated that Jones offered thousands of "foot soldiers" willing to walk precincts and get out the vote, which was "an offer no politician in his right mind could refuse." Similarly, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos stated that "If you were having a rally for a presidential candidate, you needed to fill up the crowd, you could always get busloads from Jim Jones' church."[359] The chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco, referred to the Temple as "a ready-made volunteer workforce," and Jones was "a man who touched a component of the consensus power forces in the city, such as labor and ethnicity groups....here was a guy who could provide workers for causes progressives cared about."[360]

Herb Caen, a Pulitzer Prize winner for the San Francisco Chronicle, acted as a hype-generator for Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. Jane Fonda joined other celebrities in expressing that she was “familiar with the work of Reverend Jones and Peoples Temple and have no hesitancy in commending them for their example in setting a high standard of ethics and morality.” [361] The Peoples Temple and the Nation of Islam held a joint event in the Los Angeles Convention Center in 1976 . Thousands packed the Civic Center. Two time CPUSA Vice Presidential candidate Angela Davis, along with the Lieutenant Governor and Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley attended the event. In speaking at the event Jones stated "We are grateful for this symbolic merging of our two movements . . . If the Peoples Temple and the Nation of Islam can get together, anyone can."

Rosalynn Carter called Jones at candidate Jimmy Carter's behest. She held a private dinner with him and had the Peoples Temple leader introduce her at the 1976 grand opening of the San Francisco Democratic Party Headquarters. Jimmy Carter's running mate, Walter Mondale, met with Jones on the tarmac in San Francisco during the campaign.[362] Jones dined with Rosalynn Carter at the head table at the Democratic National Convention.[363] Jones wrote to Carter requesting aid for Fidel Castro, whom Jones had earlier met with in Cuba.[364] In a handwritten letter to Jones on White House stationery, the First Lady wrote "Your comments on Cuba have been helpful. I hope your suggestion can be acted on in the near future." Carter also wrote that "I enjoyed being with you during the campaign -- and do hope you can meet Ruth soon", referring to her sister-in-law, Ruth Carter Stapleton.[365] Mondale stated regarding the Temple that "knowing the congregations deep involvement in the major social and constitutional issues of our country . . . is a great inspiration to me."[366] Health and Human Services Secretary Joseph Califano stated "your humanitarian principles and your interest in protecting individual liberty and freedom have made an outstanding contribution to furthering the cause of human dignity." President Carter sent a representative to a dinner at the Temple at which Jones and Gov. Jerry Brown spoke.[367]

Jones procured land in Guyana where nearly 1,000 of his followers settled in Jonestown, clearing the land, planting crops, and listening to him preach the gospel according to Karl Marx. “I call capitalism the devil,” Jones said from the pulpit, “and socialism is God.” A former member of the Indianapolis Human Rights Commission, Jones often quoted Marx's dictum, "From each as he is able, to each according to his need." One member said the Temple moved to Jonestown because "what we saw in the United States was creeping fascism. It was apparent that corporations, or the multinationals, were getting much larger, their influence was growing within the government, and the United States is a racist place."[368]

Up to $65,000 in monthly welfare payments from New Deal and Great Society programs to Jonestown residents were signed over to the Temple.[369] Officials from the U.S. embassy in Georgetown interviewed Social Security recipients on multiple occasions to inquire if they were being held against their will.[370] None of the 75 people interviewed, according to the embassy, said they were being held captive, were forced to sign over welfare checks, or wanted to leave Jonestown.[371] Civil rights lawyers Charles Garry and Mark Lane, who represented James Earl Ray, depicted Jonestown as a paradise and aggressively defended Jones in the media.

As reports seeped back of people who wanted to leave Guyana, Harvey Milk – the first openly gay elected official who was endorsed by the Temple for San Francisco city councilman – wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jones "as a man of the highest character," and stating that Temple defectors were trying to "damage Rev. Jones' reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies".[372] The Temple claimed that "reactionary forces were trying to destroy his [Jones] image because he is the most persistent fighter for social justice.[373]

Socialist paradise in Guyana. Lack of beef and living off of jungle plants is said to have added to the mass irrationality. Its leader, a community organizer named Jim Jones, was very active in Democratic party politics.

Russian dignitary Feodor Timofeyev visited Jonestown for two days to gave a speech.[374] Jones introduced him saying, "For many years, we have let our sympathies be quite publicly known, that the United States government was not our mother, but that the Soviet Union was our spiritual motherland." Timofeyev opened the speech stating that the Soviet Union would like to send "our deepest and the most sincere greetings to the people of this first socialist and communist community of the United States of America, in Guyana and in the world". Both speeches were met by cheers and applause. Angela Davis addressed the crowd by shortwave radio saying, "when you are attacked, it is because of your progressive stand, and we feel that it is directly an attack against us as well."[375]

Hearing allegations of abuse, Congressman Leo J. Ryan led a fact-finding mission to Jonestown which included in his group a staff member and future congresswoman, Jackie Speier. Ryan and four others were murdered when they attempted to leave. After the killings, Jones herded his followers into the camp's main pavilion and ordered them all to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. 909 bodies, including 304 children, were found by Guyana police in following days. Some of the bodies had gunshot wounds.

Three survivors claimed they were given an assignment before the suicides began. They were given luggage containing $550,000 in U.S. currency, $130,000 in Guyanese currency, and an envelope, which they were told to deliver to the Soviet embassy in Georgetown, Guyana. The envelope contained two passports and three instructional letters, the first of which was to Timofeyev, stating:

Dear Comrade Timofeyev,
The following is a letter of instructions regarding all of our assets that we want to leave to the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Enclosed in this letter are letters which instruct the banks to send the cashiers checks to you. I am doing this on behalf of Peoples Temple because we, as communists, want our money to be of benefit for help to oppressed peoples all over the world, or in any way that your decision-making body sees fit.

The letters included listed accounts with balances totaling in excess of $7.3 million to be transferred to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.[377][378] Jonestown was the greatest loss of American civilian lives in a non-natural disaster until the September 11, 2001 attacks. Progressivism suffered a devastating blow in the eyes of most Americans. Not until the rise of Barack Obama did it recover.

Human rights and the Ayatollah Khomeini

Carter's shift away from anti-communism to supposed "human rights" as the focus of U.S. foreign policy brought the Ayatollah Khomeini to power, and the enlistment of child soldiers - some as young as 4 years old - to clear minefields for the Iranian Army. Iran, once a U.S. ally, now pursues nuclear weapons.

Abroad, for the first time since Harry Truman, Carter shifted the focus of U.S. foreign policy from Russia to "human rights." The Shah of Iran came to power in 1941 and was an ally of Western powers in the war against Adolf Hitler. During the Six Day War in 1967, the Shah aided Israel by keeping Saddam Hussein out of the war. The Shah did not participate in the 1973 Yom Kippur War or OPEC oil embargo. He had been a loyal Western ally in the Cold War for the better part of four decades.

Carter supported the Ayatollah Khomeini over the Shah of Iran whom Soviet intelligence and Western media portrayed as a greedy capitalist oppressor. William Miller, chief of staff on the US Senate Intelligence Committee, said America had nothing to fear from Khomeini since he would be a progressive force for human rights. U.S. Ambassador William Sullivan compared Khomeini to Mahatma Gandhi. The mainstream media and State Department called him the "Iranian Mandela." The fall of the Shah and rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran set back women's rights centuries.

Once installed under Carter's human right's policy, the Ayatollah created the Basij Mostazafan, a movement of young people under age 17. When the Iran-Iraq War started in 1980, Khomeini issued a promise of paradise to the children and they were incorporated into the Iranian military. The Iranian clergy called for the young people from age 9 years old and up to move forward in human wave attacks, to clear minefields so the regular Army could pass.[379] Matthias Küntzel quotes an Iraqi officer's description of one such encounter in the summer of 1982.

“They come toward our positions in huge hordes with their fists swinging...You can shoot down the first wave and then the second. But at some point the corpses are piling up in front of you, and all you want to do is scream and throw away your weapon." [380]

Other reports appeared in the Iranian daily newspaper, Ettelaat, and later an eyewitness gave an account to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine in 2002. Some 100,000 children were killed fulfilling Carter's human rights policy this way.

Iranian students attacked the American embassy in Teheran and took Americans hostage for 444 days. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in late 1979 and the progressive Kool-Aid drinkers weakened the perception Americans had of Carter.

Carter was forced to admit his error in downplaying the focus on Russian intentions in January 1980 with his Carter Doctrine, declaring the Persian Gulf a vital national security interest which was later used as the long-standing foreign policy basis of the 1992 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War. The loss of the Shah as an ally in 1979 led to the rise of the theocratic Iranian Islamic Republic, the world's leading state sponsor of terror. The Islamic Republic's pursuit of nuclear weapons would become a lingering problem for the United States in coming decades and the early 21st century.

Battling Raygun

Carter was re-nominated in 1980. In a spirit of unity Willie Nelson, who later hit the top of the Billboard charts with a song celebrating public lynchings,[381] sang the national anthem at the Democratic National Convention. Instrumental in the election of Republican Ronald Reagan, were many who felt abandoned by the Democrats embrace of socialism. Among legislators, one of the most prominent of these conservative Democrats was Georgia congressman and second chairman of the John Birch Society, Larry McDonald, who was a passenger on Korean Airlines Flight 007 shot down by the Soviets near Moneron Island on September 1, 1983.

Democratic nominee Walter Mondale on the campaign trail with Jimmy Carter in 1984.
To oppose Reagan, Senate Democrats elected the Exalted Cyclops of Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Robert Byrd to lead them. Byrd once wrote,
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."[382]

The "Reagan Democrats" were Democrats before the Reagan years, and afterward, but they voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984 (and for George H. W. Bush in 1988), producing landslide victories. Jesse Jackson became the first African-American to win states in a major party primary election for president in 1984. But vote rigging by Superdelegates at the convention sabotaged his efforts.[383] Reagan Democrats were mostly white ethnics in the Northeast who were attracted to Reagan on issues such as jobs, abortion, and his strong foreign policy. Stanley Greenberg, a Democratic pollster analyzed white ethnic voters, largely unionized auto workers, in suburban Macomb County, Michigan, just north of Detroit. The county voted 63 percent for Kennedy in 1960 and 66 percent for Reagan in 1984. Restrictive oil drilling, high energy prices, unrestricted Japanese auto imports, and 17% auto loans caused by federal deficits and inflation destroyed their jobs. Greenberg concluded that many working families no longer saw Democrats as champions of their interests. Bill Clinton resuscitated racist dog whistles with considerable success in 1992 and 1996.

The global warming hoax to counter capitalism

Democratic party leaders, officially and unofficially, colluded with the KGB to interfere in American elections and affect U.S. foreign policy. A 1983 KGB memo[384] describes a meeting between former KGB officials and former Democratic Sen. John Tunney (Sen. Kennedy's confidant) in Moscow. Tunney asked the KGB to convey a message to Yuri Andropov, the Soviet leader, proposing a campaign in which Kennedy would visit Moscow to offer talking points to Andropov and Soviet officials on how to attack Reagan's policies to U.S. audiences. According to the memo, Kennedy, through the intermediary, offered to help facilitate a media tour in a proposed visit by Andropov to the United States. Kennedy's hope was to hurt Reagan politically on foreign policy at a time when the economic recovery was working in his favor.[385]

In 1984, 10 Democratic lawmakers — including the House Democratic Majority Leader and Intelligence Committee chairman – sent a letter to Nicaraguan Communist leader Daniel Ortega known as the "Dear Comandante" letter. In it, the lawmakers criticized Reagan's policy toward Nicaragua and whitewashed the record of violence and murder by the Sandinista communists.[386] Bernie Sanders was a frequent visitor to Nicaragua at this time, singing the praises of communism.

In response to Reagan's defense build-up and missile defense initiative,[387] which bankrupted the Soviet Union and ended the specter of Mutually Assured Destruction, many Democrats adopted the KGB line of a nuclear freeze and global warming targeting America's manufacturing and economic base. Barack Obama expounded the Brezhnev era doctrine in an essay entitled Breaking The War Mentality published in Columbia University's weekly magazine, The Sun Dial.[388] Anti-capitalists in the United States and Europe began attacking the booming auto manufacturing,[389] oil drilling and refining industries as responsible for the destruction of the planet. The Soviet KGB, known for its propaganda campaigns such as the AIDS virus invented by the Pentagon, mounted one last ditch effort to save communism and fight capitalism. This leftwing socialist sentiment was taught in schools and universities, where faculty salaries are dependent on statist largesse. These Russian-manufactured hoaxes on climate change were widely embraced by public sector unions in schools and universities to argue against cuts to Great Society programs.

In a limited way, the communists were successful; the global warming scare was a factor in the de-industrialization and transfer of Western factories to the developing world where environmental and labor laws were less strict. The free trade movement and globalization was partly justified by the politization of science and global warming.

As the South became less racist, it became more Republican

By 1980, racism ebbed in the Old South as the South began voting like much of the rest of the country. Only the staunchest Democrat racist areas held out. The Republicans then passed the Martin Luther King Holiday, which the Democrat Congress and Jimmy Carter repeatedly rejected.

In the century after the Republicans efforts for Black equality and the end of Reconstruction in 1877, the white South identified with the Democratic Party. The Democrats' lock on power was so strong, the region was called the Solid South. The Republicans only controlled parts of the Appalachian mountains, but they sometimes did compete for statewide office in the border states. Before Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty - an effort to extend big government social spending on Blacks which the New Deal failed to do[390] - the southern Democrats saw their party as the defender of the southern way of life, which included a respect for states' rights and an appreciation for traditional southern "values" (including segregation of blacks). They repeatedly warned against the aggressive designs of Republicans and Northern liberals, as well as civil rights activists whom they denounced as "outside agitators."

However, between 1928 and 2004, the Democratic Party's lock on the South was broken.[391] The long-term cause had to do with the South becoming more like the rest of the nation. It could no longer stand apart in terms of racial segregation. Modernization had brought factories, national businesses, and larger, more cosmopolitan cities to the South, as well as millions of migrants from the North and more opportunities for higher education. Meanwhile, the cotton and tobacco economy of the traditional rural South faded away, as former farmers commuted to factory jobs. As the South became less racist, it became more Republican.

Integration and the civil rights movement caused enormous controversy in the white South, with many attacking it as a violation of states' rights. When segregation was outlawed by Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices and by the bi-partisan Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965, a die-hard element of Democrats resisted integration, led by Democrats Orval Faubus of Arkansas, Lester Maddox of Georgia, Al Gore, Sr. of Tennessee, J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and George Wallace of Alabama. These racists appealed to a less-educated, blue-collar electorate that on economic grounds favored New Deal white privilege and opposed desegregation. After 1965 most Southerners accepted integration, with the exception of public schools in an effort led by Sen. Joseph Biden.[133] Just as the Republican, Martin Luther King had promised, integration had brought about a new day in Southern politics, freeing both blacks and whites from old hatreds and fears.

President Johnson's big government giveaways and affirmative action programs attracted Blacks for the first time, and they began supporting Democratic candidates, producing leaders such as Julian Bond and John Lewis of Georgia, and Barbara Jordan of Texas.

Using issues of cultural conservatism, especially opposition to abortion and homosexuality and support for school prayer, Republicans attracted strong majorities among evangelical Christians. They were nationwide, but strongest in the South; before the 1980s they were largely apolitical. Exit polls in 2004 showed that Bush led Kerry by 70-30% among Southern whites, who comprised 71% of the voters. Kerry had a 90-9 lead among the 18% of Southern voters who were black. One third of the Southern voters said they were white evangelicals; they voted for Bush by 80–20%.[392]

In 1988, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), after decades of running their own presidential candidates, with the loss of Russian funding stopped running presidential candidates and has endorsed every Democratic presidential nominee since.[393][394] Since the end of the Cold War,[395] communists began rising in Civil Service and elected office as Democrats.[396]

Racist smear campaign

In 1991, Republican President George H.W. Bush appointed an African American, Clarence Thomas, to the Supreme Court to replace the retiring Justice Thurgood Marshall. Racist Democrats were outraged that a conservative Black, who refused to pledge to uphold Roe v. Wade which legalized the murder of millions of unborn Blacks, would become a role model for Black youth. Anita Hill, a lesbian staffer who worked for Thomas was pushed forward, against her will, to testify publicly about unverified comments she made to FBI background investigators alleging sexual harassment in the work place, essentially jokes circulating among office employees. Hill's name was illegally leaked by Senate Democrat staffers and Chairman Joseph Biden then subpoenaed Hill, compelling her to testify in public under oath in an effort to derail the nomination and permanently scar Thomas. In an unprecedented step, Biden delayed the final vote and held extended public hearings.

Hill worked for Thomas at the Dept. of Education, and when Thomas left the Dept. of Education to work at the EEOC, Thomas invited her to come along and she followed. Hill never reported the alleged sexual harassment.

After nationally televised hearings consisting largely of a discussion of African American body parts, Thomas was confirmed by the U.S. Senate with a majority of Americans in public opinion polls believing Thomas over Hill. A fringe minority of partisan gay rights activists, feminists, liberals, and mainstream media journalist are said to have believed Hill.

Clinton, Biden and the New Jim Crow

Clinton gore.png

In the 1990s the Democratic Party revived itself, in part by distancing itself from Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition.[397] Jackson was the first African-American to win a major party primary in 1988. Blacks were getting a little too uppity in the eyes of the Clintons and Democratic party leadership.[398] Clinton defeated the incumbent George H. W. Bush in 1992, was the beneficiary of reduced defense spending with the end of the Cold War and a balanced federal budget. Clinton proposed welfare reform (cutting benefits and requiring many recipients to take jobs). Labor unions, which had been steadily losing membership due to globalization since the 1960s, found they had also lost political clout inside the Democratic Party: Clinton enacted the NAFTA free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico accelerating globalization and job loss over the strong objection of these labor unions.

Every year for twelve years, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, who both always had at least one house of Congress controlled by Democrats, asked in their State of the Union addresses for Congress to create Enterprise Zones - special tax breaks for start-ups and businesses to relocate to blighted areas, predominantly black, inner-city urban areas - to create jobs and deliver services. Democrats didn't want Republicans to be seen as helping blacks. However, in President Clinton's first 100 days, with a Democrat House and Senate, Democrats finally delivered Enterprise Zones after making African Americans wait 12 years to finally participate in the prosperity begun in the 1980s. Bill Clinton attacked Nancy Reagan's anti-drug "Just Say No" campaign as "twelve years of neglect" and ratcheted up deaths caused by illegal drug use from 10,000 per year to 70,000.[399] The Republican Party took control of both the House of Representatives and the United States Senate after the 1994 midterm election.

Under the Clintons and the 1994 Biden Crime Bill, more than 250,000 African Americans were imprisoned in the United States than under President Reagan,[400] Both Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden took credit for mass incarceration.[401] Cumulatively since the Clinton's passed the Biden Crime Bill, 2.5 million adult black males—more than 10% of the population—were incarcerated, splitting up black families.[402] Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton led the Million Man March on Washington to protest.[403][404]

In a eulogy loaded with racist dog whistles, here's what Bill Clinton said at the grave of his mentor, Sen. J. William Fulbright:
"We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes.[405]
So spoke President William J. Clinton in 1995 of a man who was among the 99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That filibuster continued for 83 days.

When the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) assumed leadership of the party and its direction, some liberals and progressives felt alienated, believing the party gave in to capitalism and was unconcerned with left-wing issues in general. Some moderates challenged the validity of such critiques, citing the Democratic role in pushing the gay and progressive agendas.

Biden Crime Bill of 1994
The Superpredator Act of 1994. Feinstein, Kerry and Biden are clearly visible with President Clinton. The bill is known for its sentencing disparities which led to mass incarceration of Blacks.[406]
See also: The New Jim Crow and Biden Crime Bill

In the wake of the Central Park jogger attack, Joseph Biden boasts as one of his greatest legislative achievements passage of the 1994 Crime bill which locked up 10% of the Black adult male population of the United States.[402][407]

When President George H.W. Bush asked for a record increase in funding to fight the War on Drugs, Biden told a TV interviewer
"In a nutshell, the President's plan does not include enough police officers to catch the violent thugs, enough prosecutors to convict them, enough judges to sentence them or enough prison cells to put them away for a long time."[408][409]

Biden, Ted Kennedy, and Strom Thurmond worked on proposals that raised maximum penalties, removed a directive requiring the US Sentencing Commission to take into account prison capacity, and created the cabinet-level “drug czar” position. In 1984, they passed the Comprehensive Crime Control Act, which, among other things, abolished parole, imposed a less generous cap on “good time” sentence reductions, and allowed the Sentencing Commission to issue more punitive guidelines.

Biden bragged on the Senate floor that it was under his and Thurmond's leadership that Congress passed a law sending anyone caught with a rock of cocaine the size of a quarter to jail for a minimum of five years - the notoriously racist hundred-to-one sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine. In the same speech Biden took credit for civil asset forfeiture and seizure laws, and demanded to know why Papa Bush hadn't sentenced more drug dealers to life in prison or exercise the death penalty once Congress had given him that power.[410]

Biden's version of a new crime bill added more than forty crimes that would be eligible for the death penalty. Biden boasted “we do everything but hang people for jaywalking.”[411] The NAACP and other groups lobbied against the bill.[412] Although the 1991 crime bill was defeated by Republicans, the 1994 Biden/Clinton crime bill was passed.[413]

By 2001, the United States had the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Human Rights Watch reported that in seven states, African Americans constituted 80 to 90 percent of all drug offenders even though they were no more likely than whites to use or sell illegal drugs. Prison admissions for drug offenses reached a level in 2000 for African Americans more than 26 times the level they had been under Ronald Reagan.[414] Biden's "social planning" had proven effective.

The Leftist Jacobin magazine summed up Biden's record:
"It’s not as if Biden didn’t know what he was doing.... He just didn’t care. Biden had made a calculated decision that the elections he would win were worth the damage he inflicted....
But even if Biden has subsequently learned the error of his ways, the rank cynicism and callousness involved in his two-decade-long championing of carceral policies should be more than enough to give anyone pause about his qualities as a leader, let alone a progressive one."[415]
Bill Clinton with Clinton Foundation co-founder Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein was a frequent visitor to the Clinton White House as an honoured guest.
Impeachment: lying under oath is not a crime

Clinton was impeached in a scandal involving sexual crimes in 1998 and acquitted in 1999 when Democrats considered that a sitting president who lies under oath to a federal judge was not a crime. Impeachment caused extreme partisan divisions within the country; however a healthy economy, with the lower mortgage interest rates due to reduced defense spending and the end of the Cold War, no one wanted to upset the apple cart. Democrats themselves were not keen on the idea of Al Gore becoming president, either.

Hollywood mogul and Democrat megadonor Harvey Weinstein was a founder of the Clinton Legal Defense Fund to defend Bill Clinton against sexual assault charges; after Senate Democrats exonerated President Clinton, Weinstein himself faced sexual assault charges from at least 97 women over the next twenty years.


The Rev. Fred Phelps of the notoriously homophobic[416] Westboro Baptist Church ran for governor of Kansas as a Democrat in 1990, 1994, and 1998.[417] Phelps received 31% of the vote in Kansas's 1992 Democrat Party primary for U.S. Senate.[418] In 1993 and 1997,[419][420] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka. He supported Al Gore in the 1988 primaries. Phelpsbecame an extremely vocal critic of President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, calling Bush "A Bible pervert." Of the Cheney family Phelps said, "They know the iniquity they’ve wrought, but they’re not at all ashamed of it...God hates the Cheneys."[421]

Election of 2000: Florida recount

Nobel Prize winner and former Vice President Al Gore with Fred Phelps and their wives at a Westboro Baptist Church fundraiser for Gore. Westboro is the home of the godhatesfags website.

During the presidential election of 2000, the Democrats chose Vice President Al Gore to be the party's candidate for the presidency. Gore and George W. Bush, the Republican candidate and son of former President George H.W. Bush, disagreed on a number of issues, including abortion, gun control, environmentalism, gay rights, tax cuts, foreign policy, public education, global warming, judicial appointments, and affirmative action. Gore told the NAACP that his father, Sen. Al Gore Sr., had lost his Senate seat because he voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964-a total fabrication.

Gore won a plurality of over 500,000 votes but lost the electoral college by four votes. Gore asked for a recount in Florida, re-opening the divisions caused by Clinton's impeachment.

Gore's affiliation with Clinton and the racist DLC machine[422] caused critics—Green Party progressive candidate Ralph Nader in particular—to assert that Bush and Gore were too similar, especially on free trade, reductions in social welfare, and the death penalty. "We want to punish the Democrats, we want to hurt them, wound them," Nader's closest advisor said.[423] Some Democrats blamed Nader's third-party spoiler role for Gore's defeat.

Afterward, Gore made millions of dollars with a film preaching progressive climate change eschatology, asserting that life on the planet would come to an end by the year 2013, sold his leftist propaganda radio network for hundreds of millions of dollars to Al Jazeera, was accused of sexual assault, and disappeared into obscurity.

Despite Gore's close defeat, the Democrats gained five seats in the Senate (including the election of Hillary Clinton in New York), to turn a 55–45 Republican edge into a 50–50 split (with a Republican Vice President breaking a tie). However, when Republican Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont decided in 2001 to become an independent and caucus with the Democrats, the majority status shifted along with the seat, including control of the floor (by the Majority Leader) and control of all committee chairmanships. However, the Republicans regained their Senate majority with gains in 2002 and 2004, leaving the Democrats with only 44 seats, the fewest since the 1920s.

2001: Progressives allied with jihadis

Email to Hillary Clinton: "Al Qaeda is on our side." Al Qaeda murdered 3,000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks.[424]

In the aftermath of the 9-11 Attacks, the nation's focus was on issues of national security. All but one Democrat[425] joined the Republicans to authorize the use of force in Afghanistan and overthrow the Taliban. House leader Richard Gephardt and Senate leader Thomas Daschle pushed Democrats to vote for the USA PATRIOT Act and the 2003 AUMF in Iraq. Progressives sympathized with terrorists who wanted to destroy Western Civilization. More rational Democrats expressed concern over the domestic effects, including potential government abuses of civil rights and civil liberties with the PATRIOT Act. Senator Russ Feingold was the only Senator to vote against the act; it received more resistance when it came up for renewal, but was renewed in 2006.

In the wake of the Enron scandal, Congressional Democrats pushed for an overhaul of business accounting.[426] This led to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002.

Typically, an incumbent president loses seats in Midterm elections. However, in the aftermath of 19 terrorists entering the US during the Clinton administration as part of the multicultural experiment, who then murdered 3,000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks, Democrats lost seats in the House, Senate, and governorships in the 2002 midterms. Democrats flipped gubernatorial seats in New Mexico (Bill Richardson) and Arizona (Janet Napolitano) where Clinton cronies were elected and Wyoming (Dave Freudenthal), it was offset by Democrats losing seats in South Carolina (Jim Hodges), Alabama (Don Siegelman) and, for the first time in more than a century the Democrats' Southern Strategy failed with the loss of Georgia (Roy Barnes).

Republican gains in The South had nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with Democrats' willingness to sacrifice national security for open immigration and diversity. It led to another round of soul searching about the future of the party's increasingly radicalized base. The party's miseries mounted in 2003, when a voter recall unseated their unpopular governor of California, Gray Davis, and replaced him which a charismatic liberal Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. By the end of 2003, the four largest states had Republican governors: California, Texas, New York and Florida.

While the Gallup poll showed 72% public support for the War in Iraq,[427] and with the party establishment drastically weakened, a handful of dissident anti-American and progressive protesters gathered in Chicago's Federal Plaza to hear an Illinois state senator named Barack Obama speak. Obama was one of the few, if not only, elected official in the country willing to express openly his lack of concern about the jihad against Western civilization. The protest was organized by the Communist party.[428]

Pelosi era

The City of San Francisco official "poop map" of reports of human feces on the street covers Nancy Pelosi's entire 12th Congressional district.[429]
See also: Climate Crisis Committee

In 2002, after Richard Gephardt resigned as minority leader to seek the Democratic nomination in the 2004 presidential election, Rep. Nancy Pelosi was elected to replace him, becoming the first woman to lead a major party in the House of Representatives. Pelosi's father was a Congressman from Maryland and later the Mayor of Baltimore; when Pelosi graduated from college in 1962 she didn't remain in Baltimore to serve her community but rather joined the white flight to California[430] where blacks were fewer in number.[431] By the 1980s she became a protege of the progressive Willie Brown.

A poll conducted by Fox News released in October 2007 found that 1 in 5 Democrats – nearly 10 million voters – thought the world would be better off if the United States were to lose the War in Iraq.[432] The poll found this sentiment 3 to 4 times higher among Democrats than among moderate, centrist, and Republican voters.

According to its 2008 platform, the Democratic Party claimed to have the objective of strengthening America, yet Democrat leaders did nothing while the Obama administration allied itself with jihadis.[433][434] In 2010 the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.) said "Democrats have been sedulously rewriting history for decades."[435]

The Democratic Party favored free trade agreements, environmental regulation and so-called "trade impact assistance" or government handouts after trade agreements destroy private sector, taxpaying jobs.

At the Democratic National Convention in July 2016, no American flags were present while several attendees flew the Palestinian flag.[436][437] The CPUSA urged people not to vote for Donald Trump even if they disliked Hillary Clinton (an indirect endorsement of Clinton).[438][439] Democrats blamed Russia for Hillary Clinton's loss. Obama evidently did nothing to prevent it.

John Kerry: the Hippies last stand

Kerry's book, The New Soldier with VVAW activists flying the American flag upside down. By the time Democrats did start flying the American flag, they flew it upside down.

The 2004 campaign began in late 2002, when Gore said he would not run again. Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont, a war protester and critic of the Democrat establishment, was the front-runner leading into the Democratic primaries. Dean had immense progressive support, especially from the far left wing of the party. Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, a Vietnam war veteran turned hippie who had heavy support from the Clinton Machine and DLC, was nominated because he was seen as more "electable" than Dean. Under Leader Pelosi, Democrats moved to populist Trumpian positions that denounced free trade and the NAFTA agreement.

Babyboomers - children born in the post-World War II "baby boom," despite their large numbers in the American electorate, were always wracked by political division stemming from the Vietnam war. The election of 2004 highlighted those divisions - Kerry the supposed "war hero" who then turned on the war, and Bush the "patriot" who used family privilege to duck the draft and served in the reserves.

Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards' mugshot. Edwards was charged and booked in a fundraising scheme.

In the end, Kerry lost both the popular vote (by 3 million out of over 120 million votes cast) and the Electoral College. Republicans also gained four seats in the Senate and three seats in the House of Representatives, and for the first time since 1952, the Democratic leader of the Senate lost re-election. In the end, there were 3,660 Democratic state legislators across the nation to the Republicans' 3,557. Democrats netted governorships in Louisiana, New Hampshire and Montana. However, they lost the governorship of Missouri and a legislative majority in Georgia, which had long adhered to the Democratic racist tradition.

There were many reasons for the defeat. After the election, most analysts concluded that Kerry was a poor campaigner.[440] A group of Vietnam veterans opposed to Kerry called the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" undercut Kerry's use of his military past by citing Kerry's Congressional testimony where he called fellow Vietnam veterans war criminals.[441] Kerry was unable to reconcile his support for the Iraq War with his opposition to the war in 2004, or manage the deep split in the Democratic Party between Patriots and protesters of the war. Republicans ran thousands of television commercials to argue that Kerry had flip-flopped on Iraq. When Kerry's home state of Massachusetts' judicial system legalized radical progressive same-sex marriage, the issue split liberal and conservative Democrats and independents. Kerry publicly stated throughout his campaign that he opposed same-sex "marriage," but favored civil unions. Ballot initiatives appeared in 11 states that brought citizens of both parties to the polls in large numbers; all 11 initiatives passed. Proposition 8 in California won by a wide margin, but California Attorney General Kamala Harris bowed to LGBT groups and refused to defend citizen referendums in court. Some Democrats argued that flaws in vote-counting systems may also have played a role in Kerry's defeat in Ohio. Other factors include a healthy job market, a rising stock market, strong home sales due to government subsidized interest rates, and low unemployment.

After the 2004 election, prominent Democrats began to rethink the party's direction, and a variety of strategies for moving forward were voiced. Some Democrats proposed moving towards the right; others demanded that the party move more to the left and become a stronger opposition party. Rethinking the party's position on gun control became a matter of discussion, brought up by Howard Dean, Bill Richardson, Brian Schweitzer and other Democrats who had won governorships in states where Second Amendment rights were important to many voters.

Pelosi and the Progressive takeover

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an Assad apologist, violating the Logan Act.

These debates were reflected in the 2005 campaign for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, which Howard Dean won. As a progressive, Dean was the first to shepherd civil unions through the Vermont legislature. He sought to move the Democratic strategy away from the establishment, and bolster support for the party's state organizations, even in Red states.

When the 109th Congress convened in 2005, Harry Reid, the new Senate Minority Leader, tried to convince the Democratic Senators to vote more as a bloc on important issues; he forced the Republicans to abandon their push for privatization of retirement insurance and leave the collectivist model in place. In 2005, the Democrats retained their governorships in Virginia and New Jersey, electing Tim Kaine and Jon Corzine, respectively. However, the party lost the mayoral race to Michael Bloomberg in New York City, a Democratic stronghold, for the fourth straight time.

The cost of fighting two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq simultaneously allowed China, which was granted most favored nation trading status in 2001, to rush ahead in economic development and military modernization unchecked by American competition. Cheap Chinese made goods flooded the country, while American manufacturing jobs were exported to China. Negative public opinion on the war in Iraq, along with widespread dissatisfaction among conservatives dragged President Bush's job approval ratings down to the lowest levels of his presidency. To win control the Democrats had to add 15 seats in the House (they added 30), and 6 in the Senate. In 2006, with lobbying scandals engulfing the Republicans, the Democrats used the slogan "culture of corruption."

The Democratic Party's electoral success in the 2006 midterms was attributed to running relatively moderate Democrats in close seats, such as the Senate races in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Montana.[442] Exit polling suggested that corruption was a key issue for many voters.[443] Democrats gained a majority of governorships and made gains in many state legislatures. No Democratic incumbent was defeated in any major race.

Senate Democrats promoted Harry Reid to Majority Leader. House Democrats chose Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California for Speaker, the first woman ever, but rejected her choice for House Majority Leader, electing Steny Hoyer instead of John Murtha. Members of Pelosi's own Democratic Caucus warned failure to deliver on their promises to clean up corruption could be damaging.[444] Twenty freshmen Democrats asked for legislation to establish an independent ethics commission within the legislative branch to investigate future ethical lapses by fellow members.[445] Pelosi resisted the reform.[446]


Barack Obama with the notorious anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan called Jews "pigs and dogs." The Anti-Defamation League identified Farrakhan as the nation's “leading anti-Semite."[447]
See also: Communism and Democrat Race Card: July 2011

From 1919 to 1992 the global communist movement, headquartered in Moscow, sought to destabilize and subvert the bourgeois regimes of the planet. The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe in ended the 45-year-long Cold War. Russia caved in, became capitalist, joined the International Monetary Fund and qualified for World Bank loans. American leftists momentarily were in danger of losing their ideological direction. A group of academics and organizers called the Committees of Correspondence of Democratic Socialism (CoC) relocated the center of the global Marxist movement from the Kremlin to Berkeley, California and kept the movement alive.[448] Despite what some journalists and pundits speculated as "the end of history" with the widely reported "fall of communism," within 15 years communists had captured the White House.

Led by anti-War on Terror radicals and jihadi sympathizers schooled in the Cold War era notion of Marxist "national liberation movements," the Democratic party roared back with major gains in 2006, which it expanded in 2008 to sweep control of the national government and leave the GOP in a state of confusion and decline.

The GOP reunited in 2009, with near-unanimous opposition to the Democrats' socialist agenda and contentious policies, especially stimulus spending and Obamacare. Polls show Obama's popularity began to erode after his anti-police stance became apparent in the summer of 2009.

For the first two years of the Obama administration, the Democrats held a veto-proof Congress and the White House, ramming through unpopular legislation, with no bipartisan support, such as Obamacare. In the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats received a "shellacking" for defying popular sentiment. In 2009 moderate Bluedog Democrats boasted 44 centrists, but by 2011 it had only 8 members. A centrist core in the House was destroyed by progressives who dominated the party. Progressive communists tended to come from so-called "safe seats," whereas moderates, centrists, and Bluedogs came from competitive districts, and were sacrificed on the altar of ideological purity by Marxists in search of single party control. Suburbs and rural areas remained in Republican hands.[449] Voters in 2010, 2014, and 2016 rejected Democratic Party candidates at the local, state and national levels in record-setting proportions.

Incremental socialism

A Democrat organizer sports a poster of communist mass murderer Che Guevara at Obama campaign headquarters.

The 2008 presidential election campaign featured a duel between Barack Obama—a black candidate, and Hillary Clinton, a woman contender. Obama won with his oratory skills and a highly efficient fund-raising and strong organization in the caucus states, while Clinton appealed to feminists and white supremacists.[450] The contest between Obama and GOP nominee John McCain showed Obama being the clear favorite, with the vast majority of polls (with the exception of early September) depicting Obama as the clear favorite.

The Obama Administration got off to a fast start taking on more government debt to finance massive bailouts to banks, increased regulation, and deep intervention in the automobile industry. All those policies failed to reverse the decline from the Recession of 2008. After Democrats passed the Economic Recovery Act of 2009, unemployment increased from below 7% to 10%.[451]

Democratic leaders endorsed various Democratic Health Care Plans; the question in 2009 was whether to allow "a crisis to go to waste." Many Democrats advocated a minimum wage increase; the Democrat Congress failed to act but Obama signed an executive order imposing a $15 minimum wage on federal contractors, a meaningless gesture as few federal contracts have minimum wage workers.

Democrats talked about increased taxpayer funding of higher education, particularly for scientific research, land-grant colleges, community colleges and historically black colleges. Obama established a White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities.[452] Democrats subsidized the interest rate out of the federal treasury for Stafford loan voters by cutting the rate to 3.4% and eliminated private banks as middlemen in federal student loans.[453]

The Democratic Party felt the sting from the opposition and many Democrats began questioning their own leadership. Liberals were disenchanted with Obama's escalation of the Afghanistan War. American deaths more than doubled in Obama's first few years compared with the preceding eight years.[454] The health care reform that consumed most of 2009 remained unsettled, as public opinion turned against it. Environmentalists seemed resigned to the failure of carbon taxes and a cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gases. Most of the recession dragged on. The stimulus bill was passed quickly in February 2009 over almost unanimous GOP opposition, but despite promises of "shovel ready" projects, most of the money was never spent to relieve unemployment, job creation and economic growth remained dtagnant for years.

The elections in November 2009 in New Jersey and Virginia went badly for the Democrats, as the GOP gained both governorships and many local races, not to mention the Democrats' fifth straight loss for the mayoralty of New York City.

In the 2010 Midterm Elections, the Republican Party gained 63 Representatives in the House (one of the largest amounts in its history and surpassing the 1994 landslide), almost gained a majority in the Senate, and gained a majority of governorships and state legislatures in one of its best election results in its history.

With Obama's harassment of political opponents, first with the IRS scandal, then through illegal surveillance and FISA abuse, Obama won re-election in 2012,[455] even though the Republican Party held on to all its 2010 gains.

Although the Democrats had the opportunity to reverse the massive GOP gains in 2014 midterms, they completely failed and allowed the GOP to make even larger victories. Even when the GOP held a majority of governorships so large that it would be difficult to hold them all, they actually gained two states, expanding their majority to 31 out of 50.

Guantanamo Bay

See also: Guantanamo Bay

For all it's moralizing, when the Democratic party enjoyed a veto-proof Congress and the occupied the White House, they refused to override a Presidential declaration of a national emergency, cut off funding and shut down the alleged human rights abuses occurring at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility. Suddenly the issue became "too complex," after years of demagoguery.

Marxists crawl out of the closet

Within the first six months of the new administration, Obama White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told a high school graduating class that communist mass murderer Mao Zedong - the biggest mass murderer in history by far - was her favorite "political philosopher."[456] Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist, was appointed Green Czar to indoctrinate young people schooled in the global warming hoax into the communist movement. When Jones' communist background and connections became public he was immediately fired and hired as an analyst for CNN.

Bernie Sanders, a leading candidate in the Democratic Party's 2016 presidential nomination has a history of involvement with Marxist organizations.[457][458][459] Sanders had on the wall of his Senate office a flag of the Soviet Union, a regime which exterminated more than 50 million of its own peoples.[460]

In the 21st century, the Democratic Party dropped all pretense of advocacy for Human Rights in favor of forced collectivization.

Obama post election strategy Blame Russia start WW3.jpg

Uranium One scandal

Main article: Uranium One scandal

Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration colluded with Vladimir Putin to sell Russia 20% of American uranium reserves. The Clinton Foundation received $150 million from investors. The Clinton campaign knew that Hillary's Russia collusion by approving the sale of Uranium One (U1) from Clinton Foundation board member Frank Giustra to Russia's state owned nuclear energy company Rosatom in 2010-2011 was a problem, so they set out from at least April 2015 to smear whoever she was up against as “weak on Russia” or “Kremlin Trolls”.

Obama war crimes

Main article: Obama war crimes

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama illegally overthrew the government of Libya. The African slave trade was revived after the overthrow.

Trump-Russia collusion hoax

Main article: Trump-Russia collusion hoax

The Mueller Report produced no evidence whatsoever that Russia hacked the DNC. Neither Special Council Robert Mueller, nor the FBI, nor the DOJ, nor the Dept. of Homeland Security, nor the NSA, nor the CIA, nor the mainstream media, nor the Clinton campaign ever investigated DNC servers.

Primary rigging

See also: United States presidential election, 2016

Again, in 2016, the Democrats performed very poorly, allowing the GOP to win the presidency with Donald Trump,[461] to maintain their House and Senate majorities,[462][463] to win the largest amount of governorships since 1922,[464] and to win the most state legislative chambers in history.[465] The Democrats held a record low amount of party trifectas in the states.[466][467] Democrats lost 1,042 seats—including U.S. House, Senate, state governorship, and state legislative seats—during the eight years of Barack Obama's tenure as U.S. president.[468]

Seth Rich (1989-2016) was an IT specialist at DNC headquarters in Washington DC. His bullet-ridden body was found on a dark street two weeks before the convention that nominated Hillary Clinton.

The Democratic primaries were rigged against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, and the party was shown to be helping Clinton behind the scenes.[469][470] The DNC tagged the Jewish Vermont Senator in the Bible Belt as an "atheist", hoping to give her another advantage in the early Southern Democratic primaries. The DNC scheduled the Democratic primary debates during days of the week when most Americans wouldn't watch, such as Friday and Saturday nights. This was done to keep interest in the Democratic primary debates low and with Mrs. Clinton obviously having more name recognition, would have an early advantage over her lesser-known opponents. Even the leftist website Salon[471] and, later, Elizabeth Warren[472] believed the primary was rigged against Sanders.

Donna Brazile, the interim DNC Chair, shared Democrat town hall meeting questions with the Clinton campaign in order to help her win.[473][474] She continued to deny this fact through February 2017[475] and blamed Russia for the ordeal.[476] Later, in November 2017, Brazile revealed that not only did Obama leave the DNC deeply in debt due to his 2012 re-election campaign,[477] but the Clinton campaign effectively controlled the DNC as early as 2015, and the DNC worked to keep Sanders from winning the nomination.[478]

The release of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails provided to Wikileaks by Seth Rich[479] showed clear collusion between Clinton, mainstream media outlets, and the DNC to smear Bernie Sanders. Millennials felt betrayed by the Democratic party. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced out on the eve of the convention, less than 24 hours after dozens of emails were published showing her and her staff rigging the primary elections for Hillary Clinton.

The whistleblower Seth Rich was gunned down execution-style in early July 2016, two weeks before the convention. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange offered $20,000 cash reward for the arrest and conviction of Seth Rich's killers or killer. Hillary Clinton said of Assange, "Can't we just drone this guy?"[480] In October WikiLeaks released a transcript of Hillary's private paid speech to Goldman Sachs. To silence Assange, Wikileaks internet access was cut within the Ecuador embassy, where he was granted asylum. Wikileaks Director, Prof. Gavin Macfayden, was found dead the following week. Macfayden's death was the third of a close associate of Assange in 6 months.[481]

In the Comey era, the FBI returned to the use of sexual innuendo and domestic spying on political opponents.[482]

FBI scandal

Main article: FBI scandal

More than 27 Obama appointees and Democrat operatives were fired, removed, demoted or reassigned in the criminal attempt to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and later the coup plot against President Trump.

Democrat IT scandal

Main article: Democrat IT scandal

On February 2, 2017 Politico reported 5 House IT staffers, including 3 brothers later identified as Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan, were relieved of access to House computers and had been under criminal investigation since late 2016.[483] The brothers managed office information technology for Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee handling matters on war and terrorism.[484] Imran Awan worked for ex-DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz,[485] had access to her iPad and password,[486] took $100,000 in cash from an Iraqi company,[487] and was a suspect in the leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks. Despite verbose allegations of "Russian hacking," the DNC never allowed the FBI to examine its servers to determine if indeed the DNC had been hacked, or did the leaks come from an inside source.[488] The suspects may have been involved in a leak of information that lead to the ambush and death of Navy SEAL William Ryan Owen.[489] Furthermore, because the suspects were Muslim,[490] their activities were covered up and they were not fired until after the death of Owen. Even then, they were initially relieved of duties without their names being released, two weeks later fired,[491] and three weeks after that in a series of press leaks identified as prime suspects in what the media called the "Russian hacking" scandal.

On May 18, 2017, Wasserman Schultz threatened the Capital police chief for impounding evidence in the Awan investigation. The Awan brothers were former IT specialists working for Wasserman Schultz with access to DNC data, and for House Democrats on the Intelligence Committee.[492]

On May 24, 2017 federal prosecutor Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was found murdered in Florida with a bullet in his head.[493][494][495][496] Curiously, the local police handled the investigation. Ordinarily, in the murder of a federal official, the FBI should investigate.[497] Whisenant's body was found on a beach in the home congressional district that Wasserman Schultz represents in Congress.


Displaying the hammer and sickle is illegal in some parts of the world because of its genocidal history.

The most common symbol for the party is the donkey, although the party itself never officially adopted this symbol.[498] Some historians suggest the jackass was born 1828 when Jackson was sometimes called a jackass by his opponents as a play on his name. A political cartoon depicting Jackson riding and directing a donkey (representing the Democratic Party) was published in 1837. A political cartoon by Thomas Nast in 1870 revived the donkey as a symbol for the Democratic Party. Cartoonists ever since have followed Nast and used the donkey to represent the Democrats, and the elephant to represent the Republicans.

In the early 20th century, the traditional symbol of the Democratic Party in many states was the rooster, as opposed to the Republican eagle.

There is no official color, but since election night 2000 blue has become the identification color of the Democratic Party for maps, while the red has become the color of the Republicans. Increasingly blue is used by Democrats for promotions (e.g. BuyBlue, BlueFund) and by the party itself, which in 2006 unveiled the "Red to Blue Program" to support Democratic candidates running against Republican incumbents in the 2006 midterm election.

The song Happy Days Are Here Again is the unofficial song of the Democratic Party. It was used prominently when Roosevelt was nominated for president at the 1932 Democratic National Convention and remains a sentimental favorite for Democrats today. During the Clinton era, the Fleetwood Mac song "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" became a popular song at Democratic events, reflecting the growing prominence of Baby Boomers in the party.

Some critics refer to the group disparagingly as the Democrat Party.

Democratic Presidents

See also



  • Barone, Michael, and Grant Ujifusa, The Almanac of American Politics 2008: The Senators, the Representatives and the Governors: Their Records and Election Results, Their States and Districts (2007) covers all the live politicians with amazing detail. New edition every two years since 1975.
  • Brownstein, Ronald. The Second Civil War: How Extreme Partisanship Has Paralyzed Washington and Polarized America(2007)
  • Crane, Michael. The Political Junkie Handbook: The Definitive Reference Books on Politics (2004) covers all the major issues explaining the parties' positions
  • Sabato, Larry J. Divided States of America: The Slash and Burn Politics of the 2004 Presidential Election (2005).
  • Sabato, Larry J. ed. The Sixth Year Itch: The Rise and Fall of the George W. Bush Presidency (1907), in-depth essays by scholars on key states in 2006
  • Sabato, Larry J., and Howard R. Ernst, eds. Political Parties and Elections (2007), 540pp; an encyclopedia with 450 entries by scholars; focus is 1945 to present
  • Sabato, Larry J. and Bruce Larson. The Party's Just Begun: Shaping Political Parties for America's Future (2001) textbook.
  • Shafer, Byron E. and Anthony J. Badger, eds. Contesting Democracy: Substance and Structure in American Political History, 1775-2000 (2001), long essays by specialists on each time period
  • Shafer, Byron and Richard Johnston. The End of Southern Exceptionalism (2006), uses statistical election data & polls to argue GOP growth was primarily a response to economic change


  • American National Biography (20 volumes, 1999) covers all politicians no longer alive; online and paper copies at many academic libraries.
  • Jensen, Richard. Grass Roots Politics: Parties, Issues, and Voters, 1854-1983 (1983) online edition; survey by conservative scholar, with primary sources
  • Kennedy, David M. Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 (2001), synthesis by leading scholar; Pulitzer prize online edition
  • Kleppner, Paul et al. The Evolution of American Electoral Systems (1983), essays by scholars (some of them conservatives), 1790s to 1980s.
  • Kleppner, Paul. The Third Electoral System 1853-1892: Parties, Voters, and Political Cultures (1979), analysis of voting behavior, with emphasis on region, ethnicity, religion and class. online edition
  • Ling, Peter J. The Democratic Party: A Photographic History (2003).
  • Patterson, James T. Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945-1974 (1997) synthesis by leading scholar. excerpt and text search
  • Patterson, James T. Restless Giant: The United States from Watergate to Bush vs. Gore (2005) synthesis by leading scholar. excerpt and text search
  • Ritchie, Donald A. Electing FDR: The New Deal Campaign of 1932 (2007) excerpt and text search
  • Rutland, Robert Allen. The Democrats: From Jefferson to Clinton (1995).
  • Shafer, Byron E. and Anthony J. Badger, eds. Contesting Democracy: Substance and Structure in American Political History, 1775-2000 (2001), most recent collection of new essays by specialists on each time period:
    • includes: "State Development in the Early Republic: 1775–1840" by Ronald P. Formisano; "The Nationalization and Racialization of American Politics: 1790–1840" by David Waldstreicher; "'To One or Another of These Parties Every Man Belongs;": 1820–1865 by Joel H. Silbey; "Change and Continuity in the Party Period: 1835–1885" by Michael F. Holt; "The Transformation of American Politics: 1865–1910" by Peter H. Argersinger; "Democracy, Republicanism, and Efficiency: 1885–1930" by Richard Jensen; "The Limits of Federal Power and Social Policy: 1910–1955" by Anthony J. Badger; "The Rise of Rights and Rights Consciousness: 1930–1980" by James T. Patterson, Brown University; and "Economic Growth, Issue Evolution, and Divided Government: 1955–2000" by Byron E. Shafer
  • Schlisinger, Galbraith. Of the People: The 200 Year History of the Democratic Party (1992)
  • Sundquist, James L. Dynamics of the Party System: Alignment and Realignment of Political Parties in the United States, (1983) online edition
  • Wilentz, Sean. The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln (2005), detailed synthesis by a leading liberal scholar. excerpt and text search
  • Witcover, Jules. Party of the People: A History of the Democrats (2003)
  • Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr. ed. History of American Presidential Elections, 1789-2000 (various multivolume editions, latest is 2001). For each election includes a short history by a leading scholar and a selection of primary documents.


  1. CROWD CHANTS ‘JUSTICE FOR SETH RICH!’ OUTSIDE DNC, By Alicia Powe and Chelsea Schilling, The Front Line, July 11, 2017.
  2. This is the official name of the party.[1]. Some refer to it as the Democrat party, implying the party is not democratic. The term is said to grate on Democrats' ears.
  3. Since its formation, Democrats have held the position that some lives are disposable. The party was, therefore against the abolition of slavery. The same view supports abortion as they view the unborn baby as disposable. https://www.coursehero.com/file/p5gmsch/Core-principles-The-opposing-party-to-the-Democrats-party-is-the-republicans/ The rights and dignity of the individual remain the core principal of the Republican party, be it opposition to slavery, abortion, big government, or high taxes.
  4. https://hotair.com/archives/john-s-2/2019/07/03/fareed-zakaria-current-immigration-crisis-caused-people-gaming-asylum-laws/
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2018/02/26/how-american-citizens-finance-health-care-for-undocumented-immigrants/#2185177612c4
  6. https://www.westernjournal.com/hermancain/pelosi-deeply-disappointed-deal-mexico-reduces-abuse-u-s-asylum-laws/
  7. https://thefederalist.com/2018/06/20/democrats-have-zero-tolerance-for-illegal-immigration-solutions/
  8. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Democrat_vs_Republican#Role_of_Government
  9. Varney, James (June 19, 2019). Communist Party, USA praises Democrats' policy shifts ahead of centennial celebration. The Washington Times. Retrieved June 19, 2019.
    See also:
  10. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5439334O
  11. See Green New Deal.
  12. If "Third World" is a "racist code word" as some progressives contend, it was coined by liberal academics, United Nations experts, and globalists during the Cold War.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/12/16/horowitz-report-confirms-john-solomons-scoop-fbi-spreadsheet-regarding-steele-dossier/
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/12/world/europe/ukraine-paul-manafort.html
  15. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/480678-carter-page-files-lawsuit-against-democratic-national-committee-over
  16. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/02/17/indictment-russians-also-tried-help-bernie-sanders-jill-stein-presidential-campaigns/348051002/
  17. http://dmlmessage.com/about/
  18. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/07/bernie-sanders-strategist-tad-devine-paul-manafort-files-mueller
  19. https://www.thedailybeast.com/bernie-sanders-hires-top-civil-liberties-advocate-faiz-shakir-as-campaign-manager
  20. https://www.trumprussiaconspiracy.com/2019/01/29/bernie-sanders-and-wife-on-their-honeymoon-in-russia-singing-this-land-is-your-land-with-their-russian-comrades/
  21. https://medium.com/the-haven/bernie-sanders-reminisces-about-honeymoon-in-soviet-union-bcbe3537e06c
  22. although, contrary to liberal denial, over 800,000 illegal immigrants likely voted. Lucas, Fred, "More Than 800,000 Noncitizens May Have Voted in 2016 Election, Expert Says," The Daily Signal. O'Reilly, Bill (November 29, 2016). Bill O'Reilly: Amazing amount of confusion over illegal aliens voting. Fox News. Retrieved November 2016. Scarborough, Rowan (January 26, 2017). Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, study finds. The Washington Times. Retrieved January 27, 2017; and Republican candidates received 49.13% of the nationwide total votes cast for House races in 2016 and won 55.4% of U.S. House seats."United States House of Representatives elections, 2016". 
  23. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/08/psychologist-google-generated-at-least-2-6-million-votes-for-hillary.php
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdpubsPLCMo
  25. https://youtu.be/I1rslAgK8uM
  26. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/keith-ellison-democratic-national-committee-chair/
  27. "DetrowEllisonTape"
  28. Strauss, Daniel. "Reid endorses Ellison for DNC chairman", November 13, 2016. 
  29. Strauss, Daniel (December 9, 2016). Ellison adds more congressional endorsements in DNC bid.
  30. DNC hides behind identity politics while purging Progressives from DNC Executive Committee
  31. https://freebeacon.com/politics/just-promoted-dccc-official-has-history-of-homophobic-racist-comments/
  32. https://freebeacon.com/politics/gay-female-combat-veteran-loses-job-after-dccc-staffers-anti-gay-tweets/
  33. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/democrats-just-purged-white-party-staffers-and-its-a-bigger-deal-than-anyone-wants-to-admit
  34. https://freebeacon.com/politics/pac-for-the-squad-launches-facebook-ads-hitting-dccc-over-diversity-fiasco/
  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoaNPE78RrM
  36. https://freebeacon.com/politics/new-dccc-chief-wants-to-cancel-male-candidates/
  37. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7531081/Amber-Guyger-sentenced-10-years-prison-murder.html
  38. https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-perspec-haters-democratic-party-0710-story.html
  39. Chretien, Claire (February 1, 2019). Yearbook photo of Virginia gov. who defended infanticide shows KKK costume. LifeSiteNews. Retrieved February 1, 2019.
    See also:
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  192. Siraj Wahhaj has said, "It is my duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran." He has also said, "If Allah says 100 strikes, 100 strikes it is. If Allah says cut off their hand, you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death, through the Prophet Muhammad, then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger—nothing personal." Siraj Wahhaj is also the father of one of two men arrested on August 8, 2018, in New Mexico. The two were training 11 children to carry out school shootings. A 3-year-old boy was killed during an exorcism at the desert compound.
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  223. Frank, John. "Colorado Democrats consider renaming Jefferson Jackson dinner", The Denver Post, November 16, 2015. 
  224. Litten, Kevin. "As state Democratic parties rename their Jefferson-Jackson dinners, will Louisiana change 'J-J?'", The Times Picayune, July 23, 2015. 
  225. World Book
  226. 227.0 227.1 227.2 William DeGregorio, The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents, Gramercy 1997
  227. https://jewishjournal.com/culture/food/182867/honoring-native-american-voices-recognizing-tragic-history-and-praising-brave-spirits/
  228. Simon (2006), pp. 117–120
  229. McPherson171174
  230. Simon (2006), pp. 138–139
  231. Simon (2006), pp. 155–156
  232. https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/02/what-reconstruction-and-its-end-meant-for-black-americans-who-had-fought-for-the-right-to-keep-and-bear-arms.html
  233. Stampp, 211.
  234. The system remained in place until the McGovern-Fraser Commission, which unseated white big city Democrat bosses at the national convention.
  235. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grave-statement-2/
  236. Trump vs the Deep State, Evan Osnos, The New Yorker, May 14, 2018
  237. "the Compromise of 1877, which resolved the disputed presidential election of 1876 by awarding the presidency to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes (who had lost the popular vote) in exchange for the removal of federal troops from the South after the Civil War (which benefitted Democrats, who wished to end Reconstruction and return white supremacy to southern state governments)." Gilded Age politics: patronage. khanacademy.org
  238. See for example James O'Keefe debate with Hairy Hillbilly Hippie for an example of a partisan Democrat who votes against his own economic interests.
  239. See excerpt from Dinesh D'Souza's, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, Regnery Publishing, July 18, 2016.
  240. Finkelman, Paul (2006). Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties. 
  241. Chafetz, Joshua Aaron (2007). Democracy's Privileged Few. 
  242. 243.0 243.1 Klarman, Michael J. (2004). From Jim Crow to Civil Rights. 
  243. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQQ0AjqzFxQ
  244. %20The%20antisemitism%20evoked%20by&f=false Antisemitism in America, Leonard Dinnerstein, Oxford University Press, Nov 2, 1995, p. 50.
  245. https://twitter.com/jdickerson/status/788461796772446208
  246. https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_org_populist.html
  247. https://books.google.com/books?id=XpCgCNZwpvoC
  248. Refuting Bryan's charges, historians have discovered there was little coercion of workers.
  249. https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_org_democratic.html
  250. MJ Movie Reviews – Birth of a Nation, The (1915) by Dan DeVore Template:Webarchive
  251. Armstrong, Eric M. (February 26, 2010). Revered and Reviled: D.W. Griffith's 'The Birth of a Nation'. The Moving Arts Film Journal. Archived from the original on 2019-01-31.
  252. Stokes 2007, p. 111
  253. Franklin, John Hope "The Birth of a Nation: Propaganda as History" pages 417–434 from The Massachusetts Review Volume 20, No. 3, Autumn 1979 page 421.
  254. 255.0 255.1 Franklin, John Hope "The Birth of a Nation: Propaganda as History" pages 417–434 from The Massachusetts Review Volume 20, No. 3, Autumn 1979 page 430.
  255. Yellin, Eric S. (2013). Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America Template:Webarchive. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina. p. 127. ISBN 9781469607207
  256. American Nightmare: The History of Jim Crow, Jerrold M. Packard, St. Martin's Press, 2003, pp. 124-125
  257. Democratic "Klanbake" Convention
  258. Lay, Shawn. Ku Klux Klan in the Twentieth Century. Coker College.
  259. The New Deal as raw deal for blacks in segregated communities, Charles Lane, Washington Post, May 25, 2017.
  260. John Flynn, The Roosevelt Myth, 1948, p. 179.
  261. https://www.americanheritage.com/content/what-trent-meant
  262. https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-kennedys-answer-to-the-jewish-question-ship-them-to-africa?ref=home?ref=home
  263. https://history.house.gov/People/Listing/D/DE-PRIEST,-Oscar-Stanton-(D000263)/
  264. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/12/07/is-it-time-for-progressives-to-stop-venerating-fdr/?utm_term=.2b894a27cc04
  265. https://www.naacp.org/naacp-history-costigan-wagner-act/
  266. Eleanor Roosevelt Part 16 of 37 - FBI — The Vault, p. 46
  267. The Progressive Republican states of Wisconsin and Minnesota had integrated camps.
  268. Just the way society was.” Segregation in the CCC, December 28, 2014.
  269. FBI Headquarters File 100-63, Louis Francis Budenz, Internal Security—C, Serial 122.
  270. Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations (McCarthy Hearings 1953-54).
  271. FBI Silvermaster file Vol. 15, pg. 4 pdf.
  272. Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy, Appendix A 6. The Experience of The Bomb; the report also included, "At this distance it is difficult to conceive the intensity of Communist conviction in the 1930s....Looking back, however, we see more clearly the dilemma ... By 1950... the United States Government possessed information which the American public desperately needed to know: proof that there had been a serious attack on American security by the Soviet Union, with considerable assistance from what was, indeed, an “enemy within.” The fact that we knew this was now known to, or sufficiently surmised by, the Soviet authorities. Only the American public was denied this information. Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy, Appendix A 7. The Cold War
  273. Hayden B. Peake
  274. The Venona Progeny, Hayen B. Peake, Naval War College Review, Summer 2000, Vol. LIII, No. 3.
  276. Venona 1699 New York to Moscow, December 2, 1944.
  277. VENONA: Soviet Espionage and the American Response, 1939-1957, Robert Louis Benson and Michael Warner, eds., (Wasghington, D.C.: National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1996) [3]; The Baltimore Sun (Laura Sullivan, "SPY'S ROLE LINKED TO US FAILURE ON KOREA," 6/29/00) reported that a report newly declassified by the US National Security Agency (NSA) shows that William Weisband alerted the Soviets to extensive US eavesdropping in 1948, resulting in a complete blackout of information from the communist bloc for more than two years. This crippled the NSA's intelligence gathering efforts in the late 1940s and begins to explain why the US was caught unprepared for the DPRK's 1950 invasion of the ROK. NSA historian David A. Hatch, who authored the report, said, "This report answers several significant questions. Up until now, there has been a great lack of knowledge surrounding some of these events ... and this should help sharpen [the public's] understanding." [Ed. note: This article was included in the US Department of Defense's Early Bird news service for June 29, 2000.] [4]
  278. A June 1945 Venona project decryption of Soviet KGB wartime cables from the Washington D.C. KGB Office to Moscow's Eighth Department, the political intelligence wing, relayed information on matters regarding Attorney General Francis Biddle. KGB agent Charles Kramer, who served on the staff of several U.S. Senate Subcommittees, and Barrows are the sources of the information. Venona 3706 KGB Washington to Moscow, 29 June 1945. Mary Van Kleek who headed the Russell Sage Foundation and also served on the Board of the National Council, visited Washington weekly to meet with Barrows and Nathan Gregory Silvermaster. During World War II Barrows was the Executive Secretary of the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship. This organization was declared in 1953 to be a Communist front organization by the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB). In its Findings of Fact, the SACB said the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, "advances positions...markedly pro-Soviet and...anti-United States Government...is a Communist-action organization which has as its primary purpose to advance the objectives of the world Communist movement under the hegemony of the Soviet Union; it has the policy to support and defend the Soviet Union under any and all circumstances...We conclude that the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc., is substantially directed, dominated, and controlled by the Communist Party of the United States...and is primarily operated for the purpose of giving aid and support to...the Soviet Union, a Communist foreign government." Reports of the Subversive Activities Control Board. Washington. United States Government Printing Office. 1966. Vol. 1, p. 501.
  279. Hearings, House Select Committee To Investigate Certain Statements of Dr. William Wirt, 73rd Congress, 2nd Session, April 10 and 17, 1934.
  280. Dr Wirt faces the cameras and tells all, Literary Digest v. 117 (April 21, 1934) p. 7.
  281. FBI Silvermaster file Volume 53 June 1946, p. 78 pdf.
  282. Leuchtenburg (1963) 281-3; Irving Howe, Lewis A. Coser, and Julius Jacobson, The American Communist Party: a critical history, 1919-1957 (1957); James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism (2002).
  283. FBI Verona Files
  284. Yalta Betrayal, Wittmer, 1953, pg. 58. Retrieved from GELO.com of Czechoslovakia 05/08/07.
  285. Paul Johnson, The Survival of the Adversary Culture (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1988) ISBN 1560005548, p. 180
  286. Islands of Slavery,, Time magazine, June 24, 1974.
  287. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/10/31/jordan_peterson_reads_foreward_to_the_gulag_archipelago_50th_anniversary.html
  288. Monument to murder, By Cal Thomas, Washington Times, June 13, 2007.
  289. Unlike the landlords of sharecroppers, these former American civil servants turned Chinese Communist civil servants simply outlawed "landlordism," and exterminated the landlords, saving the state treasury billions in agricultural subsidies.
  290. Historian Frank Dikötter asserts that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history". Dikötter, Frank (2010). pp. x, xi. ISBN 0-8027-7768-6
  291. La Chine creuse ses trous de mémoire (fr).
  292. http://www.hawaiifreepress.com/main/AboutHFP/tabid/64/Default.aspx
  293. http://www.aim.org/aim-column/the-frank-marshall-davis-network-in-hawaii/
  294. http://hawaii.gov/statehood/history
  295. The Education and Research Institute, Washington, DC.
  296. Herbert Romerstein, The Literature of Intelligence: A Bibliography of Materials, with Essays, Reviews, and Comments, J. Ransom Clark Emeritus, Muskingum University, New Concord, Ohio. Published in 2007: J. Ransom Clark, Intelligence and National Security: A Reference Handbook (Westport, CT: Praeger Security International Reference, 2007. [5])
  297. The Stealth Candidate, Edited Transcript May 22, 2008, Briefing on Barack Obama's Communist Connections Featuring Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein. Accuracy in Media.
  298. Mao and Ariyoshi were Soviet operatives prior to the death of Stalin and the Sino-Soviet split.
  299. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-tragedy-of-s-s-st-louis
  300. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/internment-of-germans.html
  301. http://new.wymaninstitute.org/2013/08/a-presidents-private-thoughts-about-jews/
  302. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_9066
  303. Ronald Reagan in Hollywood: Movies and Politics
  304. John F. Kennedy's Southern Strategy, 1956-1960, Guy Paul Land, The North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 56, No. 1 (January, 1979), pp. 41-63.
  305. Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero, Chris Matthews, Simon and Schuster, Nov 6, 2012, p. 309.
  306. https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1951-2000/The-Civil-Rights-Act-of-1957/
  307. Caro, Robert, Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Chapter 39
  308. HR 6127. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1957. PASSED. YEA SUPPORTS PRESIDENT'S POSITION. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/85-1957/h42
  309. HR. 6127. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1957. PASSED. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/85-1957/s75
  310. https://brewminate.com/andrew-johnson-impeachment-and-reconstruction/
  311. Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957. As quoted in Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream (1977), by Doris Kearns Goodwin, New York: New American Library, p. 155.
  312. https://www.nationalreview.com/2012/05/party-civil-rights-kevin-d-williamson/
  313. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4617681/toilet-time-lbj
  314. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism
  315. Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan as quoted in Inside the White House (1996), by Ronald Kessler, New York: Simon and Schuster, p. 33.
  316. Sen. Theodore Bilbo, whom Byrd swore his Klan oath to, said in 1949 on Meet the Press, "Once a Ku Klux, always a Ku Klux."
  317. Civil Rights Filibuster Ended. Art & History Historical Minutes. United States Senate.
  318. https://slate.com/culture/2002/05/lbj-s-alleged-compassion.html
  319. "Chicago 1969: Assumed to be natural enemies, these groups united in their calls for economic justice." When Black Panthers aligned with Confederate-flag-wielding, working-class whites, Colette Gaiter, The Conversation, January 8, 2017.
  320. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7YmjWW9tx4
  321. https://youtu.be/ol7OMGBDMao
  322. https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-did-democratic-south-become-republican
  323. https://cis.org/Report/Injustice-All-Excerpt-Sellout-Inside-Story-President-Clintons-Impeachment
  324. Freedom Ballot in MS ~ Civil Rights Movement Veterans
  325. The Mississippi Movement & the MFDP ~ Civil Rights Movement Veterans
  326. Branch, Taylor (1998). Pillar of Fire. Simon & Schuster. 
  327. Carmichael, Stokely, and Charles V. Hamilton. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation, (New York: Random House, 1967), p. 90.
  328. https://www.minnpost.com/eric-black-ink/2011/05/sad-story-humphreys-role-1964-democratic-convention/
  329. Mills, Kay, This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer, (New York: Plume, 1994), p. 5.
  330. Everything you need to know about the war on poverty. Washington Post (January 8, 2014). “"Many historians, such as Harrington biographer Maurice Isserman, credit Harrington and the book [The Other America] (which John F. Kennedy purportedly read while in office, along with the MacDonald review) with spurring Kennedy and then Johnson to formulate an anti-poverty agenda"”
  331. Newsletter of the Democratic Left, October 1973, page 3
  332. Democratic Left, Sep. 1975, page 2
  333. Kurtz, Stanley (2010). Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. Simon and Schuster, 31. 
  334. Horowitz, David (2006). The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party. Simon and Schuster, 85. 
  335. https://www.nytimes.com/1983/11/20/us/breakup-of-black-family-imperils-gains-of-decades.html
  336. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/262726/how-liberal-welfare-state-destroyed-black-america-john-perazzo
  337. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/25/us/education-the-mainstreaming-of-marxism-in-us-colleges.html
  338. https://library.cqpress.com/cqalmanac/document.php?id=cqal67-1313423
  339. n21 U.S. Bureau of Census, Current Population Records, Series P60-185 (Washington, D.C. General Printing Office 1993) p.ix. (p. 13-14)
  340. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1978/06/25/out-of-wedlock-black-children-draw-a-community-together/7c431555-27fa-483a-acdb-0ee09ea4acbe/
  341. Ribicoff vs Daley at the Democratic Convention 1968 youtube.com
  342. Did Daley rob Nixon of the Presidency in 1960?
  343. See U.S. Supreme Court Cousins v. Wigoda, 419 U.S. 477 (1975)
  344. All Politics, CNN Time, Facts. Sources: ‘’The National Journal’’, August 23, 1980; ‘’Congressional Quarterly's Guide to U.S. Elections’’; also quoted in ‘’Democratic party convention rule changes’’, academic.regis.edu , below.
  345. See for example Kansas rules. Voting Rules for Primary Elections. www.sos.ks.gov
  346. [6]
  347. An Interpretation of the 1972 Presidential Election Landslide, by CRAIG W. COOPER, 1975.
  348. https://soundcloud.com/user-391839060/npr-1975-interview-with-sen-joe-biden
  349. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/how-san-franciscos-democrats-made-jim-jones-and-then-made-his-memory-vanish
  350. 351.0 351.1 Lindsay, Robert. "How Rev. Jim Jones Gained His Power Over Followers." New York Times. 26 November 1978.
  351. Taylor, Michael, "Jones Captivated S.F.'s Liberal Elite", San Francisco Chronicle, November 12, 1998
  352. Reiterman, Tim and John Jacobs. Raven (book)|Raven: The Untold Story of Rev. Jim Jones and His People. Dutton, 1982. ISBN|0-525-24136-1. p. 270.
  353. Kinsolving, Kathleen and Tom. "Madman in Our Midst: Jim Jones and the California Cover Up." 1998.
  354. Crewdson, John, "Followers Say Jim Jones Directed Voting Frauds", New York Times, December 16, 1978
  355. Reiterman, Tim, and John Jacobs. Raven (book)|Raven: The Untold Story of Rev. Jim Jones and His People. Dutton, 1982. ISBN|978-0-525-24136-2. page 266.
  356. http://www.brasscheck.com/jonestown/
  357. Los Angeles Herald Examiner, "The Political Pull of Jim Jones", November 21, 1978
  358. Richardson, James, Willie Brown A Biography, University of California Press, 1996, p. 250 Template:Webarchive
  359. Taylor, Michael, "Jones Captivated S.F.'s Liberal Elite", San Francisco Chronicle, November 12, 1998.
  360. Jones, Jim. "Transcript of Recovered FBI tape Q 1023." Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University. Archived copy. Archived from the original on 2019-01-30. The concept often loosely mixed tenets of socialism. The Temple openly preached to established members that "religion is an opiate to the people." (Jones, Jim. "Transcript of Recovered FBI tape Q 1053." Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.) Accordingly, "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenmentTemplate:Spaced ndashsocialism." (Layton 1999, page 53). In that regard, Jones also openly stated that he "took the church and used the church to bring people to atheism." (Jones, Jim. "Transcript of Recovered FBI tape Q 757." Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University). Jones often mixed those concepts, such as preaching that "If you're born in this church, this socialist revolution, you're not born in sin. If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born with a big d***o in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."(Jones, Jim. "Transcript of Recovered FBI tape Q 1053." Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.) Archived copy. Archived from the original on 2019-01-30.
  361. When Deputy Minister Ptolemy Reid traveled to Washington, D.C. in September 1977 to sign the Panama Canal Treaties, Mondale asked him, "How's Jim?", which indicated to Reid that Mondale had a personal interest in Jones' well being, p. 173.
    Moore, Rebecca. American as Cherry Pie Template:Webarchive, Jonestown Institute, San Diego State University
  362. Layton, Deborah. Seductive Poison. Anchor, 1999. ISBN|978-0-385-48984-. p. 53.
  363. Reiterman, Tim, and John Jacobs. Raven (book)|Raven: The Untold Story of Rev. Jim Jones and His People. Dutton, 1982. ISBN|978-0-525-24136-2. page 305.
  364. LA Times November 21, 1978
  365. "First Lady Among Cult's References" "First Lady Among Cult's References; Mondale and Califano also listed", Los Angeles Times, November 21, 1978. 
  366. Mehren, Elizabeth, "Politicians Defend Associations With Jones", Oakland Tribune, November 21, 1978
  367. Tim Carter. There was no choice in Jonestown that day... Template:Webarchive Oregon Public Broadcasting Radio interview. 9 April 2007. Archived copy. Archived from the original on 2019-01-30.
  368. Layton 1998, p. 103
  369. Pear, Richard. "State Explains Response to Cult Letters." Washington Star News. November 26, 1978.
  370. Wessinger, Catherine. How the Millennium Comes Violently: From Jonestown to Heaven's Gate. 2000. ISBN|978-1-889119-24-3.
  371. Milk, Harvey Letter Addressed to President Jimmy Carter, Dated February 19, 1978 Template:Webarchive
  372. Peoples Temple, Victims of Conspiracy Brochure, Jonestown Alternative Considerations, San Diego State University Archived copy. Archived from the original on January 24, 2011. Retrieved on 2019-01-31.
  373. Jones, Jim. "Transcript of Recovered FBI tape Q 352." Template:Webarchive Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.
  374. Statement of Angela Davis (Text). Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple.
  375. "Letter to Feodor Timofeyev." Template:Webarchive Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.
  376. "Letter from Annie McGowan." Template:Webarchive Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.
  377. "Another Letter from Annie McGowan." Template:Webarchive Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple. Jonestown Project: San Diego State University.
  378. Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), Iraqi Retreats, 1982-84, Globalsecruity.org, retrieved 20 March 2007.
  379. Ahmadinejad's Demons: A Child of the Revolution Takes Over, Matthias Küntzel, The New Republic, 24 April 2006 .
  381. https://www.ocregister.com/2012/05/09/walter-williams-most-racists-were-democrats/
  383. Kennedy collusion with the KGB.
  384. Jamie Glazov; Ted Kennedy and the KGB FrontPageMagazine.com (Thursday, May 15, 2008)
  385. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/5-times-democrats-undermined-republican-presidents-with-foreign-governments
  386. http://www.rationaloptimist.com/blog/nuclear-winter/
  387. https://2012election.procon.org/sourcefiles/obama-article-sun-dial-columbia-breaking-war-mentality.pdf
  388. The legacy of the global Cold War economy can be seen in that the loosers of World War II - Germany and Japan - as of 2019 remain the world's largest auto manufactures. Germany and Japan were allowed to rebuild their economies around the automobile - provided the two refrained from competing in the global aircraft industry. World War II proved the military doctrine of the superiority of airpower - whoever controls the skies controls the ground. While Germany and Japan do produce aircraft, including military aircraft, it is strictly for their domestic markets and not for export. Germany and Japan certainly have the manufacturing and technical capabilities to compete with Boeing, AirBus, Northrup Grumman and others, but by previous trade agreements are prohibited. By contrast, the United States, UK, France, Italy and others have ceded much of their domestic auto markets to German and Japanese manufactures. The fraud of the global warming hoax can be seen in the disproportionate lack of pressure on Germany and Japan to cease auto exports, as has been applied throughout the rest of the West.
  389. https://youtu.be/rLMh3O-4aNA
  390. https://youtu.be/UiprVX4os2Y
  391. See the exit polls at U.S. PRESIDENT / REGION: SOUTH / EXIT POLL (2004-11-02\).
  392. Communists, the Democrat Party and Snopes
  393. Did The Communist Party USA Take Over Democratic Party in 1988?
  394. KGB Bezmenov 1985 - Four Steps to Subversion of a Nation, youtube.
  395. Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose", Project Veritas.
  396. http://www.blackcommentator.com/46/46_cover.html
  397. From Crisis to Working Majority, Stan Greenberg, The American Prospect 2, no. 7 (September 1991). Republished 24 May 2005
  398. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/1996/06/clinton-s-drug-war.html
  399. http://www.blackelectorate.com/articles.asp?ID=320
  400. https://www.thenation.com/article/hillary-clinton-does-not-deserve-black-peoples-votes/
  401. 402.0 402.1 http://www.prisonpolicy.org/research/incarceration_rates_growth_causes/
  402. http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/04/wright-obama-helped-organize-march-with.html
  403. https://web.archive.org/web/20100502040630/https://www1.chicagoreader.com/obama_reader/what_makes_obama_run/?q=012009K
  404. https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/06/democratic-party-racist-history-mona-charen/
  405. https://fair.org/home/senate-crime-bill-unscrutinized-by-the-press/
  406. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/22/us/politics/joe-bidens-role-in-90s-crime-law-could-haunt-any-presidential-bid.html
  407. http://articles.latimes.com/1989-09-06/news/mn-1646_1_drug-war
  408. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/first-step-act-skepticism.html
  409. https://www.c-span.org/video/?18528-1/violent-crime-control-act-1991
  410. The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America, Naomi Murakawa, Oxford University Press, Jul 10, 2014, p. 141.
  411. https://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/27/us/civil-libertarians-go-after-crime-bills.html
  412. The First Civil Right: How Liberals Built Prison America, Naomi Murakawa.
  413. Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote, Michelle Alexander, The Nation, February 10, 2016
  414. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/08/biden-crime-mass-incarceration-police-prisons
  415. https://shadowproof.com/2007/05/26/fred-phelps-on-baby-samuel-cheney/
  416. 1998 Kansas Primary Results. Compiled by Congressional Quarterly.
  417. State of Kansas Secretary of State Website
  418. The "God Hates Fags" Left, By Mark D. Tooley, FrontPageMagazine.com, February 09, 2006.
  419. Kansas anti-gay church embarrasses Topekans, November 7, 2002. Retrieved from ReligionNewsBlog.com, October 11, 2007.
  420. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8194338250744686470#
  421. http://www.blackcommentator.com/46/46_cover.html
  422. Harry G. Levinem "Ralph Nader, Suicide Bomber." The Village Voice May 3, 2004 at [7]
  423. http://theduran.com/wikileaks-drops-syria-bomb-email-to-hillary-clinton-assures-her-aq-al-qaeda-is-on-our-side-in-syria/
  424. Longtime CPUSA operative Rep. Barbara Lee of Texas
  425. See Andrew Weissmann.
  426. https://news.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-americans-support-war-against-iraq.aspx
  427. https://web.archive.org/web/20100811115415/http://www.noiraqwar-chicago.org/?page_id=2
  428. https://www.mrctv.org/blog/new-report-shows-nancy-pelosis-district-seat-piled-high-dirty-needles-and-human-feces
  429. https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2006/10/07/family-dynasty-may-boost-pelosi-to-head-of-house-2/amp/
  430. https://qz.com/393128/white-flight-decimated-baltimore-businesses-long-before-rioters-showed-up/amp/
  431. Nearly 1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War, FOX News Poll, October 04, 2007.
  432. "Democrats, ACLU Outraged Over Traveler Terrorism Screening Program" C. Johnson, Associated Press
  433. CNN Saturday Morning News Transcript: December 1, 2001
  434. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/06/26/whitewashing_the_democratic_partys_history_127132.html
  435. Kassam, Raheem (July 25, 2016). Old Glory’s Old News To The New Democrats As The Palestinian Flag Flies At The DNC. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  436. Prestigiacomo, Amanda (July 26, 2016). So, Uh, Guess How Many American Flags Were at The DNC. The Daily Wire. Retrieved May 31, 2018.
  437. Although there are still some very substantial differences between communists and Democrats/liberals, the line between communists/Democrats/liberals continues to blur in the United States.
  438. Ironically, the leading communist country in the world, communist China, has moved farther away from communism and now has a mixed economy of capitalism and state-owned enterprises.
    [China's The Most Viciously Free Market Economy On The Planet Right Now], Forbes, 2015
  439. Evan Thomas and Staff of Newsweek,Election 2004: How Bush Won and What You Can Expect in the Future(2005)
  440. See Jerome Corsi.
  441. Dewan Shaila and Anne E. Kornblut, "In Key House Races, Democrats Run to the Right," New York Times, 2006-10-30; but compare Rick Perlstein, "Who deserves credit for the Democratic comeback?" The New Republic 2006-11-08 at [8]
  442. CNN, "Corruption named as key issue by voters in exit polls," 2006-11-08 at [9]
  443. Democrats divided on lobbying reform, Josephine Hearn and Jeff Patch, May 15, 2007. Retrieved from Politico 06/01/07.
  444. Alexander Bolton, Dems press Pelosi for ethics panel, The Hill, April 19, 2007.
  445. The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same, ABC News, April 25, 2007.
  446. The Nation of Islam, Anti-Defamation League.
  447. https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/committees-of-correspondence-for-democracy-and-socialism-ccds/
  448. Multistate.com Post-Election 2006 Maps
  449. Hillary Clinton in Black History, youtube.
  450. Employment Situation Summary. Bureau of Labor Statistics (August 1, 2014).
  451. Executive Order 13532 -- Historically Black Colleges and Universities (February 26, 2010).
  452. Higher Education.
  453. Chesser, S.G. (2012, July 12). Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians - CRS Report for Congress. Pg. 3. Congressional Research Service'.
  454. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EULOYZ-mAG0
  455. Obama Debate Coach Named Mao as Favorite Political Philosopher by Ben Shapiro, Breitbart News, 2012
  456. Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist, New York Post by Paul Sperry, New York Post,January 16, 2016
  457. IS BERNIE SANDERS A COMMUNIST? by Joseph Farah, WND, 2016
  458. History Lesson: Bernie Sanders is no 'Communist,' and 'Democratic Socialists' are as American as Apple Pie, Huffington Post, 2012
  459. Don’t be fooled by Bernie Sanders — he’s a diehard communist, New York Post by Paul Sperry, New York Post, January 16, 2016
  460. Trump wins presidency, defeats Clinton in historic election upset. Fox News. November 8, 2016. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  461. Bresnahan, John (November 9, 2016). Republicans hold the Senate in a stunner. Politico. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  462. Hughes, Siobhan (November 9, 2016). Democrats Gain Seats in House, But GOP Retains Majority. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  463. Lieb, David A. (November 9, 2016). Republicans governorships rise to highest mark since 1922. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  464. Bosman, Julie & Davey, Monica (November 11, 2016). Republicans Expand Control in a Deeply Divided Nation. The New York Times. Retrieved November 14, 2016.
  465. Greenblatt, Alan (November 9, 2016). Republicans Add to Their Dominance of State Legislatures. Governing. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  466. Siegel, Josh (November 9, 2016). Republicans Maintain Strong Control of State Capitols. Here’s What That Means. The Daily Signal. Retrieved November 9, 2016.
  467. Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama. Fox News. December 27, 2016. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
  468. Griffin, Andrew (November 9, 2016). Donald Trump won election because Democrats rigged system to have Clinton beat Bernie Sanders, says WikiLeaks. The Independent. Retrieved November 11, 2016.
  469. Hoft, Jim (October 18, 2016). Obama Lectures Trump on "Rigged" Elections — Forgets That Democrats Just Rigged Primary Against Bernie. The Gateway Pundit. Retrieved November 11, 2016.
  470. Demoro, Roseann (March 30, 2016). 10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start. Salon. Retrieved November 11, 2016.
  471. Elizabeth Warren agrees Democratic race 'rigged' for Clinton. BBC News. November 3, 2017. Retrieved November 4, 2017.
  472. Shaw, Adam (March 17, 2017). Brazile admits she forwarded town hall questions to Clinton camp. Fox News. Retrieved March 17, 2017.
  473. Ernst, Douglas (March 17, 2017). Donna Brazile admits leaking debate questions to Clinton camp: ‘A mistake I will forever regret’. The Washington Times. Retrieved March 17, 2017.
  474. Scarry, Eddie (March 17, 2017). Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign. Washington Examiner. Retrieved March 17, 2017.
  475. Hudson, Jerome (March 18, 2017). Donna Brazile Admits to Sharing Debate Questions With Clinton Camp, Blames Russia. Breitbart News. Retrieved March 18, 2017.
  476. Boyer, Dave (November 2, 2017). Brazile says she found DNC deep in debt from Obama, controlled by Clinton a year before nomination. The Washington Times. Retrieved November 3, 2017.
  477. Multiple references: The incident highlighted the growing divisions in the party: The mainstream media avoided these revelations: Brazile walked back from what she revealed soon after:
  478. https://youtu.be/Kp7FkLBRpKg
  479. http://truepundit.com/under-intense-pressure-to-silence-wikileaks-secretary-of-state-hillary-clinton-proposed-drone-strike-on-julian-assange/
  480. https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/790004642038050816/photo/1
  481. https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/04/19/comey-trump-cnn-news-hook/
  482. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/house-staffers-investigation-equipment-234586
  483. https://dailycaller.com/2017/02/04/exclusive-house-intelligence-it-staffers-fired-in-computer-security-probe/#ixzz4b5enE6c9
  484. https://observer.com/2017/02/imran-awan-democrat-debbie-wasserman-schultz-criminal-investigation/
  485. https://dailycaller.com/2017/03/09/suspect-in-house-it-security-probe-also-had-access-to-dnc-emails/n
  486. https://dailycaller.com/2017/02/20/exclusive-house-dem-it-guys-in-security-probe-secretly-took-100k-in-iraqi-money/
  487. https://dailycaller.com/2017/03/09/suspect-in-house-it-security-probe-also-had-access-to-dnc-emails/
  488. http://www.americanow.com/story/society/2017/02/06/muslim-spy-ring-linked-navy-seals-death
  489. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-01/house-democrats-delayed-dismissal-it-staff-hackers-because-they-were-muslim-american
  490. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/house-staff-criminal-investigation-234714
  491. https://dailycaller.com/2017/05/24/wasserman-schultz-threatened-police-chief-for-gathering-evidence-on-her-it-staffers-alleged-crimes/
  492. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/beranton-whisenant-jr-federal-prosecutor-found-dead-on-florida-beach/
  493. http://www.wptv.com/news/state/federal-prosecutor-beranton-j-whisenant-jr-found-dead-on-hollywood-florida-beach
  494. http://yournewswire.com/voter-fraud-investigator-murdered/
  495. https://steemit.com/chainbb-general/@stevescoins/additional-information-possibly-connected-to-the-whisenant-murder
  496. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article152629589.html
  497. History of the Democratic Donkey.

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